Maclean’s – American-Rattlesnake Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Thu, 21 Sep 2017 20:49:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Daily Rattle (International Edition) Wed, 15 Feb 2017 15:07:22 +0000  Author: Honza Groh 2008

While it seems like every major story on the planet involves the Trump administration, things have actually been rather interesting in the rest of the world. Under the leadership of former ski bum Justin Trudeau, our neighbor to the north seems to be embracing some of the values that have made Europe so inhospitable to its indigenous population.

As Barbara Kay has explained both in print and other media, the proposed law by a Muslim MP targeting Islamophobia is simply a pretext to police inconvenient thought which happens to offend the political class. Keep in mind, the country was no bastion of free speech before discussion of this non-binding resolution discussed in the House of Commons of Canada. The long prosecution of Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant for dissident speech, as well as the demise of Free Dominion at the hands of inquisitor Richard Warman, attest to that.

The idea that this is simply a noble effort to protect Canada’s ruthlessly persecuted Muslim minority is belied by the robust effort that community has made to make acceptance of Islam by Canadian natives mandatory. Contrary to popular belief among the ruling class and its eager supplicants, Islamophobia is not a real issue. The terms itself is an ad hominem meant to distract from the disturbing frequency with which the adherents to Islam murder/intimidate those who are not.

If you want to experience what real fear looks like, I suggest you take a trip to Europe, where the paragons of virtue that run that continent have turned a glorious civilization into what increasingly looks like a garrison state. From the bullet-proof glass wall built around the base of the Eiffel Tower, announced in the wake of a respectful Egyptian’s jihadist machete attack at the Louvre and several thwarted Islamic terror attacks, to the fence being constructed between Latvia and Russia, to the Catholic pensioners being murdered by Saudi migrants, there are signs everywhere that Europe is under siege.

The fact that European governments are persecuting those who speak the truth about the wave of migrant crime merely serves to illustrate how warped the values which animate Europe’s ruling class are. That they continue to entrust with power, however ceremonial it may be, the same people who brought their continent to the brink of the abyss demonstrates how disconnected they are from the anger and discontent animating Europeans in France, Denmark, the Netherlands and throughout a continent being ravaged by undiluted multiculturalism, moral relativism, and perpetual open borders.

The fact that the vast majority of Europeans vehemently oppose further Muslim immigration is deemed irrelevant by those who want to transform the continent of Europe. Those who rule have made the replacement of Western peoples with Islamic settlers a priority, despite the intense suffering of the Middle East’s persecuted Christian minority, and woe to anyone who opposes this grand project. 2016 was not the end of the fight against this mentality-which has governed the West for over half a century-it was just the beginning.








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Freedom? (The UK Witch Trials) Sun, 17 Apr 2016 04:02:23 +0000 : Tommy Robinson at PEGIDA in Utrecht, Netherlands on 11 October 2015 Author: Targje

A small victory for freedom of thought in a nation which has gradually descended into the muck of fascism, aided in no small part by the wholesale importation of Islamic radicals. Paul Weston, himself a victim of political persecution for expressing wrong think, explains why Tommy Robinson is the #1 target of the British government in a disturbing essay for Gates of Vienna, which you can read here.

As frightening as what’s transpiring in the UK is to most rational human beings, the sad truth is that these anti-Western witch hunts could very well make there way to the United States, especially if a certain Democratic presidential candidate is elected. The stenographers for hate groups and jihad enablers like the SPLC and CAIR are already hard at work erecting a foundation to punish those who dare to voice reasoned criticism of the left’s favorite religion. Darkness has descended upon the West, and not simply in Europe; it’s time we woke up to that ineluctable truth. The time for dithering has ended; we need to stand up for our freedoms before they’re lost irrevocably.

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A Voice Of Reason (The Veil Descends) Sat, 25 Oct 2014 14:52:15 +0000 A moving tribute and call to action by the great Mark Steyn.


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Muzzling Dissent (Covering Immigration to the UK) Sat, 25 Jan 2014 20:37:16 +0000 UKIP Leader Nigel Farage. 19 May 2008 Author: Euro Realist Newsletter

The incalculable damage that mass immigration from the third world has inflicted upon the United Kingdom is a subject that we’ve explored at length on American Rattlesnake. Although the ritualistic murder and dismemberment of Drummer Lee Rigby is the most notorious recent illustration of how this phenomenon has adversely impacted native Britons, there are many, many more such tragic examples that bear scrutiny. 

The most tragic loss experienced by those living there, of course, is the forfeiture of the right to discuss this issue in an honest and frank manner. One need only point to those critics of Islam and Islamic immigration who have been mercilessly persecuted by the state to understand the baleful effects of unrestricted immigration from the developing world. Thankfully, there are some in Britain willing to resist the encroaching tyranny that the multiculturalists have attempted to exercise over a once great nation.  

One of those individuals is Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party, a patriotic project that has been subjected to malicious attacks from every sector of the British establishment, from the institutional left within the commentariat, to the bastardized Conservative Party led by David Cameron, to the activist left which has allowed the kultursmog to overwhelm the indelible truths that once allowed Great Britain to prosper. Of course, dissenting from the prevalent groupthink on these matters has exposed Mr. Farage and his colleagues in UKIP to an unremitting barrage of hostility and slanderous accusations. This ranges from the attempt by Sky News-an entity controlled by open borders enthusiast Rupert Murdoch-to yoke him to the much-vilified English MP Enoch Powell, to the repeated efforts by the BBC to portray UKIP as a wholly alien entity, as opposed to lovely home-grown blokes like Anjem Choudary I suppose. 

The attacks by the Beeb should not surprise anyone who is remotely familiar with the approach it normally takes to the subject of immigration. Namely, the less debate-hopefully none at all-the better. Even Nick Robinson, the BBC’s political editor, has now conceded that the network deliberately censored any views which contradicted the ubiquitous enthusiasm for and endorsement of the open door policy initiated by New Labor during the last decade of the 20th century. So don’t expect its distortions of Mr. Farage’s record and stances to abate, or its attempts to defame people who ask legitimate questions about the radical transformation of Great Britain to cease. 

The truth is not embraced any more enthusiastically today than it was in the days of Socrates.

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Speaking Up Thu, 25 Apr 2013 19:03:17 +0000

Most of you are probably aware of Gregory Buckley Sr.’s story, which reveals the negligence, ill intent, ideological blindness and contempt for any sort of oversight that has marked this administration’s foreign policy in countries like Afghanistan. It cost Mr. Buckley the life of his son, Gregory Buckley Jr., as well as the lives of two of his fellow Marines, who were murdered by a jihadist that was immediately released by his Afghan superior. The speech by Mr. Buckley is worth listening to in its entirety, because it illustrates the consequences of submitting to an unaccountable presidency and its ideologically blinkered policy prescriptions.

The Silent Majority No More has more videos from the event at Chabad House, the focal point of which was a speech by Pamela Geller that had initially been squelched by a group of Islamists and their leftist apologists, including Habeeb Ahmed of the Nassau County Commission on Human Rights. They’re also worth viewing, if only to see what freedom looks like, and why it is so vital that we defend it at every turn. It can happen here.


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Omar Khadr’s Other Victims Sat, 06 Oct 2012 04:02:03 +0000 Many of you have by now learned of the Obama administration’s decision to foist convicted Islamic terrorist Omar Khadr-of the illustrious Khadr clan-upon our good friends in Canada. Sun TV’s Ezra Levant has done yeoman’s work debunking the various myths Khadr supporters have attempted to erect in his defense. What hasn’t been as widely reported in the press-with the exception of Sun TV-is what his victims, including the families of those he maimed or killed, are experiencing.

Former sergeant Layne Morris has made his objections to Khadr’s release widely known, as have the widow and surviving relatives of Sgt. 1st Class Chris Speer, whose life was taken by one of Al Qaeda’s princelings. As infuriating as this situation is, there is something that you can do to help the family Sgt. Speer left behind. The Speer Kids’ Fund was established in order to assist Tabitha Speer as she continues to pay down legal costs incurred by this case, as well as to defray the expense of educating her two children. Ezra Levant explains the details behind the fund established in her children’s name in this segment of The Source.

Even though justice wasn’t served in the case of Omar Khadr, it’s not too late to help the victims of his family’s pan-Islamic ideology, and Canada’s misguided immigration policies, who are still with us. As Ezra Levant has said, Omar Khadr is the Paul Bernardo of terrorists,and much like the infamous Canadian serial killer, he has left behind a trail of innocent victims. I urge you all-if you have the means to do so-to help them out as they mourn for the man who will never greet them again in life.


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Reality Based Debate Thu, 22 Dec 2011 06:14:50 +0000 Now that criticizing anyone in the Obama administration accused of malfeasance, gross negligence, and actions indirectly leading to the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans, among others, is incontrovertibly racist, I suppose it’s a good time to look at why we never see an honest examination of the immigration issue in the mainstream media. Thankfully, we now have Michael Coren and Sun TV to broach just such questions. Enjoy.


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Killing Bin Laden Mon, 02 May 2011 03:27:53 +0000

For those of you who are wondering, yes, I am going to have full May Day coverage this week, including photos and analysis. However, considering the momentous news, I thought I’d break with tradition and ask all American Rattlesnake readers to extend their gratitude to the brave men and woman of  our Armed Forces and intelligence services who’ve dispatched to Hell one of America’s greatest enemies and one of this world’s biggest cowards. 

For those of you who want to know just how amazing the individuals who serve in our military are, I suggest you check out the awe-inspiring documentary by Sebastian Junger and the late Tim Hetherington, Restrepo. I also recommend you look into contributing to those servicemen who’ve returned from their theater of battle less than whole by donating to the Wounded Warrior Project. I’ve given to them in the past, and can attest to their reputation as one of the best disabled veterans organizations in the nation. 

Today is a day for rejoicing, but remember that for some people the job of rooting out evil never ceases.

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Breaking News Sun, 24 Oct 2010 05:23:17 +0000 In lieu of the Daily Rattle, today I’ll bring you a brief compilation of some of the more important news stories involving the great immigration debate.

  • Former Virginia congressman Virgil Goode pens a fantastic piece for Human Events, which explores the underreported attempt by amnesty advocates such as Senator Robert Menendez to force the issue, yet again, during a lame duck session of this Congress. He also focuses upon the steps Republicans need to take in the next Congress to not only thwart bad legislation-such as the DREAM Act-but to enact positive, immigration enforcement and limitation laws. A must-read for anyone interested in the battle ahead!
  • The race for governor of the state of Colorado, which we’ve covered extensively on this site, is heating up as we head into the home stretch of this election cycle. While some polls put former congressman and immigration reformer Tom Tancredo behind Denver mayor Tom Hickenlooper, others are showing the two candidates in a virtual dead-heat. Either way, the fact that Congressman Tancredo has managed to wage such an effective third party campaign should put to rest the myth of a Pete Wilson Effect.
  • An interesting piece in Politics Daily about one of our favorite politicians, Hazleton mayor Lou Barletta, who is looking to unseat Democratic Congressman Paul Kanjorski this November after running two previously unsuccessful races against the well-entrenched incumbent. Even though he’s expanded his platform significantly, Barletta is not backing down from his courageous stand against illegal immigration.
  • And finally, in a slightly sillier  vein, it appears that Canada’s absurdly liberal refugee system-whose failings we’ve documented extensively on this site-will redound to the benefit of sporadically employed, frequently medicated actor Randy Quaid, as this analysis of his bizarre asylum claim in Maclean’s explores. Let’s hope Mr. Quaid is shown the courtesy regularly extended to suspected Tamil terrorist and TB-afflicted stowaways.
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The Camp of the Saints Fri, 13 Aug 2010 20:40:10 +0000

The problem of broken borders is one shared by our neighbors to the north, as this story from the Voice of America illustrates. Apparently, a ship filled of Tamil refugees is seeking to dock in Canada, most likely because of its extremely liberal asylum policies.

You might ask yourself, why not just return these people to their country of origin? After all, it’s quite possible that this boat carries people who belong to international terrorist groups, almost certain that it has among its passengers human smugglers, and the fact that it is transporting those suffering from tubercolosis has been all but been confirmed by official sources.

The reason this ship can’t be returned is because Canada is bound by international law, which apparently nullifies any obligation the Canadian government has to protect its citizens from foreign invasion. Despite Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s admirable attempts to limit the onslaught of boat people from Sri Lanka, the truth is that Canada will never be able to fix this problem until it asserts its sovereign right to decide who it wants to accept or reject from its shores.

Until then, it’s open season for any politically opportunistic “refugee.”

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