American-Rattlesnake » illegal immigration Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Sat, 06 Aug 2016 04:39:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Republican National Convention: Day 1 Tue, 19 Jul 2016 00:03:33 +0000 G. Perry  Mary Ann Mendoza and her son, Sgt. Brandon Mendoza

One of the most heartening aspects of Donald Trump’s candidacy is his eagerness to give a national platform to the men and women whose families have been devastated by criminal, illegal aliens. It’s hard to conceive of any other nominee-Republican or Democrat-willing to use the news media to highlight the victims of illegal immigration, but that’s precisely what will be happening tonight in Cleveland. Mary Ann Mendoza, Sabine Durden, and Jamiel Shaw will all be giving prime-time addresses to a national audience, even as Hillary Clinton plans how she will grant benefits to people who should not even be in this country.

You can watch their speeches, as well as the rest of tonight’s program, on the Republican National Committee Live Stream.

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American Voices Tue, 03 May 2016 00:49:52 +0000 G. Perry

This site has not endorsed a candidate in this presidential election, even as the primary season draws to a close. What’s more, the idea of investing your hope in a politician-however charismatic or sincere he may seem-is something that I instinctually and categorically reject. Even those who maintain that Trump is the best available option concede that he might very well be a huge disappointment if elected. However, his commitment to highlight the horrific toll illegal immigration has taken upon our society-and his boldness in spotlighting the human tragedy caused by our government’s cupidity -is praiseworthy, regardless of whatever reservations you might have about Donald Trump as a person or politician.

If the only thing his campaign accomplishes is making the rest of America aware of the names that our pathetic media have tried to efface from history, allowing them to learn who Jamiel Shaw Jr., Kathryn Steinle, Tony, Michael, and Matthew Bologna were and why they were senselessly murdered, then it can be counted a success-and more worthwhile than almost every Republican presidential campaign of the past 3 decades. Can you imagine a John Kasich, a Mitt Romney, or a Marco Rubio standing beside and embracing Jamiel Shaw Sr. in front of a room filled with national and international reporters? To ask the question is to answer it.

So, regardless of who you intend on voting for tomorrow-if you happen to live in Indiana-or in the future, should this race continue, listen to the words of Jamiel Shaw Sr. His is a voice that has never been heard on a national political stage until this election. It’s one that should be broadcast to every potential voter across this nation, not the mindless cacophony  and hatred of those who’ve colonized California.


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Ted Cruz Hits The Big Apple (GMA Town Hall) Wed, 20 Apr 2016 04:00:35 +0000 G. Perry Official Portrait of Senator Ted Cruz. 113th Congress. 2013

I had the dubious honor of being invited to participate in Good Morning America’s first presidential town hall Monday morning, featuring Senator Cruz and his wife Heidi. Although I did not learn anything new, the experience did reaffirm some preexisting beliefs about both the news media-particularly, the way it frames narratives-as well as Ted Cruz, almost none of them flattering. I suppose you shouldn’t expect much from a segment billed as Coffee with the Candidates, yet I still entered the studio with relatively high expectations, most of which would be dashed over the course of the next hour.

The trouble began with the first audience question, which was asked by an extraordinarily tall, dapper African-American gentleman, who prefaced it with the caveat that he was a former drug dealer/gang member who had, presumably, turned his life around by becoming a youth pastor. I later spotted some copies of his self-published memoir, which he had brought to what was undoubtedly an advantageous marketing opportunity for his business/church. He wanted to know what Senator Cruz would do about those dastardly southern gun dealers who were flooding his community with illegal firearms, relying upon talking points derived from the thoroughly discredited Bloombergian campaign ascribing violent crimes in this city to legal, constitutionally protected businesses.

Lest you think this an aberration, the next question, asked by a gay pizzeria owner, pertained to the recently enacted North Carolina law forbidding the use of certain restrooms by transgendered individuals. A law that, even using the loosest definition of that term, might impact a tenth of one percent of the population of that state-and very few registered Republicans. Granted, there are probably lingering pockets of Rockefeller/Lindsay Republicanism in this city-most likely in neighborhoods like the Silk Stocking District and the tonier parts of Brooklyn Heights, prime Kasich territory based upon last night’s primary results-but the opening sequence of this town hall would give you the impression that they formed the majority-or at the very least, a decisive plurality-of New York State Republicans.

You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to believe that this message-broadcast to the rest of the country-was deliberate. Much like the Jeb Bush plant of Internet acclaim, these individuals were carefully vetted by Good Morning America’s producers before being selected to appear on national television. Just as I was vetted before my question-dealing with the negative impact H-1B visas have upon American workers-was rejected. Regardless of whether you are in favor of open borders or support constructive immigration enforcement, the idea that this issue is inconsequential-especially to Republican primary voters-is hard to countenance. However, if you’re a member of the mainstream media, the boutique concerns of leftist members of the press corps must always take precedence over those of conservative Republican voters-even if you are hosting an ostensibly Republican campaign forum.

The natural counter-argument to this is, what do you expect from Bill Clinton hatchet man and Hillary Clinton sycophant George Stephanopoulos and liberal reporter Robin Roberts? That is precisely the point! We have become so desensitized and inured to the media manipulating how we discuss issues of public import, which issues we discuss, and what weight we give to those issues, that we have forgotten how divorced these “gatekeepers” are from the reality of most Americans’ lives. While the triviality of a question about ‘New York values’ and a lightning round consisting exclusively of non-political ephemera is to be expected from a show like GMA, we should demand that at least a few questions have some bearing on the concerns of ordinary, conservative Republican voters.

The 15-20 million illegal aliens who are lobbying for political representation in Washington, to say nothing of the tens of millions of legal immigrants who already wield a decisive influence over our electoral process, and the priorities of America’s chief news organs are not wholly unrelated. The media narratives that we blithely accept have disastrous, if largely unacknowledged, consequences for our country, problems which Senator Cruz purportedly hopes to address. However, it’s hard to see how that will happen if we don’t confront the root of the problem. The pervasive political correctness and distortion of the meaning of words, the veil of dissimulation, which obscures what’s wrong with our government. We can’t make any progress until we first deal with this massive impediment to honest discussion.

Tomorrow, I’ll discuss my thoughts on Ted and Heidi Cruz.


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Civil Rights Heroes Mon, 18 Jan 2016 20:29:27 +0000 G. Perry Rep._Barbara_Jordan

For a party which purports to have the best interests of African-Americans at heart, and which lobbies tirelessly for their votes-when it’s convenient, it should be noted-the Democrats have a shocking lack of empathy for black Americans. At least, those in the working class who are seeking gainful employment while competing against millions of low-wage immigrants.

During last night’s Democratic presidential debate, every candidate studiously avoided tackling the elephant in the room. Namely, the continued decline in wages-and prolonged unemployment-for one of their party’s most loyal constituencies. Even as the men and woman on stage boasted of the amenities and privileges that illegal aliens-who aren’t even enfranchised-should receive, they refused to acknowledge the parlous economic condition of American workers, particularly workers of color.

This is not simply a right wing talking point parroted by anti-immigration activists. It’s an objective, ineluctable fact, bolstered by statistical, empirical evidence. The Obama recovery has left millions behind, as even the left-progressive, pro-Obama PBS talk show host Tavis Smiley has acknowledged. That is why on this Martin Luther King Day, we must remember the voices of those who spoke up on behalf of American citizens and American workers, even if their needs are being ignored by our current political class.

To that end, Jerry Kammer has written a marvelous piece remembering Congresswoman Barbara Jordan, a woman who was not only a civil rights icon and indefatigable champion of the Constitution but also a courageous critic of our government’s disastrous immigration policies. It’s worth reading in full, if only to recall a time when the phrase immigration reformer meant truly that. Someone who wanted to reform and preserve an American-focused, patriotic system of immigration, not simply do the bidding of those seeking an endless supply of cheap labor and cheap votes.



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Jamie’s Law (Year in Review) Mon, 28 Dec 2015 05:04:13 +0000 G. Perry Jamiel-Shaw-Jr.

Listen to it live!

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Listen to Jamiel’s Law Mon, 30 Nov 2015 05:05:14 +0000 G. Perry Jamiel-Shaw-Jr.

Just follow the link. Also, check out what Jamiel Shaw Sr. thinks about the 2016 presidential race by reading his moving op-ed.

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The New Tower Of Babel Wed, 07 Oct 2015 04:02:36 +0000 G. Perry Mark Levin speaking at CPAC 2015 in Washington, DC. Author: Gage Skidmore

Mark Levin’s blistering take on the latest report demonstrating the baleful consequences of the 1965 Immigration Act is a must-listen! You can view the Center for Immigration Studies backgrounder here and the full report here. It makes for grim, but necessary, reading during a week when the gatekeepers of open borders, see NPR,  are spending hours trumpeting the virtues of what is incontestably the worst piece of domestic legislation enacted during the last half-century. 



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The End Of An Era Wed, 01 Jul 2015 06:58:02 +0000 G. Perry  

Last month saw the passing of one of the lions of California politics. An overused cliche, in this case it’s completely appropriate. Senator Richard Mountjoy represented a set of values that have gradually but inexorably been erased from that state’s political landscape. The man behind Proposition 187, the Save our State initiative, he fought tirelessly for the security and welfare of American citizens, as well as a competitive, two party state-something that has receded into distant memory. The current governor is the antithesis of the late senator, and has ushered in a series of laws that undo whatever remaining restraints exist upon unfettered illegal immigration into the state of California. The sad truth is that the legacy of Dick Mountjoy will not have the physical imprint left by that of his opponents. People who have deliberately dismantled a once great state in order to cement their hold on power.

It’s shameful, but a fact of life nonetheless. Rest in Peace, Mr. Mountjoy.



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May Day 2015 Tue, 28 Apr 2015 16:42:16 +0000 G. Perry
May Day is upon is, and that means the treason lobby is in full gear in anticipation of its annual parade through Union Square. Joanna Marzullo, founder and president of New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement, will once again be representing the sentiments of overtaxed, overburdened, patriotic New Yorkers and American citizens. You will find details explaining how you can join her and her compatriots below.
NY ICE Banner 5-1.12 ETC 007
Below are the details for our annual May 1st counter demonstration:
What: NY ICE counter-protest of annual illegal alien stampede. 
When: May 1st, 2015 at 3 PM.
Where: The Southeast triangle section of Union Square, which is located at 14th Street and Broadway, across the street from Citibank.
Bring: Signs and cameras! Also, bring prepared sound bites expressing your point of view. 
For more info: Contact Joanna at  
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Turning On The Spigot Sun, 26 Apr 2015 15:05:11 +0000 G. Perry

In one remarkably concise exchange we arrive at a simple truth that has been obscured behind a veil of lies by the Obama White House and its enablers  in the fourth estate. The scores of illegal aliens from Central America who have been ushered into the United States by this administration-and presumably, the many more whose children will be given a first class ticket across the border by DHS-will never be returned to their countries of origin and U.S. citizens will continue to defray the ever-increasing cost of their upkeep. In fact, our government is contemplating new and innovative ways of defrauding American taxpayers in order to resettle more migrants from south of the border.

Prepare for more Uncle Onyangos and Aunt Zeitunis, America.

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