American-Rattlesnake » Gang of Eight Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Fri, 10 Jun 2016 04:30:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Live Free or Die Tue, 09 Feb 2016 22:53:11 +0000 G. Perry 258px-Seal_of_New_Hampshire.svg


Update: According to CNN projections Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have emerged victorious from tonight’s primary. Notch one for the notoriously inaccurate polling industry! 

We’ll see whether New Hampshire lives up to its state motto later tonight, although the pickings are rather slim in this regard. You can follow the undoubtedly dubious exit polling data from ABC News here. Until the final results come in, we recommend reading Mark Krikorian’s excellent anti-Rubio polemic published by National Review Online earlier today.

Although generally regarded as more conservative than others vying furiously for the establishment vote, i.e. the cheap labor and cheap votes coalition, Rubio is actually a rather dismal echo of his equally open borders primary competitors. If you need proof of this, look no further than his corporate benefactors. That being said, expect media shills-of both the corporatist Republican and bien pensant liberal variety-to continue extolling the virtues of Univision’s favorite GOPer.

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Penny Pinching Wed, 09 Jul 2014 04:45:06 +0000 G. Perry 400197-200px

If there’s one thing this administration is proficient at, it’s squandering the hard-earned wealth of its subjects. Sorry, its citizens. A perfect illustration of the contempt Barack Obama and his flunkies have for the American people is the newest budget request intended to “deal with” the flood of Central Americans gushing over our southern border. Contrary to the typically inaccurate reporting on this issue, almost all of this money will be earmarked for the resettlement of these uninvited guests in the interior of the United States.

Former Congressman Ernest Istook Jr. explores a much more cost-efficient option in an op-ed for the Washington Times, which we recommend anyone confused about the precise details of the President’s plan read in its entirety. We also would like to highlight a remarkably scathing critique of this latest scheme to bypass immigration controls by open borders advocate and proud Gang of Eight member Jeff Flake, who was invited onto yesterday’s PBS Newshour to debate La Raza alumna Cecilia Munoz.

Just remember, the Obama administration has never told the truth about immigration, so why should it start doing so now?



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Status Quo Ante Thu, 19 Jun 2014 20:05:16 +0000 G. Perry The race between a former immigration lawyer and House Gang of Eight member and the Cantor clone has concluded. As everyone anticipated, Kevin McCarthy was chosen as the next Republican House Majority Leader. The stupidity of this selection is obvious, but that has never stopped the GOP in the past. As for who will be replacing Mr. McCarthy, the results are in! Say hello to new Majority Whip Steve Scalise, faux conservative and nominal opponent of amnesty.

Plus ça change…

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Republican Voters vs. Republican Politicians Sat, 22 Mar 2014 14:48:24 +0000 G. Perry Rep._Renee_Ellmers

As the White House contemplates an expansion of its constitutionally dubious administrative amnesty, it’s worth taking a look at how the treason lobby’s Republican accomplices are dealing with the public’s repudiation of their most cherished legislative priority, i.e. opening the spigot to an endless stream of cheap, imported labor. A particularly revealing exchange happened a week or so ago on the Laura Ingraham Show during an interview with faux conservative Rep. Renee Ellmers, a woman who ran for Congress under the banner of the Tea Party.

Instead of listening to the concerns expressed by her constituents on the subject of immigration reform, i.e. amnesty,  however, she has decided to throw in her lot with the one of the most lavishly-funded, dense Capitol Hill lobbying networks. Which might explain why Tamar Jacoby and her allies are rallying around the embattled congresswoman even as conservative North Carolinians seek viable alternatives to the complacent incumbent.

While the Republican Party leadership doesn’t get it, Republican voters understand the necessity of preventing the implementation of another amnesty for which the GOP will (rightly) be held culpable. An amnesty that will make the election of candidates like Renee Ellmers an impossibility in the near future, something that open borders Republicans like her don’t seem to grasp.




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Coulter vs. Kaus at CPAC Sun, 09 Mar 2014 14:08:21 +0000 G. Perry Ann_Coulter_2012_Shankbone

It turns out that the Coulter-Kaus debate was broadcast on one of  C-SPAN’s many outlets yesterday, despite the unofficial CPAC ban on discussion of the most important domestic political issue. You can watch the full debate here. In addition to covering the political costs of amnesty and the legally and constitutionally dubious nature of the Obama administration’s administrative amnesty, they also explore the Democratic and Republican presidential fields and the political and economic consequences of Obamacare, as well as entitlement reform. 


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Meet The New Boss Tue, 17 Dec 2013 07:17:55 +0000 G. Perry 480px-Jeh_Johnson_official_portrait

Here’s the roll call vote confirming Jeh Johnson as the next Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. There are a number of interesting inferences that can be made from the “nay” side of the ledger, which constituted a little over a third of the Republican Conference. While some of the votes  don’t require elaboration-such as that cast by immigration patriot Jeff Sessions-others might strike the casual observer as somewhat surprising.

The decision by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to oppose Johnson’s nomination has little to do with principled disagreement with the Obama administration’s illegitimate amnesty plans-as he is one of the chief reasons the Gang of Eight amnesty bill was approved by the Senate-and is likely tied to a home state Tea Party challenger whom he will face in next year’s Republican primary. 

Senator Rubio-the Republican veneer of the Gang of Eight bill-knows all too well the career-ending consequences posed by an ostensibly conservative challenger, which is why he’s spent the latter half of this year furiously running away from the legislative amnesty that he will be in large part responsible for enacting, should immigration reform be implemented in the coming months.

Whether these politically opportunistic decisions will matter in the end remains to be seen, but the fact that there is a glaring lack of leadership among Senate Republicans is indisputable. Don’t expect much in the way of critical oversight when Janet Napolitano’s drearily similar successor sets up shop at DHS.

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Amnesty Optics Thu, 07 Nov 2013 05:32:16 +0000 G. Perry Luis Gutierrez, member of the United States House of Representatives. Source: U.S. Congress

It turns out that even the parasitic, anti-American class on Capitol Hill has its limits when it comes to dealing with militantly open borders ethnic chauvinists. Fox News Latino has an intriguing story exploring the decision by faux Mexican Luis Gutierrez to sever ties with a virulently racist strain of the treason lobby, which has been participating in civil disobedience in order to highlight the plight of  foreign-born criminals

Even the obnoxious demands issued by ungrateful non-Americans who have exploited this nation’s generosity can apparently be too much when they impede the drive to foist yet another mass amnesty upon the American public. Kudos to NIYA for being honest and forthright in its contempt for this nation and its citizens, unlike its former ally, Mr. Gutierrez. 


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The Beautiful Mosaic Fri, 01 Nov 2013 07:29:21 +0000 G. Perry More information about Huang Chen’s colorful past has been disclosed in the wake of this week’s horrific murder in Flushing, Queens.

Chen, 47, was charged with murder, stalking, weapons possession and tampering with physical evidence. An undocumented Chinese immigrant, Chen had been tormenting Wu for years, apparently because the employment agency she ran with her husband couldn’t find him work…

After he choked and punched Wu in 2006, he was sent to El Paso, Tex., for deportation proceedings. Instead of throwing Chen out of the country, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement put him on supervised release, a source said.

Would this undocumented vivisectionist have been eligible for President Obama’s amnesty-had it been enacted during the last session of Congress? Something tells me that Americans wouldn’t like the answer to that question.

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Your Presidential Nominee, Ladies and Gentleman Sat, 26 Oct 2013 04:24:16 +0000 G. Perry

At least we know who to blame if this disaster is enacted.

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Knowledge Is Power Tue, 22 Oct 2013 06:06:41 +0000 G. Perry Now that the worrisome Beltway angst over the debt ceiling and government shutdown has subsided, it’s time to focus on the President’s chief goal for the remainder of his term. Namely, legalizing and enfranchising tens of millions of illegal aliens. It’s quite remarkable how determined the open borders left-as well as its allies in the corporate world-is to enact a piece of legislation which has been repeatedly rejected by both Congress and the American public. 

One of the most cogent, meticulous refutations of the anti-enforcement mindset animating the Gang of Eight was written by Daniel Horowitz, a prominent blogger for Red State, during the initial Senate debate on this atrocious bill. Joseph Cotto provides an edifying summary of Horowitz’s work in Washington Times Communities, but I urge you to parse the original source.  

Whether Mr. Horowitz will be remembered as this debate’s Cassandra or will provide the impetus for the last great counterattack that thwarts the imposition of amnesty remains to be seen. However, as American citizens we  need to avail ourselves of the information at our fingertips and not allow ourselves to be led, once again, up the garden path.

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