Tomorrow marks an annual rite of passage for open borders, Marxist demagogues. Their annual trek to Union Square to make it known how much they despise the capitalist system which provided them with their iPhone 6s and high-speed Internet hookups. Well, this year-as in years past-Joanna Marzullo and her compatriots in NY ICE will provide a much-needed counterpoint to the pro-amnesty, anti-free market imbeciles who’ve decided, without any hint of irony, to amass in a park filled with statues honoring American patriots. If you’d like to join them, and are in the New York Area, you’ll find the details below the fold.
What: NY ICE Counter-demonstration Against Open Borders Mob
When: Sunday, May 1st, 2016 at 12 Noon
Where: 14th Street and Broadway. Meet in the Southeast Triangle, across the street from Citbank.
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