Stand With Arizona

As always, American Rattlesnake stands with Sheriff Joe, Governor Jan Brewer, and the good people of Arizona.

Even as Janet Napolitano’s flunkies and the Obama administration continue their war against Arizona, the vast majority of ordinary Americans, and rank and file ICE agents, stand for law and order and against an illegal invasion aided and abetted by elected and unelected officials in Washington D.C. We stand with them as well.
Tags: 287 (g), Arizona Capitol Times, Arizona Republic, AZ Central, David Schweikert, DHS, Fox News Channel, ICE, Jan Brewer, Janet Napolitano, Joe Arpaio, Katie Pavlich, Maricopa County, Neil Cavuto, News and Analysis, Paul Gosar, SB 1070, Stand with Arizona, Supreme Court, Tipsheet, town hall,, U.S. v. Arizona
This entry was posted on June 28, 2012 at 2:26 AM and is filed under News and Analysis. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
Our Supreme court is a joke, it seems to show that lawlessness is becoming pervasive in all three branches of government. None of them respect the rule of law, citizenship, or the sovereignty of the United States.
…and we thank you for it, Gerry.
-John Hill
Stand With Arizona