The Spectator – American-Rattlesnake Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Wed, 18 Oct 2017 18:53:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 East is East Sun, 12 Mar 2017 18:10:14 +0000  

Although the Turkish riots in Rotterdam-and despite media portrayals of poor, victimized Muslims, that’s precisely what they were-were intended to help Recep Tayyip Erdoğan consolidate power within Turkey, they have had a corollary effect. Namely, serving as the best single advertisement for Geert Wilders becoming the next Prime Minister of The Netherlands. Can there be a greater indictment of the decades-long failed experiment in multiculturalism and Islamic immigration than what just occurred in Holland, which was witnessed by the entire world?

The fatuousness disguised as intellectualism peddled by frauds like Ian Buruma has turned a beacon of religious and political freedom into a place where ordinary Dutch men and women are menaced by violent Islamic mobs. Where a state-bankrolled “watchdog” says its permissible to send gay people death threats if you happen to be a Muslim. Where parliamentarians such as Geert Wilders himself are censured because they express disapproval of certain ethnic and religious groups. The notion that liberal, Enlightenment values can be reconciled with a retrograde, 7th century Arabian ideology is preposterous, and the only people who still believe in this fantasy are endangering the future of Europe.

Europeans did not resist Ottoman aggression for centuries merely to invite their enemies into their countries and submit to their whims. What happened in Rotterdam yesterday was not an aberration. It was a foretaste of what is to come.

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Sweden and Fake News Wed, 22 Feb 2017 05:26:48 +0000  

Statue of Charles XII of Sweden at Karl XII:s torg, Stockholm, Sweden. Photo by Tage Olsin  May 24, 2005

Rigidly defending the President’s precise formulations will always pose a problem for his supporters. I think even his staunchest backers will acknowledge that Donald Trump isn’t Churchillian in his eloquence. That said, nearly every time he is assailed by his pseudo-sophisticated, morally inverted critics in the culturally Marxist press, it turns out that he was correct.

The manufactured controversy surrounding his remarks about Sweden is simply the latest example of the media’s malicious lying and/or stupendous ignorance. No, President Trump wasn’t referring to a specific terrorist attack in Sweden, although there have been jihadist assaults in that nation, including suicide bombings, but rather to the degradation of that country-as well as others in Central and Northern Europe-occurring as a result of catastrophically wrongheaded immigration policies.

What happened last night, as well as many nights before in immigrant-heavy, Islam-friendly towns and cities in that country, is chaos. Rampant sex crime, tribal warfare, widespread rioting-some of which targets members of the liberal press which is so enamored of non-Swedes-and general lawlessness. In spite of the Swedish government’s refusal to acknowledge reality, censorship of hate facts, and systemic coverup of migrant rape of Swedes, the non-brainwashed know what is happening in Europe.

Despite forbidding the collection of statistics which would identify the ethnicity of those committing crimes in Sweden, we still have a very good idea of who is responsible for many of them. For example, 85% of those sentenced to at least 2 years in prison for rape by a Swedish court of appeals were foreign-born or second-generation immigrants. We have firsthand accounts from career law enforcement officers attesting to the culpability of foreign immigrants and refugees in the diverse array of problems Swedes currently face.

The idea that the state and its accomplices in the media can somehow indefinitely cover up the truth in a networked world, where we can read descriptions of what the multicultural boroughs of Europe are actually like, is the height of absurdity. The facts denied and buried by the mainstream media are at the fingertips of those who choose to obtain them. That is something that will not change any time in the near future, no matter how much our ruling class would like to suppress the truth.



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The Utility Of Nations Sun, 06 Nov 2016 15:56:55 +0000 Sir_Henry_Raeburn_-_Portrait_of_Sir_Walter_Scott

Breathes there a man with soul so dead, 

Who never to himself has said,

This is my own, my native land!

-Sir Walter Scott

Unfortunately for the rest of us, these men-or women, in the case of Angela Merkel-are the ones effectively controlling Western civilization, or what remains of it at any rate. From Scotland to Sweden, which is now the rape capital of the West, the people entrusted with protecting the borders of their nations view the very concept of national sovereignty with derision. Although the political class deserves the lion’s share of the blame for this state of affairs, we can’t exonerate government bankrolled religious profiteering and cultural conditioning.

On the bright side, there is a growing awareness among the public at large that this is not working. What’s more, the people in Europe, North America, and Australia are increasingly willing to voice their dissent from the multicultural, open borders consensus that’s dominated the politics of their countries for the past half-century. Even though the current crop of patriotic candidates might not succeed, they’ve laid the groundwork for future resistance to the dangerous, multi-decade experiment which has led the West to the brink of disaster. And for that, they deserve our gratitude.







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2 Crimes Mon, 15 Aug 2016 00:01:20 +0000 14imam-photo1-blog427

Update: Suspect taken into custody. In Switzerland, however, the suspect has died of his wounds. 

So far Swiss authorities have not come to the conclusion that the stabbing spree/arson attack on train passengers was linked to terrorism. Then again, we should recall that German and Scandinavian law enforcement have engaged in a systemic coverup of migrant sexual violence and crime against indigenous Europeans. Of course, it’s entirely possible that this attack is simply an isolated outbreak of psychotic violence, a la the man who murdered over a hundred people on a South Korean subway. However, if this was indeed another example of Islamic terrorism, it would fit what social scientists, in any other context, would describe as a pattern. Unfortunately, patterns don’t exist when we’re discussing the regressive left’s rabid pets, which are invariably described as lone wolves, no matter how many of them exist.

In news closer to home, a Bengali imam and his assistant were murdered in Ozone Park, a neighborhood previously known as the bailiwick of John Gotti Sr.-the former head of the Gambino crime family-but which has changed demographically since the Don of the Gambinos held sway. When I first heard about this crime, I immediately thought of Rashad Khalifa, an imam in Arizona who was assassinated by the man who would become Osama Bin Laden’s secretary. Despite the many misleading claims about rampant Islamophobia within the West-the NPR story describing the killings of these mosque officials among them-the truth is that the number of Muslims being victimized expressly because of their religious beliefs amounts to a rounding error in most non-Muslim, Western societies. If you read a story about an imam being killed, chances are that the crime was committed by a co-religionist. If you hear a breathless news report about a mosque in the United States being attacked, it’s more than likely a pre-fabricated hoax.

Yes, there are Muslims who are legitimate victims of crime in our society, just like there are Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, and atheists who fall victim to malicious individuals. But these crimes are committed by fundamentally damaged individuals whose motivations do not spring from some deep-seated hatred of Muslims. We should also remember that criticism is not crime, despite the increasing criminalization of dissent. Pointing out the incompatibility of Islam with Western norms, or the stupidity of importing millions of unassimilable Muslim settlers from the Middle East does not make you an accomplice to murder. Regardless of whether the perpetrator of this horrific crime was  a disgruntled Muslim, a Hispanic, or a white Christian, any attempt to transpose blame upon Donald Trump is despicable. However, it’s completely in keeping with the modus operandi of CAIR, which is, after all, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Those of you who can help identify the suspect in these murders-whose sketched image can be seen here-should contact the NYPD immediately. You can find all the information you’ll need here. As loathsome as CAIR  and all it represents is, we can all agree that the perpetrator of this crime, regardless of motive, should be brought to justice as swiftly as possible.

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Leave Now (The Case For Brexit) Wed, 01 Jun 2016 18:42:07 +0000

Pat Condell, in his own inimitable way, cuts to the heart of the issue. Although we’ve spent the better part of a week demonstrating how Internet monopolies like Google and Facebook are subtly or blatantly manipulating the type of news we ingest, the truth is that there are much larger, more pernicious forces at work. These new media giants are collaborating with states and supranational entities in order to suppress ideas they don’t like, as the latest news about their pact with the EU to eliminate hate speech illustrates. It shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to infer what type of speech will be quarantined under this scenario.

So not only must Europeans docilely accept the effacement of their countries and their civilization, they must not utter a harsh word against their rulers. They must watch as Project Fear demonizes them as the other and contrives spurious scenarios of economic catastrophe in order to deprive them of their natural rights without speaking up. The world these Eurocrats seek to create is one which makes Vladimir Putin’s Potemkin democracy look enviable by comparison, which is why the failed European project needs to be rejected, emphatically, by voters both within the UK and throughout Europe.

Addendum: Ingrid Carlqvist’s Facebook account has been reinstated! So I guess public shaming does work in some cases.




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Voting Against Self-Erasure Tue, 10 May 2016 04:06:55 +0000  

Update: Anne Marie Waters makes a salient point. If you’re going to speak the truth, speak it boldly. The progressive smear machine will consign you to the outer darkness in any case, so it’s just as well you don’t mince words. 

While I can’t say I share Mr. Condell’s faith in the democratic process, there’s not much else in this video with which I disagree. The pestilential influence  progressivism has exerted over the United Kingdom can be felt in nearly ever facet of political and social life. However, the most concrete example is undoubtedly the indulgence of a irredentist, rapacious Islamic ideology-a wholly alien import, despite propaganda to the contrary-which has now resulted in the election of a man who can only be described as an Islamist fellow traveler.

The fact that Europe’s premiere city, and one of the financial capitals of the globe, will now be governed by someone who represents both the worst aspects of contemporary leftist non-thought-including an inveterate denial of the threat posed by Islamic dogma-and lack of Islamic self-reflection is no accident. This is the culmination of decades of Labour policy-that party being the embodiment of enlightened progressive values-which systematically effaced Great Britain as it had been historically understood as a nation. It’s why men like Tommy Robinson and Paul Weston have felt the heavy boot of the state simply for describing the reality around them, while others have had to travel to the United States in order to tell simple, undeniable truths about their unraveling kingdom, and why men like Pat Condell-heretofore lifelong Labour supporters and proud liberals-have felt compelled to speak out against the progressive disease which is ineluctably killing Great Britain.

It’s no surprise that the only political party which actually represents British interests is gaining steam, even as it gathers support from disillusioned former Labour supporters. Whatever you think of the utility or ethics of voting, it can’t be disputed that it’s one means of expressing public discontent, perhaps the only way to channel a growing frustration in nations where public dissent is being irrevocably erased.



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Unpleasant Truths (Europe Under Siege) Thu, 24 Mar 2016 04:00:38 +0000  

The aftermath of the jihadist assault in Brussels has been filled with familiar scenes. From the puerile and utterly beside the point reactions of locals-rightly ridiculed by Gavin McInnes when seen on the streets of Paris in the wake of the Bataclan massacre-to the predictable, almost immediate trend pieces decrying a non-existent anti-Muslim backlash, it seems as if our civilization is stuck in a loop of self-deluding myopia. If you want to understand why the attacks on Brussels occurred-and why similar massacres have occurred in the past, and will likely recur in the future, both in Europe and the United States-then the video above is a good starting point.

The Spectator has also been a surprisingly strong bulwark against the insipid, noxious conventional wisdom being churned out in ever greater quantities, even as the premises upon which it is based are shattered. I especially recommend Douglas Murray’s column, which emphasizes the disconnect between reality and the fantasy created by Islamic-friendly opinion-makers in the West. The utter inability of European governments to defeat the Islamic State on a philosophical, much less practical, level is explored in a fantastic Brendan O’Neill piece. Finally, Ed West lays out some uncomfortable truths which I’m certain those ensconced in the parallel universe of the European Union bureaucracy are sure to ignore.

The idea that Brussels will remain Brussels, or Europe remain Europe, or that the past half century of reverse colonization has done nothing to render this cliche completely meaningless-as most cliches are-needs to be forcefully rejected. We are witnessing the latest iteration of an ideology which has transformed paradise on earth into an antechamber to hell, and which will surely do the same to the source of the Enlightenment if we do nothing to challenge its precepts and confront its apologists.







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Artistic Weapons Mon, 04 May 2015 06:28:00 +0000  


Nota Bene: Congratulations to Bosch Fawstin, who submitted the winning entry.  I think it personifies the spirit of defiance that characterizes those who stood with Geert Wilders in Texas yesterday in defense of freedom of thought and expression. You can view an enlarged version of the same drawing here. You can read the speech delivered by Wilders in its entirety here

I can’t say that I ever expected a close friend to be the target-one of many, as it appears-of an assassination plot. Then again, I never expected to live in a country that had porous borders, and which allowed scores of criminals and terrorists to traverse them at will AFTER losing nearly 3,000 of its citizens in an unprecedented terrorist assault. Thankfully, the only deaths to come about as a result of the latest expression of peace were those of the jihadists themselves. We can only hope that the courageous police officer injured in the line of duty will completely and fully recover from his wounds in the days ahead. 

Since it’s 2 am EST I’ll spare you my analysis of the predictably craven, pandering, pathetic mass of cells nominally in charge of Garland, Texas-a huge diversity enthusiast, incidentally-and commentary upon the steel-framed memory hole on 8th Avenue, and simply urge you to visit Pamela Geller’s website for yourself. You’ll not only get the latest, firsthand information about the thwarted massacre in Texas, but also a morally and historically correct diagnosis of the plague we’re facing.

It is there, where they burn books, that they eventually burn people. 

-Heinrich Heine 

Can someone remind me again why it’s wrong to compare them to Nazis?




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A New Day in the UK Tue, 27 May 2014 19:29:54 +0000 Nigel Farage. Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0

Most of you have probably already heard about UKIP’s stunning gains in this past week’s elections to the European parliament. The ruling media complex has reacted predictably, as has the man chiefly responsible for  the destruction that mass immigration from the third world has wrought upon Great Britain. As an antidote, I recommend reading Brenda Walker’s contribution to the discussion, which includes a surprisingly astute appraisal of UKIP’s victory by the Tories’ paper of record, The Spectator.


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Islamophilia Mon, 03 Jun 2013 17:49:40 +0000 Artwork created by Bosch Fawstin

One of the most astute, prolific critics of the growing threat posed by Islamism to the United Kingdom-and the West in general-is Douglas Murray. Some of you might remember him from the Intelligence Squared debate where he teamed up with human rights activist and apostate from Islam Ayaan Hirsi Ali to refute the proposition that Islam Is a Religion of Peace. Now he’s written a book that takes to task those-mostly on the left, but across the political spectrum-who would continue to defend the religious precepts animating the Woolwich butchers and those rampaging across Stockholm out of ideological solidarity. Islamophilia: A Very Metropolitan Malady is not only timely, but pivotal to understanding the incoherent thinking that is the ethos  of the illiberal consensus.

Read it, before it’s too late. 

Art Credit: Bosh Fawstin.

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