The Silent Majority No More – American-Rattlesnake Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Tue, 16 May 2017 23:19:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A Day With Sharia (Feminists Love Islamists) Tue, 14 Mar 2017 04:11:30 +0000 Part 2. March 8, 2017. Noon. 59th St. and 5th avenue. Read Part 1 >>here>>

The crowd was jammed around the stage, from all sides – no elbow room, sight-lines poor. A Day Without a Woman. Obscenely popular.
Amidst a sea of red and pink, a lot of foolish women worshiping at the altar of sharia-loving feminazis like Linda Sarsour. SAD. Cameras on all sides struggling to get a shot of Sarsour, whose pursuit of public office, Brooklyn Borough President or even Mayor NYC, looks more and more probable. They worship her. The Anti-Trump Women’s Movement Teams Up With Islamist Terrorist , Linda Sarsour, Islamist apologist and activist, a supporter of sharia law. Catching her speech and recording it was high on my bucket list. Sarsour always needs to be heard, not just seen. I had a difficult time filming Sarsour, with photographers crowded so tightly at the front of the stage, but what matters is that you hear every bloody word.

The gist is, Republicans=Bad. Some men=always bad, like melanin challenged Repubs, which makes, of course, America Bad.

After a couple of other speakers, I moved on. Forgetting there was a ‘march’ on the books, I focused on the crowd. By now it had swelled from 59th to 58th and across the avenue into Grand Army Plaza.
I wound up missing phase two: THE MARCH. Around 1:30 PM the sharia compliant feminazis marched arm-in-arm to Trump International Tower. Blocking the streets were Sarsour and approximately 12 of her minions [see Womens March Team Bios ].

They staged an arrest – see womens’ march twitter feed coming from INSIDE the paddy wagon.  Hard times? Really? I think not.

(Links below to more arrest coverage)

Huff Po :  Organizers Tamika Mallory, Carmen Perez and Linda Sarsour, co-chairs of January’s Women’s March on Washington, emerged from a police precinct exhausted but optimistic, greeted by a couple dozen activists who had waited to give them food and support. Police said 13 people were arrested. Also, Women’s March co-chair “Bob” Bland.

Free Beacon

The Fader

The Daily Wire

Back to the speakers portion of the protest/rally. I heard not a critical word from Sarsour or her comrade sisters-in-arms ( like Faiza Ali ,who spoke as well) about the horrors of sharia Law.


No one mentioned the abuses within ISLAMIC countries; heaped upon women, children, homosexuals (lesbians) and trans- genders.




PLAYLIST 3 Short Videos

Excerpted transcription from one video:

Hey, New York, what’s up? […. ] I stand before you as a girl from Brooklyn and Staten Island, NY. (cheers) […] Trump does not have respect for women but he also doesn’t know the POWER of women. Despite ATTEMPTS by Trump and Republicans to diminish women, we know our value and we know that America does not function without us. (cheers) We know that this GLOBE doesn’t function without us.

Two years ago when I visited Palestine, I had a woman tell me that women will be the leaders of the revolution because we’ve (sic) half the population and we ARE half the population. (cheers)

Today I strike for every woman, who like me, couldn’t pull together enough money to afford college and had to work a 9 to 5 job and a retail job. Or went in to massive debt because they had to pay to go to college.

I strike for every incarcerated (women) out there, because women are the fastest growing population behind bars and “enough is enough”.

I strike for every woman and every family torn apart by deportation. And for every (women) [sic] that we are less than men.

I strike for trans-women who keep on being murdered on our streets and I. Have Said. ENOUGH! There is a massive resistance movement that is growing. We are a part of it. But, we need to put our bodies on…

We need to stand, to stand-up for black women. We need to stand-up for Palestinian women. We need to stand-up for Southeast Asian women. We need to stand for ALL women. (CHEERS) Because equal pay is not just equal pay for white women (I love ya’ll) But, equal pay should be equal pay for ALL of us. And we should not go to sleep knowing that we can go home and…

So I leave you with this song. [Sarsour joins singing] “Ain’t gonna let know body turn us around. Turn us around. Turn us around. Ain’t gonna let nobody turn us around. We gonna keep on a-walkin’, keep on ta-alkin’, marchin’ on to Freedom Land.” Thank you, New York.

Nope. It’s all about this country. America: Bad. America, where individualism rules. (for now) Even obscenity is OKAY. (for now) America, a country where these privileged educated women can rant, without FEAR, about their imagined enemies. Spewing their fantastical version of abuse, while ignoring the real enemy of women, children AND men- of the free world: Global Islamic Terror . The  CRICKETS were very LOUD

If only they understood and cherished the country they live in. Where their privileged daughters will have the same good life as their privileged mothers. (As long as there is no sharia law.)
The next Generation will suffer? WHY?









Fools and Tools, are free to be you and me. No HUMAN RIGHTS denied, compliments of U.S. More signs to see in Flickr Slide Show


++Pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall++

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Communism Kills Fri, 10 Mar 2017 05:01:20 +0000

h/t Pamela Hall

It’s a message which bears repeating. An inspired idea from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, these billboards point out the horrific reality behind Marxism’s edifice of lies.

Whether it’s the specter of famine in Venezuela, the terror inflicted by Maoists upon innocent Indians for decades, or the Kim dynasty’s ruthless campaign to instill fear in every one of its subjects-no matter how far removed they are from North Korea itself-collectivism has sown nothing but misery and hopelessness wherever it’s been implemented.

Communism is responsible for more deaths than suicide, World War II, and all of the civil wars which took place during the 20th century. It has left a black legacy, and continues to oppress over 20% of the globe, including the more than 1 billion people living in the People’s Republic of China. A nation where the treatment of citizens like livestock didn’t end with the Cultural Revolution.

The disease of Communism persists in Cuba, where despite the regime’s purported detente with the United States, dissidents continue to be persecuted, often until they cease to exist. Let no one ever say that Communist despots and their foot soldiers weren’t thorough.

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A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing Mon, 20 Feb 2017 05:11:37 +0000

MRC points out, once again, that one of feminism’s leading lights is a complete and utter fraud. Just like the faux eco-warriors who drop their green facade when confronted with the reality of open borders environmental degradation, the contemporary feminist movement couldn’t care less about upholding the rights of women and girls. For more on the connection between anti-Isreal Jewish Marxists and their sharia-loving Islamist comrades, check out this post from The Silent Majority No More.

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Not So Useful Idiots Mon, 09 May 2016 06:01:01 +0000 DSCN2990_1349-e1353788847725

Although the ferocity of the Never Trump protests has diminished-in tandem with the Great Red Hope’s impending demise-that doesn’t mean the regressive left has quietly retired from the public sphere. A slightly more sedate Communist rally was held last Sunday within Union Square to commemorate what I like to call fascist Christmas. As usual, Pamela Hall documented the annual parade of economic and historical illiteracy for The Silent Majority No More.

Read it and weep for the future.

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Dump Trump (GOP Gala Protests: Part II) Fri, 29 Apr 2016 04:02:10 +0000 DSCN3485_1646-e1367473056110

The right is blessed in its opponents, who have never truly appreciated how deeply unappealing their platform is, at least to non-millennials, i.e. individuals who aren’t complete ignoramuses. A perfect illustration of this political tone deafness can be found in the mass demonstrations held in front of the Grand Hyatt Hotel during the pre-primary GOP Gala. Our good friend Pamela Hall has a fantastic photo essay which chronicles the concerns expressed by the assorted dregs of humanity, which can be boiled down to “give us free shit” and “stop being mean to criminals.” She also snapped a few photos of the counter-demonstrators, from both the non-partisan NY ICE contingent and the pro-Trump faction.  It’s worth reading in its entirety, if only to gaze into our dark, dystopian future.



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GOP Gala Protests Sun, 24 Apr 2016 14:08:13 +0000 Author: Nicolai Schäfer August, 17,  2005

Apologies for the delay, but the news cycle seems to have gotten the better of us. Without further adieu, here are some of the fantastic photographs taken by our good friend Pamela Hall-with whom we’ve collaborated in the past-outside of the GOP Gala held prior to last Tuesday’s Republican presidential primary. We urge you all to visit her website, The Silent Majority No More, which contains many more brilliant photo essays-as well as some great video footage-exploring some of the issues, e.g. stealth jihad, mass immigration, the pernicious hold of non-profit and public sector employees over the political process, which concern us all.


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Days of Rage (Anti-Trump Rally In Manhattan) Sun, 03 Apr 2016 19:02:37 +0000  Donald Trump speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on February 10, 2011. Author: Gage Skidmore

Although this election cycle has been extremely entertaining-at least, for those of us with a Menckenian distaste for popular democracy-it has also been disturbing in a number of ways. The prospect of electing a politician facing down her second indictment in as many decades-and make no mistake, despite her manifold flaws as a candidate and individual she is the presumptive POTUS at this point-is deeply troubling. However, even more disconcerting is the widespread public indifference to the activist left’s decision to completely decouple itself from reality, to the point of summoning law enforcement because of its displeasure with chalkings expressing support for a specific presidential candidate

For what it’s worth, I have difficulty believing that these poor naifs-or the bolder critics who’ve chosen the route of attempted assault-would be more amenable to a less conspicuously vulgar, or significantly more articulate, Republican candidate. In fact, it’s worth remembering the campaign of ostracism experienced by two of Ted Cruz’s donors for defying the prevailing political wisdom within the gay community. The truth is that the protestors you see disrupting rallies-including those of Bernie Sanders-are an accurate, if not complete, representation of the Democratic left within this country in the year 2016. 

Our good friend Pamela Hall has a small sampling of their works on her site, The Silent Majority No More,which I would urge you all to check out, if only to get a sense of what to expect this summer.

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A New York Scene (Socialists v. Trump) Sun, 20 Mar 2016 14:19:21 +0000

UpdatePhotos from the melee. 

As most of you might have heard, this weekend saw a spate of anti-Trump rallies in both Arizona and New York City. Although the demonstrations here did not result in widespread lawbreaking and disruption, they did give you a sense of the mentality pervading open borders fanatics and socialist political activists within this country. Our good friend Pamela Hall was there to witness and record the scenes outside of Trump Tower and Columbus Circle, including a spirited counter-demonstration by NY ICE.

You can watch Part II here.

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Muslims on Parade Thu, 17 Sep 2015 17:54:04 +0000 Author: Urban infidel


Update: More coverage, courtesy of The Silent Majority No More.

This photo of a bizarre mannequin hijabi was taken by intrepid citizen journalist Urban Infidel. In an update to a post made earlier this week, our good friend has provided us with a illuminating photo essay chronicling the next level weirdness that constitutes an annual event known as the Muslim Day Parade. Although the overt expressions of support for jihad were kept under wraps this year, ordinary patriotic citizens-or simply people who value such quaint ideas as sexual equality and political pluralism-can’t help but be repulsed by the display.

You can see the full slideshow on Urban Infidel’s Flickr account.

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Open Borders Ad Perpetuam Sun, 13 Sep 2015 18:38:33 +0000 COu34H2WEAAV915

It’s funny how the most vociferous supporters of importing Syrian and Middle Eastern refugees to the West don’t seem to care that much about the official indifference of the extraordinarily wealthy Gulf Arab states. Which, to be blunt, have been less than helpful in alleviating the suffering of those streaming into Europe. Even the much-reviled Israelis-to say nothing of those despised Jews who are giving food and shelter to these outcasts-have discussed offering sanctuary to exiled Syrians.

Yet there didn’t seem to be any signs of outrage directed at their Sunni Muslim brethren at the no borders rally in Union Square this weekend. Then again, judging by the press release and assorted pictures our good friends at The Silent Majority No More compiled, there doesn’t seem to be much rational thought, let alone, philosophical consistency, put forward in defense of the current invasion of Europe from the Levant and Northern Africa. After all, why construct an argument on behalf of an indefensible position when you can rely upon carefully crafted fictions?




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