American-Rattlesnake » USCCB Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Sun, 25 Mar 2012 05:40:12 +0000 en hourly 1 Decision Points Tue, 03 Jan 2012 10:49:09 +0000 G. Perry

Months of strenuous campaigning, millions of dollars in political advertising, and countless days of retail politicking will culminate in just a few hours, when a select few will decide who will be awarded the first presidential delegates of the 2012 Republican race for President of the United States. Although not always an accurate gauge of who is ultimately nominated by the Republican Party-a fact pointed out rather inelegantly by Jon Huntsman-the Iowa caucuses do have a significant impact upon the results of future contests, particularly the New Hampshire primary.

That’s why it’s important that we scrutinize the words and deeds-and in some cases, rather extensive voting records-of those who seek the GOP nod to face President Obama this November. Specifically, from the perspective of the immigration enforcement and reform  movement. There are a number of recent polls, from Insider Advantage to Rasmussen Reports, which all show more or less the same dynamics at play. Namely, a battle for the top spot between Mitt Romney and Ron Paul, a surging Rick Santorum, a rejuvenated Rick Perry campaign, and a large percentage of undecided voters who’ve yet to make up their minds. While Fox News has provided a helpful primer on the state of play in Iowa on the eve of the caucuses, it’s important that we take some time to ponder the implications of today’s vote, vis-a-vis sensible immigration policy. 

We start with a candidate  American Rattlesnake has neglected to cover this primary season, mostly because his support among Republican voters amounted to a rounding error, notwithstanding some noteworthy endorsements by conservative political organizations and evangelical Christian activists. However, times have changed for Rick Santorum, who now finds himself third among Republican presidential candidates in most Iowa polls. This rise allows us to examine Santorum’s record on immigration and border security issues, which is a mixed bag, at best. While his overall record is absolutely atrocious, if we’re going to judge him by his Numbers USA scorecard-which is as good a barometer of fitness as any in this regard-then the former senator from Pennsylvania is near the bottom of the pack in terms of potential GOP nominees. Roy Beck gives a harsh, but fair, analysis of Santorum in an overview for Numbers USA that I suggest you all read. 

His record in the U.S. Senate and Congress was respectable, as Beck readily acknowledges, and got significantly better the longer he served-he was a strong “no” vote against the DREAM Act during the lame duck session of Congress convened by Senator Harry Reid. What’s more, he has tried to woo us during this primary-going so far as to condemn the sanctimonious scroungers at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops who have turned societal pardon of illegal aliens into an official sacrament. That said, his record on E-Verify, probably the most effective immigration enforcement tool we currently have at our disposal-and a perfect wedge issue, as Mickey Kaus points out-has been positively abysmal, with his past votes and statements regarding legal immigration being a greater disappointment, although not an anomaly in this field, regretfully. 

Santorum’s presidential candidacy reflects the essential dichotomy of the Republican field’s relationship to the subject of immigration. While almost every one of the candidates abjures the term “amnesty,” sometimes comically so, and is in a sense an improvement upon the the Republican Party’s previous presidential nominees, and certainly the previous occupant of the White House, almost all of them have serious limitations and flaws with respect to national identity, sovereignty, and the impediments to progress that our current policy of unfettered, mass immigration represents. The reflexive paeans both Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney heap upon the disastrous H1-B visa program is but one example of the weakness of the top tier of Republican presidential candidates. Even Ron Paul, who has made admirable strides to highlight pivotal issues such as the insanity of extending birthright citizenship to the children of illegals and subsidizing those in this country who are trespassing, has regressed during this campaign

Ironically, the wholly antagonistic nature of the Obama administration, which has effectively declared war on large swathes of the American population, presumably comprising  a portion of the electorate he can safely discard, has actually served to enhance the profile of a crop of candidates that has a conspicuously dovish position on the subject of immigration. For even the disingenuousness of a Rick Perry or harebrained, semantic sophistry by a Newt Gingrich doesn’t approach the unremitting hostility this administration has displayed towards enforcing immigration law. From executive edicts that flagrantly defy the law, to implicit sanction given to localities that flout federal directives on immigration enforcement, to politically-driven witch hunts undertaken against those who have the temerity to enforce the law, President Obama has been an unmitigated disaster for  American citizens who don’t profit personally from the illegal alien industry

So in that sense, any Republican candidate-now that open borders libertarian Gary Johnson has officially abandoned the GOP-would be better than the current resident of the Oval Office. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that every Republican candidate would promote good immigration policy once elected to the presidency. Particularly disappointing has been the flagging campaign of Michele Bachmann, who at one point seemed poised not only to become a prime challenger to Mitt Romney, but also to put the issue of illegal immigration at the forefront of this presidential election. Unfortunately, like the presidential campaign of intrepid congressman Tom Tancredo, Bachmann’s candidacy does not look like it will garner much traction beyond the Iowa caucuses. The fact that Sarah Palin has consigned her to the realm of the Huntsmans of this race certainly does not bode well for her candidacy. 

However, that doesn’t mean that the attention she -and even the abortive campaign launched by Herman Cain-gave to the subject of our misguided immigration policy-and the intentional recklessness of this administration in disregarding its duty to protect and defend our borders-did not have an impact on the dimensions of the Republican race. Nor does it mean that this issue will be forgotten any time soon, as the Supreme Court hearing regarding the appeal of an injunction against SB 1070 during the height of the 2012 presidential race ensures. Our porous borders and the devastating consequences of illegal immigration during a prolonged recession will be election issues, regardless of the attractiveness of the eventual GOP nominee. It is our job, as citizens and activists, to push whoever that candidate is in the right direction, and to demand that he make the contrast with President Obama on these issues explicitly clear. Our country can’t afford a return to the days of Obama v. McCain, or Bush v. Kerry…and neither can we. 




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The Daily Rattle-Immigration News Summary For December 17, 2011 Sat, 17 Dec 2011 06:34:28 +0000 G. Perry Today’s roundup contains a heavy dose of news about Eric Holder and the Justice Department’s malfeasance, vis-a-vis their gunwalking scandals, as well as an update on the case of embattled political prisoner Agent Jesus Diaz. However, we start with a mind-boggling story about the lengths Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, a.k.a. Tony Villar, will go to in order to placate the illegal aliens that increasingly dictate municipal policy. 

In defiance of a state law, Villaraigosa has ordered the Los Angeles Police Department to cease impounding the cars of unlicensed-read illegal-drivers for up to thirty days. According to Chief Charlie Beck, this imposes an “unfair burden” upon the city’s illegal, unlicensed community. It’s good to know that L.A.’s elected officials are so concerned over the welfare of criminals in this country illegally, although I wish they would be as sympathetic to the plight of those killed by their callousness and indifference to American lives.

In a story that’s been covered extensively on this website, the nexus between Mexican narco-cartels and Iranian-backed, Islamic terror networks is once again demonstrated, this time through a story published by Pro Publica, which examines the link between the Lebanese banking system, cocaine users in the United States, and a powerful Mexican drug cartel. The story is worth reading in full, if only because it illustrates the growing global interdependency of American criminals, Mexican narco traffickers and Middle Eastern terrorists.

In gunwalking news, there has been a raft of new information released recently that further implicates the Justice Department in deception, obstruction, and retribution. In adition to using their own twisted scheme-which has resulted in the death of agents Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata and hundreds of Mexicans-to press for more laws attacking the Second Amendment rights of American citizens, it’s now been revealed that the Department of Justice sought to audit the e-mails of one of the journalists who first broke the Gunwalker scandal earlier this year. This comes even as FBI Director Robert Mueller publicly denies the existence of an agency coverup related to the investigation into the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. However, administration denials are not satisfying everyone, illustrated by the call for Eric Holder’s resignation by Arizona congressman Paul Gosar. In order to tell your congressman to support Rep. Gosar’s no-confidence motion in Attorney General Holder, visit Stand with Arizona’s website. Coming on the heels of yet another gunwalking plot uncovered in Houston, it’s the only sensible thing to do.

Demonstrating that, contrary to popular belief, not everyone coming across our border is a hardworking Mexican seeking to do jobs that Americans won’t, police officers cracked a human smuggling ring in the Rio Grande Valley that was bringing Sri Lankans into this country in the trunks of cars. Remember, OTMs account for over nine percent of the apprehensions in this country, which means over 40,000 individuals, many of whom come from decidedly unfriendly locales.

In an update to a story that’s been covered extensively on this site, we’ve now learned-courtesy of Andy Ramirez and the Law Enforcement Officers Advocates Council-that imprisoned border patrol agent Jesus E. ‘Chito’ Diaz  Jr.  will not be able to return home or associate with any law enforcement officials-including his wife-because they are armed. Read about the mind-boggling decision by the U.S. Bureau of Prisons for yourself at WorldNetDaily. The outrageousness of this decision is compounded by newly disclosed information which demonstrates that the judge involved the prosecution of Agent Diaz forbade the release of exculpatory evidence by his defense attorneys. Like Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos, it looks like the prosecution of Agent Diaz was indeed a politically inspired vendetta against the brave men and women who try valiantly to secure this nation’s borders.

On the subject of politically motivated legal attacks, Tom Tancredo Radio has a great story about Rep. Steve King standing up for Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, in defiance of a corrupt Justice Department that seeks to deprive him of his ability to enforce the law.

Speaking of law enforcement, Fausta’s Blog has an interesting take on the recent drop in arrests at the Mexican-American border, some of which can be traced to the militarization of the border imposed by ultra-violent drug cartels like the Zetas. However, the no apprehension policy instituted by the Obama administration has certainly helped to boost the misleading numbers. In either case, these statistics should not be used as an excuse to embrace amnesty, although this is probably a forlorn hope.

In political news, New Haven Mayor John DeStefano has broached the idea that illegal aliens-a core part of the mayor’s constituency-be allowed to vote. Followers of American Rattlesnake will remember Mayor DeStefano as the originator of the Elm City Resident Card, yet another means of embedding illegal aliens into the fabric of American society while erasing the distinction between American citizens and those lawbreakers who increasingly form the backbone of the national Democratic Party. By way of contrast, current presidential candidate and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum has demonstrated his independence and courage by coming out in opposition to the American Catholic Church’s seditious stand on the issue of illegal immigration. Read the entire story on the Numbers USA blog.

Meanwhile the barbaric cultural and religious rites that are imported into our country daily-all the while going undocumented by our nation’s gatekeepers-is the subject of a great column by Ilana Mercer in WorldNetDaily. The owner of Barely a Blog debunks the misconception that East Indian H1-B visa-holders are merely industrious, high tech guest workers from the third world meant to improve the efficiency of data processing centers in the United States. Our nation’s lawmakers would do well to read the work of Ms. Mercer before passing bills that would expedite the aproval of green cards for these sorts of individuals.

In another sign of the times, the American Heritage Dictionary has knuckled under to the forces of political correctness  and decided to characterize the purely descriptive term “anchor baby” as a derogatory slur. If you want to tell these speech commissars what you think of the Orwellian Newspeak they’re trying to impose upon the American public, here’s your chance. Sound off to the people responsible for this campaign and tell them what you think of their manipulation of the English language.

On the lighter side of things, we’ll end today’s roundup by noting a campaign gaffe made by Mexico’s leading presidential candidate. Enrique Peña Nieto  isn’t the only politician to be caught flat-footed when asked which authors or books inspired him, even among current Mexican presidential contenders, but his faux pas has definitely been the most entertaining, as these entries on Tumblr and Twitter illustrate. Is Señor Nieto Mexico’s answer to Rick Perry? Only time will tell, but both will definitely keep us entertained for the foreseeable future.










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Politicizing Faith Fri, 22 Jul 2011 16:53:14 +0000 G. Perry

One of the most exasperating aspects of the  current immigration debate is the persistent use of cliches, which have come to replace logical, factual arguments. Probably the worst purveyor of myths about immigration policy is the Roman Catholic Church in the United States, whose bishops and priests have repeatedly demonized Americans-including much of the Catholic faithful-who want to reassert control over their country’s porous borders. In addition to being one of the most outspoken proponents of amnesty, the Church has also resorted to the most baseless, vituperative smears in order to castigate those who support reasonable immigration policy; the exemplar being the recently retired Archbishop of Los Angeles, Roger Mahony, who likened SB 1070 to something you would see in Nazi Germany.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that a Roman Catholic priest in the Bronx would help foreign nationals fighting deportation orders. However, as my friend informed me when I was sent the link to a New York Times profile of Father Vitagliano, this priest is now being accused of ignoring his responsibilities to clients seeking to remain in the United States permanently. The chaotic situation described in the aforementioned article will only be made worse if the policies advocated by the Roman Catholic Church, as well as other churches advocating various forms of amnesty, are implemented, which is why the recent statements by Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin are so disturbing. The concerted effort by churches throughout this country to foist amnesty upon the American public, in spite of their congregants’ strenuous opposition to this idea, raises the question of whether they are acting in a religious or political capacity. The tax-exempt status accorded to churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, and other bodies of religious worship is premised upon the notion that they are not partisan political advocates, which Senator Durbin, as well as individuals like Father Vitigliano, seem to believe they should be. 

The disconnect between what these religious organizations market themselves as and what they are actually doing in many instances needs to be highlighted, especially to those churchgoers who are ignorant of what their leaders are doing in their name. Otherwise, the manipulation of our government to serve the purposes of those who seek to exploit it will only continue, to the detriment of Americans. 

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Losing My Religion Fri, 15 Oct 2010 17:00:37 +0000 G. Perry

One of the biggest misconceptions in the debate over our nation’s immigration policy is the notion that in order to be a good Christian or a decent Jew you need to support a policy of open borders in perpetuity. Although the link between a partisan political agenda and belief in the scriptural teachings of a given religion might be hard to discern for most neutral observers, the vast majority of the religious establishment in this country has nevertheless made this connection a focal point of their vocations.

Whether it’s a United Methodist Church in Chicago sheltering the noxious illegal alien Elvira Arellano,  the Roman Catholic Church’s seemingly implacable quest to foist amnesty upon a resistant American public, despite its utterly discredited leadership, or the Progress by Pesach campaign launched by liberal rabbinical leaders in this country, there would appear to be unanimity among America’s clerical and rabbinical hierarchy on the topic of immigration. 

I broach this subject now because of a fascinating discussion I recently had on Facebook with Professor Carol M. Swain, the brilliant conservative immigration enforcement activist and political science professor from Vanderbilt University. She obliquely alluded to some comments made by Richard D. Land, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission-whose logo is reproduced above-with which she vehemently disagreed. I could only assume that these comments were related to Mr. Land’s vocal support for amnesty legislation. 

Although the discrepancy between the views of religious leaders and their congregants, re: immigration, has been empirically demonstrated by respected pollsters, there is still a tendency among the public to defer to men and women of the cloth when they begin to expound upon our obligation to the “pilgrim” or “refugee.” This is an egregious error in judgment, in my opinion.

Despite the fact that the Lutheran Church is now often associated with liberal causes-such as the sanctuary movement revived by open borders advocates masquerading as pastors-this reverend makes one of the more compelling, persuasive Christian arguments in opposition to the movement aiding illegal aliens living in this country. And as hard as it may be to conceive of, there are other voices that dissent from the current orthodoxy, as this essay by Mark Tooley, President of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, demonstrates.

The notion that Judaism or Christianity are synonymous with a specific immigration policy advocated by liberal political figures with religious facades is simply false. The more people expose the fallacies in this way of thinking the closer we’ll be to having a real examination of the problems that porous borders and weak interior immigration enforcement pose to our country. The leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops are on the wrong track, and they need to be told so by their flock. Unfettered immigration and indifference to criminal behavior are not Christian values, and no one should be deceived into believing they are.

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