Posts Tagged ‘ Dalai Lama ’

Stand And Deliver (Confronting Leftist Banditry)

Stand And Deliver (Confronting Leftist Banditry)

To paraphrase the late Joe Sobran, hate speech is any speech liberals hate. Now that leading Web giants and the EU superstate have cemented a pact to target this pernicious threat to civilization, we’ll all have a better understanding of what exactly the egalitarian left considers to be hateful. The question remains, what do...
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Revolution/Evolution (Free Speech At The UN)

Revolution/Evolution (Free Speech At The UN)

Most New Yorkers-especially natives-are inured to the daily spectacle which makes their city something of a super-sized freak show. However, most of the time that sideshow is of the sort one normally expects to see in Coney Island, i.e. entertaining enough as a diversionary pursuit, but not so garish or mind-altering as to force...
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