Support Senator Cruz

May 28, 2013

Official Portrait of Senator Ted Cruz. 113th Congress. 2013

One of the few bright spots in the recent immigration debate-such as it is- has been Senator Ted Cruz, of Texas. Unlike the spineless Republican leadership-which has been shepherding the Gang of Eight scheme through the Senate-he has resolutely stood against any attempt at legalizing the 10-20 million illegal aliens granted amnesty under the terms of this bill.

Tomorrow afternoon he’ll be traveling to New York City and will most likely be greeted by an antagonistic open borders mob. NY ICE, on the other hand, is planning to stage a show of support for one of the few members of the U.S. Senate worth more than a bucket of warm spit. You can find details explaining how to join them below.

Hi NY ICers,

The report-backs from today’s counter protest are trickling in, and I will post them on NY ICE’s website here when I get them all, but,  from the initial report-backs, it sounds like a handful of NY ICers made a very successful counter protest of the D.R.E.A.M. amnesty that shook things up!

NY ICE will be having another counter protest tommorow, which is Wednesday, May 29th.  Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who has been on our side, will be in NYC tomorrow, and the other side is planning on protesting his appearance.

Here are the details:

WHAT:  NY ICE Counter Protest of amnesty-Seekers who are protesting Senator Ted Cruz’s appearance in NYC

When: Tomorrow (Wednesday) May 29, 2013, at 5:30 PM

Where: Grand Hyatt Hotel, 109 East 42 St., between Lexington and Vanderbilt

As always, bring cameras and signs, which should be simple and bold-faced. Signs specific to supporting Senator Ted Cruz are encourage. For example, “Thank you, Ted Cruz, for defending U.S. Sovereignty. 

Contact: Joanna Marzullo at progressrose@yahoo to let her know you are coming. 

P.S. Those of you living or working in the D.C./Metro Area might be interested in listening to a genuinely bipartisan discussion of immigration reform, which is slated to take place tomorrow morning at the Bipartisan Policy Center. You can find details about how to attend on their website. 


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3 Responses to Support Senator Cruz

  1. Barry van Brunt on May 28, 2013 at 6:35 PM

    There are 100,000 American supporters of secure borders and the rule of law for every single big-mouthed grifter in the streets. Keep up the great work – the fate of the country hangs on the acts and words of a pitiful few who ‘get it’, and Senator Cruz, you get it.

    • James Hamilton on June 17, 2013 at 5:51 AM

      I love my country, but this is no longer the country I have grown to love, it has fallen apart, the constitution is being destroyed along with all our rights, this is quickly becoming no longer a free country, why are we letting this happen, it’s time for us to band together and rise up to stop this from going any further or it will be to late, we must fight as others did before us to give us the freedoms we take for granted, we can’t let them slip away, now is the time to speak with one voice to make sure our rights and freedoms stay ours and let them know ENOUGH is ENOUGH we will not take this any longer, the time has come to stand together, God bless America and God bless us all

  2. G. Perry on May 28, 2013 at 6:42 PM

    Thank you, Barry.

    We at American Rattlesnake wholeheartedly agree with those sentiments.

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