NY ICE Rally Against Administrative Amnesty (Today at 7 PM!)

November 20, 2014

This just in, courtesy of Joanna Marzullo, founder of NY ICE: 

As many of you know, Obama is planning on issuing an Executive amnesty later today.  This action is anticipated because the recent mid-term elections were not in his favor.  Obama is showing his hand, and showing he will exceed his rights as President when what he wants goes against the will of the American people he is supposed to represent.

The other side, of course, is rejoicing over this and plans to have a celebration while watching Obama’s announcement at SEIU’s Manhattan headquarters.
The details for our counter-demonstration can be found below.  I plan on being there, and hope many of you will as well!
WHAT:  NY ICE’s Counter Demonstration of Obama’s Planned Announcement of Executive Amnesty 
WHEN:  November 20, 2014 (Thursday) at 7:30pm
WHERE: SEIU at  25 West 18th Street (between 5th and 6th Avenues) in Manhattan
BRING:  Signs and Cameras

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