MRC – American-Rattlesnake Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Mon, 09 Oct 2017 06:44:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing Mon, 20 Feb 2017 05:11:37 +0000

MRC points out, once again, that one of feminism’s leading lights is a complete and utter fraud. Just like the faux eco-warriors who drop their green facade when confronted with the reality of open borders environmental degradation, the contemporary feminist movement couldn’t care less about upholding the rights of women and girls. For more on the connection between anti-Isreal Jewish Marxists and their sharia-loving Islamist comrades, check out this post from The Silent Majority No More.

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Operation Pass The Buck Sun, 29 Jun 2014 15:38:52 +0000 480px-Jeh_Johnson_official_portrait

You can read full text of Secretary Jeh Johnson’s op-ed here. It is the sort of predictable, CYA press release you would expect from an administration trying to downplay the disastrous consequences of its terribly unpopular immigration policies. Meanwhile, if you want to understand why so many of these unaccompanied minors are flooding into the United States, I suggest reading the Spanish-language press in the Central American countries from which they hail. As is so often the case, you can’t rely upon the American news media or those who have been entrusted with power to give you the unvarnished truth.




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Symbolism Over Substance Sat, 07 Dec 2013 06:11:53 +0000

No sacrifice to meaningless, gestural politics is too great for the open borders demagogues of this nation. Much like their vaunted leader, they know that emotion-not reason-is their key to victory. Phil Ochs had these folks pegged.

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Homeland Security Thu, 24 Oct 2013 04:55:12 +0000  A small fence separates densely populated Tijuana, Mexico, right, from the United States in the Border Patrol's San Diego Sector. Construction is underway to extend a secondary fence over the top of this hill and eventually to the Pacific Ocean. Original photographer: Sgt. 1st Class Gordon Hyde. March 12, 2007

The scale of the problem we face on our southern border is often hard for Americans living outside of border states to comprehend. We’ve explored the havoc wreaked, both physically and psychically, by Mexican organized crime on this website at some length, but in order to grasp the magnitude of this problem you need to see it mapped out in real-time.   The Border Global Incident Map does precisely that, giving novices a live feed of every significant incident involving global drug, terrorist and human smuggling cartels which takes place in the Western Hemisphere.

We urge anyone who has an interest in this fascinating, sometimes disturbing, subject to check it out, if only to discover what news this country’s legacy media is ignoring in its quest to see yet another disastrous amnesty scheme enacted.

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The Legacy Media Falls Down On The Job Again Tue, 08 Oct 2013 05:12:59 +0000 May 5th 2006. Taken from Wikipedia. Original Uploader: Cesarbojorquez

As we noted in our last action alert, the open borders mob decided to mobilize this past weekend in hopes of reenergizing its crusade to abolish the last remnants of American immigration enforcement. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the sparsely attended demonstrations failed to capture the full attention of a news media intent upon crafting their own government shutdown metanarrative. Luckily, Brenda Walker went to the trouble of documenting the meager coverage local news outlets did devote to the latest pro-amnesty  agitprop. It should come as no surprise that this reportage was lacking in honesty and accuracy. After all, coverage of the stealth congressional plan to enact amnesty has been equally slipshod. 

When it comes to reporting honestly and accurately on immigration, the fourth estate has been AWOL for quite some time. 




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May 5th (Saluting An American Pioneer) Sun, 05 May 2013 20:59:12 +0000

President Obama has spent the past week trolling for votes among undocumented Democrats, purportedly as a way of strengthening historic ties between the United States and its neighbor to the south, which-as we’ve pointed out in the past-have always been a little tetchy. While the irony of issuing paeans to Mexico as a patriotic, John Phillips Sousa march plays him out is lost on Obama, some of us took note.

Of course, no Obama itinerary would be complete without some brazen dissembling about who is chiefly responsible for the wave of narco-terrorism sweeping that country. Hint: It has nothing to do with Barack Obama’s patently illegal, reckless gun-trafficking operation. Although many observers stateside have become inured to these lies, one wonders how the thousands of relatives of Mexican casualties feel about our President’s indifference to admitting culpability in this tragedy. Something tells me they’re not elated at his visit, despite the apologia included in the Los Angeles Times’s obsequious coverage.

So, instead of reflecting upon an historically marginal battle that’s insignificant to most people outside of the  state of Puebla, or imploring Congress to ratify and expand upon Barack Obama’s unconstitutional series of administrative amnesties, I say we join in appreciation of a great moment in American history. Namely, the day that Alan Shepard became the first American-and only the second person-to travel into space. In addition to watching the fantastic video above, I highly recommend reading a fascinating essay from The Atlantic which explores the way in which history and myth-making intersect, often in misleading ways. It’ll be a nice departure from how people traditionally celebrate this holiday.




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Paul’s Story Mon, 15 Apr 2013 07:04:03 +0000  Road from Falcarragh SE to R251 - Bridge of Tears I only know this bridge as the Bridge of Tears. This is the spot where emmigrants continued onward across the bridge and up the hill to the right, as the start of a very long walk to get to the ships that would take them to America and/or Canada, and where their family members remaining in Ireland would part with them and return to their homes. The Gweedore area of Donegal was hard hit by the famine and home evictions. © Copyright Joseph Mischyshyn and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

The depressingly familiar “debate” we’re having over the aptly named Gang of Eight’s amnesty plan has covered a lot of territory, most of it found within well-maintained Potemkin villages created by a barely credible fourth estate. We, along with others of a similar disposition, have already explained the stupendous innumeracy-to say nothing of intellectual bankruptcy-of the Republican Party’s volte-face on illegal immigration. In the future, we’ll explore how the open borders left has succeeded in framing this debate, which-as Mark Steyn points out-consists to a large degree of ruling contrary opinions-or even established facts which contradict their dogma-illegitimate. 

Today we’d like to bring you the story of a reader who went through the arduous  process of  naturalization-with its attendant bureaucratic nightmares-and has a decidedly different perspective on those illegal aliens who’ll be rewarded for their dubious life decisions and questionable character traits by our Congress. Read Paul’s story after the jump. 

When I first arrived in America in 1998, I was not sure if I was going to like it here, but at the request of my future wife, we decided to give America a try before we made a firm decision on whether or not to stay in America or return to Ireland.

After getting over the initial culture shock (like driving on the wrong side of the road!), I grew to like it here more and more and to appreciate everything America had to offer. I then decided to begin the process of changing my status.

As I began this process, I was amazed at the costs involved. Each form had to be accompanied by a check. In addition, my wife and I were required to take many trips back and forth to the Charlotte INS office (now under the auspices of the Dept. of Homeland Security) because there is no office available to serve the Asheville area, despite there being many illegal Aliens in this area.

I went through so much paperwork; you cannot believe. It has taken me over 6 long years, and thousands of dollars, to get to where I am today. One form alone from the INS (ICE) in 1998 cost $470.00 to submit for consideration.

This was particularly hard on my wife and I as I was prohibited from working and earning a wage until all of these forms were approved and I was issued a permit to work, in spite of the fact that we were required to file our taxes jointly. I actually had to pay taxes before I was allowed to work and earn wages to pay taxes on!

When the time came for me to submit to my INS physical, the closest INS doctor was in Greenville, SC, which required two trips so that my TB test could be read a week later, in addition to the $300 costs of the physical and x-rays.

Also, were it not for the intervention of then-Senator Jesse Helms, I would have been required to repeat this process (and pay for it!) a second time, because your INS (ICE) physical is only good for two years.

During this entire process, I had to prove to the authorities by signing a sworn statement that I would not be accepting any sort of local, state or federal government assistance in any way. This would include food stamps, unemployment, health care, etc. Essentially, my wife had to become my “sponsor,” and had to submit her own affidavits showing her current wage, length of employment and anticipated length of future employment.

She basically had to prove that she could provide for the two of us so that at no point during the entire process would I ever become a burden to the United States government, regardless of whether I contributed to our household income or not. However, once I received my green card and my status was changed to a Resident Alien, I no longer needed her sponsorship, which was a relief to us both. 

To dare think illegal Aliens should obey the law here!

During this entire process, I had to depend on my wife to be my official “sponsor” and had to prove to the authorities that I would not be a burden on the state, by accepting any form of welfare, food stamps, unemployment compensation or free health care.


I was required to have a work permit, which cost me in 1998 $195 for every year prior to my being issued my green card.


I had to prove that I had a Social Security number before I would be issued a N.C. driver’s license.


I had to pay in 1998/99 $135 for a travel permit in order to leave and re-enter the country in case of a family emergency.


I had to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the English language before being granted citizenship.


I had to demonstrate a basic knowledge of U.S. history before being granted citizenship.


I had to wait until I became a U.S. citizen, before I was allowed to vote in an election.


I had to undergo a complete Federal Background Check, several times over.


I had to be fingerprinted on six separate occasions, despite the fact that fingerprints do not change over time.


I had to demonstrate my fitness to be a U.S. citizen by upholding every law.


Do you think it’s right to award illegal aliens the same rights as American citizens when they have already broken the law, by stealing American’s identities and doing jobs that LEGAL Americans would do? 

Do you think it’s right for illegal aliens not to learn the English language, or not to assimilate? English is the language of America. English is the language of business, English is the common language that unites us all as a people.

Bi-lingualism or multi-linguilism is causing the destruction of the American way of life, because if people cannot communicate in a common language it leads to segregation.

Do you think that we as a people, should have no problem with the fact that illegal Aliens be deported, or that businesses that employ those illegal Aliens should be fined or put out of business. Impose similar penalties on those who provide them with housing? 

Stop providing our schools with bi-lingual teachers whose only function is to assimilate the children of US citizens to the Spanish language.

Change the laws regarding “anchor babies,” and return them and their parents to their country of origin, only allowing their return upon their eighteenth birthday.

In North Carolina alone, there are 500,000-700,000 plus illegal aliens that are putting an untold burden on our legal and social welfare system.

For instance, why is it that as a U.S. citizen I am not entitled to free health care or education, yet the illegal Aliens that live in my county and State and New Country are?

I haven’t gotten anything handed to me, and to be honest with you I don’t want anything handed to me.

The whole idea of America is that the opportunities are there for us. That’s what’s great about America and the system we got here. 

When are the representatives of the people going to uphold the law by detaining and deporting all illegal aliens? 

And when are we going to hold their feet to the fire, or VOTE them out? 

North Carolina is already a very expensive state to live in, due mainly to the illegal immigration problem. When is enough enough?

I resent so many of my tax dollars being spent to support illegal aliens that have not gone through the same effort as I have to earn their place in this great country.

America is not without its faults, but without a doubt, it is still the greatest country in the world. It is the last bastion of freedom and liberty, the shining City on the Hill.

While citizens of other countries are quick to criticize us, I would bet that given the opportunity, they would all trade places with me in a heartbeat.

Yes, it was a long and difficult process to become a citizen, but I am grateful for the opportunities and the bounty that is America. I am grateful to all of my American family and friends, for making me feel like a member of the American family. I will always be proud to be Irish, but I’m very, very proud to be an American.

Remember security on the border is not a Democrat or Republican issue. It’s an American issue and we, as citizens, need to speak up!

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Muzzling Dissent Wed, 03 Apr 2013 08:18:59 +0000


A habitual tendency of the open borders left, the left in general, is to suppress-or attempt to, at the very least-opinions and ideas which contradict its dogma. Not content with an Orwellian manipulation of the language in order to achieve its ideological goals, it seeks to stamp out any effort at engendering legitimate debate about one of this country’s most pressing issues. The response by assorted DREAMers, illegal alien advocates and assorted socialist malcontents to the counter-demonstration staged by NY ICE last week is a perfect illustration of this inability to accept or assimilate rational dissent. 

For more spectacular footage of this confrontation-as well as some great photographs-I suggest you read the photo-essay written by our good friends at The Silent Majority No More, who were there to document the intolerance of the bleeding hearts. It’s something to consider in the weeks ahead, as the  agents of the treason lobby move forward on enacting a disastrous, as yet unspecified law over the objections of millions of Americans with almost no public debate.






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Europe’s Doormat Fri, 30 Nov 2012 10:05:43 +0000  

Dogmatism and obfuscation mark virtually any media discussion of the subject of immigration-a pattern which holds true both domestically and abroad-but Sky News managed to conduct a good interview of Nigel Farage, standard bearer for the UK Independence Party, nonetheless. The Week provides a brief summary of what caused  two caring English foster parents to have the child they had cared for ripped from their arms by a Labour council that George Orwell would have had difficulty  imagining.

For those of you who believe this to be an anomalous event, you obviously haven’t been paying attention. Six years ago the government of the United Kingdom attempted to criminalize blaspheming Islam, and although unsuccessful-by a single vote-it’s hard to believe that this issue won’t reappear once the process of strip-mining Great Britain is closer to completion. The Farage interview is illustrative of the fact that not every individual wants to embrace the brave new world charted by our current statesmen, who have decided in their infinite wisdom to elect a new people.





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Manufactured Reality Sat, 24 Nov 2012 00:36:19 +0000

One of the chief distinctions between the anti-Israel rally and the slightly smaller, yet equally exuberant, pro-Israel counter-demonstration held in Times Square this weekend was the sentiments expressed by the participants. While the former vocalized their antipathy towards Israel and the United States and demanded ordinary Israelis be punished-through measures such as the BDS movement-and spent most of their time anathematizing Jews in the most historically inaccurate way possible, the latter concentrated mostly upon messages of solidarity with Israel.

There were, of course, expressions of hostility towards the jihadists who have instigated the current wave of bloodshed, and who continued to barrage terrified Israeli civilians with Iranian-designed missiles even as this was being written.

However, I saw no generalized contempt for the Palestinian people, or even the bellicose Islamist leaders of neighboring countries who exhorted those currently entrusted with power in the Gaza Strip to stand their ground.

The overwhelming sentiment was one of resilience, not hatred, and was expressed through chants like “Am Yisrael Chai,” the people of Israel live, and the singing of the Hatikvah, the national anthem of Israel.

As well as an attempt to convey, in concrete terms, the intensity of the terror ordinary civilians, especially those living in southern Israel, experience on a daily basis.

And to connect the coercive violence aimed at Israel to the jihadist attacks carried out against similar Western nations throughout the globe.

Specifically, the United States, which has endured jihadist attacks for the past several decades, including lethal assaults initiated by the men currently in charge of the Palestinian Authority and the Gaza Strip.

Needless to say, there are legitimate critiques to be made of the methods Israel employed in responding to the rocket war waged by Hamas, as well as unaffiliated jihadist and Palestinian gangs. If nothing else, the fact that Hamas has been able to enchance its growing diplomatic standing in the Middle East-while preserving its vast, Iranian-supplied weapons arsenal-and was able to deter Israel from a ground invasion bodes ill for the security of Israeli citizens, to say nothing of those Palestinians who will be the unfortunate human shields in future military engagements.

Whether or not the result of this conflict constitutes a victory for Hamas, it is clear to all but the most deluded observers that it is a defeat for the adversaries of Hamas. Rather than Thing, a.k.a. Ben Grimm, Israel reacted to this assault in the dithering, indecisive manner of Shakespeare’s tragic hero, Hamlet. And as we all know, this strategy, if it can be called that, only leads to more bloodshed in the future.

Perhaps most disconcertingly, the inhumanity and barbarity of Islamic law was papered over by the persistently hostile mass media which reported on the Gaza conflict.

As these images from the public execution and dismemberment of suspected “collaborators,” which has drawn remarkably little attention from the fifth estate-with some notable exceptions-demonstrate.

Unfortunately, I don’t think the collective expression of support for Israel we’ve witnessed in New York City, whether from ordinary citizens or self-interested pols, is going to have much of an impact on public discourse. The sad truth is that the dominant media narrative, i.e. Palestinians as perpetual victim and Israel as eternal aggressor, is going to remain in place for the foreseeable future, and not even the most well craftedfactually accurate  publicity campaign is going to alter the status quo.

In fact, it could be argued that the appeal of the formulaic, anti-Israel meta narrative will only grow as those sympathetic to the Islamist cause gain an even surer foothold in the corporate worldwithin Congress and among influential media organs. The only way to counter this cresting tide is, to paraphrase the great Franz Kafka, take an axe to the frozen sea inside of us. Or in this case, the ice inside of those who willfully ignore the truth before them.

The truth, like life, is not pretty, but it must be told. Israel, like most of the West,  faces an existential struggle. Its preservation does not hinge upon a slick media relations campaign, or a superficially persuasive viral video, but upon disabusing spectators of the fallacies that underlie much of received wisdom about this conflict. And the only way to accomplish that goal is by telling the truth about jihadist dogma and how it informs the actions of  organizations like Hamas.





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