sharia – American-Rattlesnake Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Mon, 09 Oct 2017 06:44:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sharia Law Wants Your Money Tue, 12 Sep 2017 18:01:12 +0000 September 1, 2017 — NYC. The stealth jihad rolled through Broadway, as the end of Eid brought the inglorious UNVEILING of an Eid al-Adha advertisement to the Nasdaq MarketSite on Times Square.

Read more about Sharia’s financial creep.

The Council for American-Islamic Relations had partnered with Wahed Investment to promote Halal investing on the NASDAQ electronic billboard.

CAIR claims to be a Civil Rights Group, in fact, it is HAMAS in the US” [#TruthAboutCAIR]

Wahed Investment is “Revolutionizing Halal Investing”.

Sharia investment brings with it slavery, homophobia, and misogyny. Is the check good? “Light the lights. Curtain up.”

Sharia-based finance has been shown to have a nasty dark side. Forbes discussed the unique aspects of Islamic finance in 2011:

Islamic finance is not confined to Muslim countries but is spread over Europe, the United States and the Far East; nor is it limited to Islamic borrowers, but is also used by many companies as an alternative source of funds. The principles of Islamic banking are similar in many respects to conventional banking, asset financing and project financing principles commonly used and applied under English law worldwide. Islamic Finance is the application of the Sharia to the finance sector.

So Nasdaq bowed to the CAIR Lobby because petrodollars talked. 

Nasdaq is sliding down that slippery slope: CAIR. Hamas. Sharia. Have they no shame?

[Pictures and Video property of Pamela Hall]

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Terrorist Supporter Linda Sarsour Welcomed by CUNY Despite Patriotic Protests Thu, 22 Jun 2017 20:18:23 +0000 When City University of New York announced anti-Israel, pro-terrorist activist Linda Sarsour would be delivering the keynote speech at a June 1 graduation ceremony, patriots sprang into action.

Pamela Gellar announced the details:

MAY 25, 2017
12 to 2 pm (rain or shine)

Protest CUNY Keynote Speaker
Pro-Terror Anti-Semite: Linda Sarsour

Protest terror and hate at CUNY– this will not stand.

“The AFDI demo against CUNY’s obscene invitation to pro-terror Jew-hater Linda Sarsour to give their commencement address was a smashing success! With over a thousand people who came out in a downpour of pelting rain on East 42nd Street outside CUNY’s headquarters on to oppose the mainstreaming of evil. It was an amazing event, a turning point, despite Mayor de Blasio’s nefarious attempts to undermine and destroy the rally.” 

Pamela Geller's photo.

The speakers included:
Assemblyman Dov Hikind
Milo Yiannopoulos
Pamela Geller
Nonie Darwish, formerly of Muslims United
John Guandolo, founder of
David Wood, Acts 17 Apologetics

To begin with, it was raining and raining and RAINING for the whole two hours.  This did not deter anyone from showing up.

[2 photos – Mike Grambush]

Even the press, eager to hear Milo speak, hung around. Milo was the keynote, so he spoke at the end. So the press WAITED. In the RAIN. As did we all.

The dedicated patriots enthusiastically jammed the protest area.  Everyone hung in there — meeting the challenge of rain and the VERY obnoxious leftist noise pollution.

[AFDI screen shot with me in red circle]

No rain was going to stop the patriots.  The rain also failed to stop the leftists. So the police line was long and tight at the stage area.

(3 live podcast screen shots – Tim Pool)

As long as passersby could move through the sidewalk passing their screaming gauntlet, the lefties claimed the right to STAND there, SCREAMING. This is contrary to what demonstrators from the right have been told in the past by the NYPD: which is to keep moving, not standing in one spot.  This has been the supposed rule of law.  In practice, the right follow the rules and obey the police.  The left plays by their own set of rules.

The lefties bullied the system to get their way.  Rules change as the left need them to change. An eclectic group of twenty patriots marched back and forth in front of the lefties, No standing around for them. Protestors for the right included the eccentric Libertarian protestors – PROUD BOYS, a creation of Gavin McInnes

I saw Gavin McInnes enter the stage enclosure from the crowd behind me.  He did not speak, but just hung out at the edge of the stage.  The police didn’t like him offering a can of Pepsi to the protesting morons.

[my 2 screen shots of McInnes (with goatee) arriving and watching from side of the stage]

As for the abuses heaped upon The AFDI Speakers — by the obnoxious left — I heard that the reason we were surrounded and drowned out by the leftists was that the police were sued by the communist – to be allowed to stand wherever they liked.  I could not confirm this alleged lawsuit.

Here is a brief video of the crowd and the noise harassment. Noni Darwish was bravely speaking over the din.

Another source reported that when the police moved the lefties away from the stage, the commies started making phone calls.  I presume these calls went to someone in “Red Bill” DeBlasio’s office, since they were allowed, post-haste, and en masse to return to the staging area where they continued to relentlessly harass the speakers. I understand the officers expressed frustration at this favoritism.

Which is why you will hear the unabated harassment heaped at these brave and dedicated speakers while they gave important and honorable speeches.

Pamela Geller’s opening remarks on why Linda Sarsour should not be the Key Note Speaker. “CUNY COULD have done BETTER”

Milo Yiannopoulos was the final keynote speaker.

Noni Darwish gave an impassioned speech on the dangers of Sharia. She suffered under its rule and left Islam.  Her apostasy only made her detractors louder.

David Wood is a respected scholar on Islam and Sharia.  He spoke of the dangers of leaving Islam — the sharia fatwas — and the dangers for everyone to live — forced — under sharia.

John Guandolo – Ex FBI agent addressed the lies we in the so- called enlightened West are taught about Islam and Sharia. He also spoke about what we can do about those lies.

Dov Hikind  (D) N.Y. State Assemblyman

Pamela Gellar summed things up well:

CUNY has invited a pro-terror, pro-sharia anti-semite to give the keynote commencement address.  And they will not reconsider. Universities have dis-invited Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nonie Darwish, Ann Coulter, Milo, legions of conservative thinkers and voices in defense of freedom, but a vicious, pro-sharia, Jew-hater they will defend to the death and that is it right there. They fear jihad. They fear Islamic supremacists. They know no harm with come to them if they smear, defame, libel or cancel us. They know we don’t destroy, maim, behead like Sarsour supporters and their violent running dogs on the left.

On June 1, Sharia advocate Linda Sarsour will be giving the graduate commencement speech at the City University of New York. While no one who believes in freedom of speech would object to Linda’s right to speak at a university, a graduate commencement address is a completely different story. The graduate commencement speaker is chosen by the university for the students’ final “send off.” Couldn’t CUNY find someone besides a Sharia advocate to speak at a celebration for students and their families?

Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch calls on Americans to protest:

Some people are responding by insisting that Linda Sarsour should be allowed to speak on college campuses. It seems they’ve missed the point entirely.  No one is saying that Linda shouldn’t be allowed to speak at CUNY. (Robert even challenges her to a debate.) The protest is about Linda being the COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER for the graduation.  The commencement speaker is the university’s choice for who gives the final “send off” for the graduates.  CUNY chose a Sharia proponent for the final send off. That’s what’s being protested. CUNY is trying to ram Sharia down students’ and parents’ throat.

Despite the many patriotic pleas, CUNY went ahead with its plans to honor Sarsour.

Here’s what happened on the afternoon of June 1 in Harlem, outside the famed Apollo Theatre.

Inside, the CUNY graduation ceremony began at 5 PM. Meanwhile, starting at 3 PM there was much activity outside as the attendees gathered, waiting to go in.

Ignoring the many #NoToSarsour protests, Linda Sarsour’s CUNY keynote address was happening anyway.

Two dedicated protestors walked back and forth in front of the Apollo; engaging the crowd and informing them why an anti-semitic, Hamas-supporting, sharia-loving woman, Linda Sarsour, should NOT be the keynote role-model for these (or any) grads.

For approximately 45 minutes it was just two patriots explaining with the facts regarding their protest and they spoke to many supportive people.

There were encouraging responses, particularly from black men.  Some had been at the AFDI #NoToSarsour protest the previous Thursday.

One fellow joined the two  #NoToSarsour protestors for what seemed to be his lunch break as he sat, sign-in-hand and ate his lunch in front of the attendees.

Part 1 video. A brief look at the two protestors outside the Apollo

After a firestorm of protests leading up to June 1, CUNY held firm, claiming to support all types of speakers, even controversial ones; a disingenuous defense for choosing Sarsour and ignoring the FACTS about why she was a poor choice.

CUNY has an agenda: to make SHARIA law acceptable to the masses.  Therefore Linda Sarsour, self-proclaimed sharia-loving “feminist” MUST remain their keynote speaker.

Sadly, those graduating were pawns in the agitprop game of the leftists-in-charge, who snarkily took over the sidewalk and lobbied the police to remove the two CUNY protestors. The feminazi lesbian brigade was particularly confrontational with the female protestor.

The majordomo lesbian lobbied the police “white shirts” oh-so-sweetly, getting NYPD to briefly do her bidding. “Make those two racist protestors go far, far away… pretty please?”

The police attempted to keep the two protestors away and out of sight from the domineering leftists who were “front and center” by the line of attendees.

No standing. anywhere. Only walking. No TALKING to passersby.” Then it was, “You can’t WALK back and forth in front of the crowd.”

Of course, the rules were re-written to protect the left, but with quiet resistance the two Sarsour protestors politely persevered, continuing to walk the gauntlet of  leftists and grad attendees unscathed.

NONE of these attempts at new rules were applied to the sidewalk-glut created by the banner-brigade peace grandmas.

They stopped, talked, “fumbled” with their banner, and handed out flowers.

They stood in the center of the sidewalk and sat on little chairs with their signs demanding an end to Islamophobia and police violence.

The NYPD handled them well…

…nicely, politely, and with a respect they didn’t deserve…

…with their rudely offensive signs.

Finally, some of the leftist protestors went inside a pen where their signs and banners were very visible for the grad attendees.

As long as those two pesky anti-Sarsour protestors were kept FAR AWAY, the lefties were content, peace flowers in hand, to freely walk, talk and engage the passersby.

Honoring their “creed”: NO competition of thought allowed.

Flickr Slide show of both sides outside the Apollo


One Raging Grandma (for Peace) — waved her Freedom Socialist rag of a “newspaper” in my face while calling ME a Nazi.

Perhaps this was a FEMINIST lead support group for Sarsour since it was comprised of the feminazis, peace-grandmas and lesbians. Helping me come to this perspective was one of their photographers, Joan L  Roth. She seems to be a part of their group at large.

I found it interesting that Roth’s work promotes Jewish women — a world wide commitment.  Is Roth blind to the dangers of Islam that endangers the Jewish people and women, and homosexuals all over the world?

Roth writes:

I went to Kiev in 1991 because it was the 50th anniversary of Babi Yar. For a long time, Jews weren’t even allowed to visit the site. This was the first time that the government allowed an official memorial service.

Thousands of Jews, a huge sea of people carrying candles and flowers, all walked from the train station to Babi Yar—the same route as half a century ago. There was a blown-up photo at the site, of naked women. It never occurred to me that you had to take your clothes off to be shot. I’ve never been able to get that photo out of my mind.

Everyone there had a mother, a father, a grandparent or some relative who was murdered at Babi Yar. This woman was a survivor, one of only four or five. She was thrown into the canyon as a child, and somehow crawled out. She crawled to the house of non-Jews she knew. Here she poses with these non-Jews, brother and sister; she
was brought up with them. The three of them are together a lot. They were moved that I thought it was important to photograph them—so they’re crying. Still in pain after all these years.

After I visited Babi Yar, I went to synagogue in Kiev. That’s where I started this kind of prayer I say — to my grandfather, to God — thanking my grandfather for having had the courage to leave Russia. My aunt used to tell me how beautiful Kiev was, the cherry blossoms in spring. She used to say, “If I had stayed, it would have been so easy for me to become a doctor,” and I used to think, “What are you talking about, you’d be dead.”

So, on this day, HOW can Sharia Law not be a source of emotional and intellectual conflict for any feminist’s sensibilities?

Also, joining them were the do-gooder, self-hating “Jews for Islam” aka Jewish Voice For Peace and the ridiculous feminazis.

A very familiar face was “Rabbi” Michael Feinberg –  passing out peace flowers. Feinberg is a dedicated hardcore UNION leftist who gives no quarter to any position that threatens his do-gooder-ism. There is no illegal sanctuary, anti-police, or pro-Islam cause that he and his comrades-in-arms do not support.


They live to protest all things good and decent, under the guise of decency.

By 5 pm all the graduation attendeees were inside. CUNY prevailed.  The ceremony was on course.  Sarsour gave her livestreamed keynote speech with sharia law unsullied.

I hope the attendees who told us they planned on standing and turning their backs on her were successful.  BUT, OF COURSE, WE WILL NEVER KNOW, because the MSM will NEVER let that be the story-of-record.

Still, two stalwart protestors proved again that, even in small numbers, you CAN make a difference.  For a couple of hours they made a crack in the left’s blackout on the TRUTH.

As for the report on the keynote address, I found some research links that revealed Sarsour was color co-ordinated with everyone, including the lights – the venue – a lovely rich blue dominated the scene.

More reports on the keynote offensive from:


Pamela Geller

Gateway Pundit

Jewish Week. Times of Israel

After her speech, lest we forget it was Ramadan, Sarsour went back to midtown, outside Trump Tower to pray Iftar on Fifth Avenue.

Why bother with a mosque when you can kneel and crying to Mecca on the streets of Manhattan.  The “liberals” that run Manhattan were there SUPPORTING (and protecting) this foolishness.

[Where designated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall]

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The Miseducation Of CUNY Grads Mon, 01 May 2017 14:54:30 +0000 April 27, 2017. 4:30 pm. We gathered outside CUNY’s midtown Manhattan offices because Linda Sarsour, an anti-Zionist, pro-sharia Muslim, has been announced as their keynote speaker for the June 1, 2017 graduation of CUNY’s Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy. This is an outrage!

The JDL was there as the protests begin.

The JDL demanded that anti-Zionist, Linda Sarsour, be dropped as  a CUNY Commencement speaker. NO to Sarsour!

“Governor Cuomo, NOT WITH PUBLIC FUNDs!” and CUNY – “Drop Linda Sarsour as  Keynote speaker.”

Coming NEXT- on JUNE 1 –  Pamela Geller and AFDI will be protesting outside the Commencement.

“We will be there. We will protest — this will not stand. Be there June 1st at Harlem’s Apollo Theater at 253 West 125th Street, from 5 – 7:30pm

CUNY has invited a pro-terror, pro-sharia, anti-semite to give the keynote commencement address. And they will not reconsider.”

“Universities have dis-invited Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nonie Darwish, Ann Coulter, Milos; legions of conservative thinkers and voices in defense of freedom. But, a vicious, pro-sharia, Jew-hater they will defend to the death and that is it right there. They fear jihad. They fear Islamic supremacists.

They know no harm will come to them if they smear, defame, libel or cancel us. They know we don’t destroy, maim, behead like Sarsour supporters and their violent running dogs on the left.”

“CUNY is defending its decision to honor pro-terror Jew hater Linda Sarsour with the Commencement keynote address.

The norming of evil. Such sanction is so malignant and so evil, it cannot be ignored.There is a responsibility for the time we are living in.  That is why AFDI has organized a protest of CUNY’s Keynote Speaker, pro-terror, anti-Semite Linda Sarsour on June 1.”

         Please RSVP here.

Join the No to Sarsour protest outside the Apollo Theater at 253 West 125th Street.  June 1st, from 5 – 7:30pm. Be there!

++  For more info on Sarsour see these links below that reported on CUNY’s obscene decision++

From CBS  Local:

… state Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) said Sarsour’s activism – and her support of Sharia Law – makes her unfit to by the speaker at the June commencement.

“She is someone who associates with radical Islamists; supports them; shows support for them. She is someone who has said, clearly, she thinks throwing rocks at cars in Israel is a good thing,” Hikind said.

Hikind was referring to a tweet Sarsour put out on Oct. 11, 2015, showing a young boy apparently throwing rocks at Israelis with the caption saying, “the definition of courage.”

From Breitbart:

Anti-Israel, pro-Sharia Law leftist activist Linda Sarsour will deliver the commencement speech at the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate School of Public Health on June 1.

CUNY is a public university that is paid for by taxpayer funds.

“I am delighted to confirm that Linda Sarsour will indeed speak at our June 1 commencement at the Apollo Theater,” Barbara Aaron, chief of staff to CUNY Graduate School of Public Health dean Ayman El-Mohandes, told The Daily Caller.

From Fox News:

A Muslim woman (LINDA SARSOUR) who has referred to “Zionist trolls” and lauded the “courage” of of rock-throwing Palestinians will deliver this year’s keynote address at the commencement ceremony of a New York City university.

Linda Sarsour is listed as a featured speaker for the June 1, 2017, graduation at CUNY’s Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy, according to the school’s website.

We are excited to announce that our inaugural commencement ceremony will feature three powerful public health and social justice leaders:

Honorary Doctor of Science
Chirlane McCray, First Lady of New York City, will receive an honorary Doctor of Science in Public Health degree in recognition of her leadership of ThriveNYC, the most comprehensive mental health plan of any city or state in the nation.

Champion of Public Health Award
Mary Bassett, Commissioner of the New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, will receive the Champion of Public Health award for her transformational work addressing population health in New York City.

Keynote Address
Linda Sarsour, co-organizer of the National Women’s March and former executive director of the Arab American Association of New York, will deliver the keynote address.

Assemblyman Dov Hikind, D-Brooklyn, says it is “nuts” that a taxpayer-funded institution like CUNY would invite a supporter of Shariah law to speak, CBS New York reported.

“She is someone who associates with radical Islamists; supports them; shows support for them. She is someone who has said, clearly, she thinks throwing rocks at cars in Israel is a good thing,” Hikind told the station. “I mean, it’s just nuts. It makes no sense. It’s crazy to have this woman be the person who’s going to speak to the students.”

Linda Sarsour … daughter of “Palestinian” immigrants and darling of the Left.

… has said in her Tweets, referring to “Zionist trolls” and states (that ) “Nothing is creepier than Zionism.”  She supports violence!

Sarsour’s anti-Israel tweets include a photo of a young Palestinian boy with a rock in each hand. It is captioned: “The definition of courage. #Palestine”

CUNY, stop this madness. Say NO to Sarsour!

++ Pictures property of Pamela Hall except where indicated ++

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A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing Mon, 20 Feb 2017 05:11:37 +0000

MRC points out, once again, that one of feminism’s leading lights is a complete and utter fraud. Just like the faux eco-warriors who drop their green facade when confronted with the reality of open borders environmental degradation, the contemporary feminist movement couldn’t care less about upholding the rights of women and girls. For more on the connection between anti-Isreal Jewish Marxists and their sharia-loving Islamist comrades, check out this post from The Silent Majority No More.

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Sudden Jihadi Syndrome Strikes again Sat, 20 Aug 2016 14:40:26 +0000 218px-Blason_Strasbourg.svg

Update: Stop carping about your subjugation, you nasty Islamophobe

This time in France, a nation where 200 people have been murdered-some after undergoing indescribable torture-and over 800 people maimed in the past year alone. Just as previous generations pondered important questions, e.g. is it live, or is it Memorex? So too we have to repeatedly ask ourselves, is it Islam or insanity? Does it really matter to the past or future victims of Islamic rage? We shouldn’t be asking why they hate us, we should be asking why they are still here. Also, what sort of collective psychosis produces pictures such as the one accompanying this article? The fact that there are soldiers and policemen protecting mosques while the men who worship within them systematically murder helpless Europeans symbolizes how besieged Western civilization is at the moment.

The fact that the vast majority of citizens in countries like Germany now recognize that Islam does not belong in their country might be reassuring if their rulers cared about their lives and concerns, but there is absolutely no indication that they do. In fact, quite the opposite. Europe is now led by men and women whose chief response to this ongoing terror is to deny reality. Don’t expect these people to acknowledge the dreadful mistake they’ve made, a mistake which condemns hundreds of millions of Europeans to a bleak future dominated by fear and despair. The invasion will proceed until the people of Europe decide to stand up to this new form of multiculturalist despotism and stand against the sort of vibrant diversity which asks them to surrender their fundamental values.





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Total Carnage Thu, 14 Jul 2016 21:49:00 +0000  

Claude Monet, Rue Montorgueil, Paris, Festival of June 30, 1878.

Update: The jihadist truck driver, Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, was known to police, naturally. 

English language updates from Michael Horowitz

What we know

A timeline of the attack. 

The Nice attack: a firsthand account

What pathological altruism looks like

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose


A reasonable solution. 

A column written by Pat Buchanan in the wake of the Pulse night club massacre. 

Let’s not forget the real victims of this horrific event. Muslims who might briefly feel guilty about the massacres of innocent human beings which their co-religionists routinely commit. 

State of emergency

More coverage of the ongoing terror attack in Nice

A minimum of 60 fatalities

What will it take?!

Unconfirmed local reports that the driver has died.

Yet another attempted mass murder in the streets of France. Follow live coverage on Sky News. More photos and video coverage, courtesy of Heavy.

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Justice For Rotherham Mon, 06 Jun 2016 17:58:28 +0000  

 Clifton Park in Rotherham. Author: Topher Carr

One of the more astonishing moments during last month’s lecture in favor of open borders occurred when I brought up the Rotherham outrages, which the speaker-perhaps out of ignorance-declared to be a “recent” phenomenon within Europe. Actually, the systemic kidnapping, rape, sex grooming, and beating of white, Christian, English girls by Muslim Pakistanis-and the coverup of these abuses by the political class and law enforcement-has been occurring for well over 2 decades. Although it’s seductive to believe the Islamic predation sweeping Europe is a recent phenomenon-an aberration caused by the current political turmoil in the Middle East-that is simply not the case.

This is a multigenerational problem, which will only become worse with each year that elapses, as more of these new settlers entrench themselves within European societies. That makes the need to speak out against these injustices all the greater, which is why I urge my British readers to sign this petition.

It seeks an independent public inquiry into the abuse condoned-and often facilitated-by Rotherham officials over the past twenty years. At a time when hardly any of the victims of these horrific abuses have been identified, and thousands of girls are presumably at risk of further sexual exploitation, it’s paramount that we exert pressure upon public officials, even those who have made their loyalties known.

Don’t let the suffering of the girls of Rotherham be in vain.

Addendum: For those of you who are unfamiliar with Rotherham, I would suggest checking out the series created by Millennial Woes. It would be difficult to find a more comprehensive historical and political analysis of this subject on the Web.






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Freedom? (The UK Witch Trials) Sun, 17 Apr 2016 04:02:23 +0000 : Tommy Robinson at PEGIDA in Utrecht, Netherlands on 11 October 2015 Author: Targje

A small victory for freedom of thought in a nation which has gradually descended into the muck of fascism, aided in no small part by the wholesale importation of Islamic radicals. Paul Weston, himself a victim of political persecution for expressing wrong think, explains why Tommy Robinson is the #1 target of the British government in a disturbing essay for Gates of Vienna, which you can read here.

As frightening as what’s transpiring in the UK is to most rational human beings, the sad truth is that these anti-Western witch hunts could very well make there way to the United States, especially if a certain Democratic presidential candidate is elected. The stenographers for hate groups and jihad enablers like the SPLC and CAIR are already hard at work erecting a foundation to punish those who dare to voice reasoned criticism of the left’s favorite religion. Darkness has descended upon the West, and not simply in Europe; it’s time we woke up to that ineluctable truth. The time for dithering has ended; we need to stand up for our freedoms before they’re lost irrevocably.

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Islam On Parade (Update On Lahore Terror Attack) Sun, 27 Mar 2016 21:36:26 +0000 Flag_of_Tehrik-i-Taliban.svg Author: Arnold Platon

Update: A message of peace, hope, and determination from one of the leaders of the global anti-jihadist community, Pamela Geller

It turns out that the Religion of Peace isn’t through culling apostates and infidels this Easter Weekend. A breakaway faction of the Pakistani, i.e. the good, Taliban have claimed responsibility for the bombing of a park which has resulted in the deaths of over 60 people, most of them women and children.

The city of Lahore has a long, illustrious history of jihadist-inspired pogroms, including a massacre which took place at an Ahmadi mosque, much like the one the departed Shah Assad probably attended, nearly six years ago. There have been more than 30 major terror attacks of this kind in the city since 2004, to put into context how dangerous it is to a be a religious minority in that city, although the rest of Punjab is not exactly a pleasure trip.

To get an idea of how warped the garden variety views of most Pakistanis are, you should read the op-ed written by the son of Salmaan Taseer, the former governor of Punjab province who was murdered by his personal bodyguard for holding heretical views, i.e. believing that non-Muslims should be treated like human beings. What an incendiary concept!

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of the latest brutal, yet sadly typical, assault by the ideology whose name we dare not speak. May their deaths not have been in vain.





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Easter Martyrdom Sat, 26 Mar 2016 16:38:53 +0000 Asad Shah, Russia Today

Happy Easter for those of you who observe Pasch in this country and throughout the world. Unfortunately, many Christians aren’t able to celebrate this holy day because of a certain pacific religion which originated in the Arabian Peninsula. Their persecution throughout the Middle East and Africa-as well as any other region where the companions of Mohammed find themselves in numbers great enough to  exert their will-is a fact which can’t be denied or explained away. Alas, that zone of imperilment now includes the continent of Europe, which has seen plenty of carnage because of its leaders decision to welcome millions of Muslim settlers.

As Mark Steyn points out, this violence has been meted out even to people who are ostensibly devout Muslims, but whose actions or principles run afoul of  current Islamic dogma. The sheer brutality and gruesomeness of this murderous assault calls to mind the near decapitation of 2nd Battalion Drummer Lee Rigby, who was dispatched by 2 Muslim converts in an equally cowardly manner. That Belgian police are attempting to dissuade people from holding a tribute to the victims of the Brussels massacre because it has become an Islamic cantonment-eagerly trying to acquire fissile material-tells you all you need to know about who really controls Europe.

How many more times people in Belgium or Scotland will able to celebrate Resurrection Sunday remains to be seen, but current trends do not look promising.



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