
As if installing a Democratic Party fundraiser with virtually no experience in enforcing immigration law-and no interest in doing so in the future-as the head of the Department of Homeland Security weren’t enough, the U.S. Senate is now poised to confirm a nominee who is under the cloud of an investigation by the inspector general of that very department!
Only in Washington D.C. is helping Democratic power brokers exploit an already fraud-ridden program a qualification for (ostensibly) enforcing immigration law.
Tags: Alejandro Mayorkas, amnesty, Barack Obama, Center for Immigration Studies, CIS, David North, Department of Homeland Security, EB-5, Elise Foley, Hillary Clinton, Huffington Post, immigration,, Instapundit, investor visa, Jeh Johnson, Moe Lane, Numbers USA, Red State,, Stephen Dinan, Terry McAuliffe, USCIS, Washington Times
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