Secure Communities

November 29, 2010

Although David Patterson has experienced a turbulent year and a half as chief executive of New York State, and has drawn substantial public criticism in the process, he does have a number of achievements to his credit. Perhaps his greatest accomplishment is his decision to opt into the highly effective federal program known as Secure Communities.

Of course, the decision to cooperate, rather than obtruct, the federal government in its immigration enforcement duties has raised a public outcry among the open borders enthusiasts within the New York City Council-including current Speaker Christine Quinn-who have demanded that either the current incumbent or the incoming governor reverse course and discontinue cooperation between Riker’s correction officials and ICE agents, and have even proposed a bill to that effect.

Unfortunately, our incoming governor, Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, agrees with those intrepid souls who believe that not detaining and deporting criminal aliens is conducive to public safety. That is why those of us who live in this city and state must make a renewed effort to pressure Andrew Cuomo to continue his predecessor’s policy in this regard, notwithstanding the blowback he might experience from the pro-criminal, pro-illegal alien lobby within New York.

After January, it’s back to the battlefield!


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