Europe – American-Rattlesnake Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Wed, 18 Oct 2017 18:53:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sweden and Fake News Wed, 22 Feb 2017 05:26:48 +0000  

Statue of Charles XII of Sweden at Karl XII:s torg, Stockholm, Sweden. Photo by Tage Olsin  May 24, 2005

Rigidly defending the President’s precise formulations will always pose a problem for his supporters. I think even his staunchest backers will acknowledge that Donald Trump isn’t Churchillian in his eloquence. That said, nearly every time he is assailed by his pseudo-sophisticated, morally inverted critics in the culturally Marxist press, it turns out that he was correct.

The manufactured controversy surrounding his remarks about Sweden is simply the latest example of the media’s malicious lying and/or stupendous ignorance. No, President Trump wasn’t referring to a specific terrorist attack in Sweden, although there have been jihadist assaults in that nation, including suicide bombings, but rather to the degradation of that country-as well as others in Central and Northern Europe-occurring as a result of catastrophically wrongheaded immigration policies.

What happened last night, as well as many nights before in immigrant-heavy, Islam-friendly towns and cities in that country, is chaos. Rampant sex crime, tribal warfare, widespread rioting-some of which targets members of the liberal press which is so enamored of non-Swedes-and general lawlessness. In spite of the Swedish government’s refusal to acknowledge reality, censorship of hate facts, and systemic coverup of migrant rape of Swedes, the non-brainwashed know what is happening in Europe.

Despite forbidding the collection of statistics which would identify the ethnicity of those committing crimes in Sweden, we still have a very good idea of who is responsible for many of them. For example, 85% of those sentenced to at least 2 years in prison for rape by a Swedish court of appeals were foreign-born or second-generation immigrants. We have firsthand accounts from career law enforcement officers attesting to the culpability of foreign immigrants and refugees in the diverse array of problems Swedes currently face.

The idea that the state and its accomplices in the media can somehow indefinitely cover up the truth in a networked world, where we can read descriptions of what the multicultural boroughs of Europe are actually like, is the height of absurdity. The facts denied and buried by the mainstream media are at the fingertips of those who choose to obtain them. That is something that will not change any time in the near future, no matter how much our ruling class would like to suppress the truth.



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The Problem Of Refugees Fri, 30 Dec 2016 00:35:52 +0000 Migrants arriving on the Island of Lampedusa in August 2007 Author:Sara Prestianni / noborder network

One of the most frustrating aspects of the ongoing invasion of Europe is the unwillingness of those who supported this disastrous policy to admit that they were wrong. It’s not simply the men and women who ushered in his collective insanity-primarily Angela Merkel, but also the rulers of the unaccountable, unelected European Union-who refuse to accept reality, but scores of ordinary individuals that simply don’t want to admit that we are witnessing a catastrophe unfold on a continental scale. Even those far removed from the consequences of this historical mistake-perhaps especially these people-are adamant that welcoming millions of Muslim Middle Eastern and African refugees into the heart of Western civilization was a splendid idea.

I was reminded of this the other night, when an acquaintance went on an hour-long fact-free tirade celebrating the benefits of this newfound vibrant diversity. Asserting at once that the crime rate in Germany hadn’t increased as a result of these newcomers and that even if they were committing crimes, it was a small price to pay for the economic productivity they would produce. It should be noted that on other occasions, when I’ve tried to educate him about this topic-despite his seeming unwillingness to engage in civil discussion about his pet issue of open borders-he’s refused to even consider the evidence presented. Claiming that the English language reports from Germany’s most widely read, pro-refugee newspapers and journals were somehow biased against his open borders, pro-refugee ideology.

It’s not only the media regents who inveigh against “fake news” who don’t want to hear dissenting opinions or unpleasant truths. There’s a large segment of the population-particularly among libertarians-who simply filter out any information that contradicts their most cherished value, i.e. unfettered third world immigration. The inescapable truth is that this reverse colonization of Europe has led to a surge in crime, 69,000 crimes in the first 3 months of 2016 alone! Despite the fact that 90% of sex crimes committed in 2014 were not reflected in official statistics, and that government institutions have bent the law in order to cover up the link between migrants and rime, there have been scores of horrific violations of women and children throughout Central and Western Europe since the migrant crisis began. Even Politifact, the gatekeeper of acceptable opinion, was forced to admit that the crime rate among migrants increased by 79 percent in 2015.

Even these statistics, spare though they are, don’t reflect the immensity of the crisis host societies are facing. In addition to the crimes committed against Europeans, there is the intimidation and crimes visited against refugees themselves, particularly Christians, atheists, and women. Jihadists threaten non-Muslim refugees before ever attacking unsuspecting Europeans. Female refugees are raped so frequently on their journey to Europe that they have to take contraceptives before embarking, yet we are expected to believe that the sexual predators who are on those ships pose no threat to European civilization. The mental contortions required to entertain these 2 thoughts simultaneously beggars belief.

It’s time for those of you who have buried your heads in the sand up to this point to come to grips with reality. As Ayn Rand once said, “we can ignore reality, but we can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” This is something defenders of the migrant wave washing over Europe have yet to grasp.



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Europe Votes Sun, 04 Dec 2016 16:21:47 +0000 Author: Franz Johann Morgenbesser from Vienna, Austria

Update: Kraut and Tea explains how Austria got here, and offers another possible explanation for Hofer’s loss. 

Renzi resigns

Landslide rejection. You can view the live results here. 

Exit polls, for what they’re worth, suggest the Italian constitutional referendum is headed towards defeat. 

In a depressing sign for the future, women voted for the Van der Bellen to the tune of 60%. 

Norbert Hofer has conceded defeat. It looks like Austria will be led, nominally, at least, by the far-left Green Party. 

The people of Italy, as well as their Austrian neighbors, make a momentous decision this week which will impact the future of Europe. While Italian voters will decide whether to invest their unelected, Europhile president with even more power, Austrians will decide whether they should elect someone who wants to preserve their heritage. Like the forces arrayed against Brexit and Donald Trump, those opposing the sovereignty of European nations are pouring everything they have into cementing the status quo.

To understand why these battles are so important, you need only look at some of the latest headlines to come out of Europe. One news story, in particular, is worth examining. The brutal rape and murder of an EU official’s daughter-who also helped care for displaced migrants-illustrates the extreme form of masochism embraced by the current European ruling class. The people who control Europe are willing to let their own children be sacrificed in order to maintain their increasingly untenable ideology.

This young woman’s death was a direct result of Europe’s failed experiment in multiculturalism, and she is far from the only victim. In fact, she’s not even the first idealistic European refugee worker to be murdered by one of these desperate migrants. This is a story that we will have to read over and over again unless and until Europeans assert their sovereignty and reclaim their birthright. It’s not the white man’s burden to save the third world any more than it’s his burden to intervene in endless sectarian conflicts in the Middle East which cause this unwanted exodus.




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Meanwhile, In Europe… Wed, 12 Oct 2016 12:49:49 +0000 Migrants arriving on the Island of Lampedusa in August 2007 Author:Sara Prestianni / noborder network

Heckuva job, Merkel!

At the beginning of 2016, Europol stated that at least 10,000 minor and unaccompanied refugee children are missing in Europe. According to the organization, the traces of thousands of children have been lost after they have been registered by state authorities…

Another illegal business that is booming is the trade in organs. Recent investigations in Italy demonstrated that persons who could not afford their flight were forced to sell their organs. An Egyptian crime network has even hunted those people who already sold their organs in order to kill them.


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Unhappy Anniversary Tue, 30 Aug 2016 16:37:22 +0000 439px-Angela_Merkel_Security_Conference_February_2015_(cropped)

Germany recently marked an ignominious anniversary, one which future generations of Germans-assuming there are any-will look back upon with shame and regret. I’m speaking, of course, about Angela Merkel’s decision to welcome over a million settlers from the Islamic world into the bosom of her country. The horrific consequences of this monumental decision have been documented on an hourly basis for those who care to look. The fact that a majority of the German population no longer believes she’s fit to serve as Chancellor, and that over two-thirds believe her decision to deconstruct their nation was a bad idea is not nearly as shocking as the significant minority of Germans who still want to proceed along this suicidal path.

Fortunately, there are rumblings of an internal rift within the party she relies upon to maintain power. Whether or not this amounts to anything, the need to dethrone Angela Merkel is clear to anyone who cares about the future of Western civilization. Even if Germany retook control of its borders tomorrow, a pre-existing demographic tidal wave threatens to permanently efface German culture as we’ve known it for millennia. However, if nothing is done to reverse the catastrophic policies pursued by current European leaders, Europe as a continent is going to collapse. The fact that Mama Merkel herself is complaining about the reluctance her Czech, Hungarian, and Polish counterparts have shown in embracing vibrant diversity is telling.

If these migrants, i.e. invaders, are so wonderful, then why would the Mother of Refugees want to “redistribute” them? Think about this for a minute. If the CEO of an extremely lucrative firm were to offer you thousands of stock options in his or her thriving company, would you be filled with resentment? Would you avail yourself of every opportunity to unload those stocks on neighbors and friends? Why is the woman who is singularly responsible for the disaster unfolding across the European continent reluctant to accept more of the men who she has repeatedly assured us constitute an unparalleled boon for the Germany economy and culture? Could it be that she has been deceiving the German public all this time? Might there be some very legitimate reasons why ordinary Germans don’t desire millions more unskilled, virtually unemployable refugees who are responsible for an unprecedented increase in criminal activity? Might vetting future army recruits for ISIS membership not be the most efficacious use of state resources?

These are all rhetorical questions, but they point to the necessity of politically removing the main source of Germany’s-and to a lesser extent, Europe’s-current misery. Regardless of who replaces Merkel, the fact that she needs to go is beyond dispute to any rational observer who wants to prevent Europe from descending into yet another Dark Age. Germany might not survive another year of their Chancellor’s glorious experiment.






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Rattle On (A Momentous Anniversary) Tue, 09 Aug 2016 22:45:54 +0000 640px-Benjamin_Franklin_-_Join_or_Die

You are reading the 1,500th (extended) post to American Rattlesnake, a project which began in the febrile imagination of my friend and colleague, Michel Evanchik. If you had told me in 2010 that over half a decade later this website would exist, let alone be flourishing, I would have scoffed. Those of you who are regulars know how fond I am of hyperlinking  useful information that illustrates a relevant point. One of the discoveries you make while curating these old posts is how ephemeral this medium is, as many of the sites linked to have long since disappeared into the Internet ether. The fact that we continue to make our voices heard in one of the most important election cycles in living memory is an achievement in itself.

This project began in the wake of SB 1070, a controversial Arizona law designed to punish, rather than reward, illegal aliens living in that state. Although the intent of this law was supported by the overwhelming majority of Americans, the political backlash it engendered among the ethnic grievance industry and the hispandering political class-as well as their stenographers in the news media-made it clear to us that we needed a venue to amplify the beliefs and concerns of ordinary American citizens. The idea of actually upholding and enforcing our nation’s immigration laws was untenable to the corporate-collectivist axis which has governed American immigration policy for the past half-century, which is why they directed their concentrated fury upon the one woman courageous enough to defy them.

Whatever you may have thought of Jan Brewer before 2010, her singular courage in resisting the forces that have bought and paid for the entire political class of this nation forced immigration patriots across the country to stand with her, and to stand with Arizona. The modest contribution made by my webmaster and myself took the form of a Web portal called American Rattlesnake. A wholly unique tool which harnessed news, analysis, and activism on behalf of patriotic immigration reform and the traditional values of indigenous Americans that have been under assault since the latter half of the 20th century. Located in the heart of this country’s half-century experiment with multiculturalism and unfettered, mass immigration from the third world, we have a very distinctive perspective on the cultural, political, social, and economic problems posed by the Californianization of the United States.

And while we’ve brought you firsthand accounts by those besieged by the invasion of our southern border, we’ve tried to explore how virtually every state in this new America has been transformed into a border state. Whether through the resettlement of unassimilable refugees in the mid-west and the deep South, the importation of thousands of Central American families, or simply the abandonment of any pretense to enforce federal immigration law by the current administration, we must recognize that our rulers have and continue to irreparably alter the nation once known as the United States of America. We have also tried to explain the refugee crisis in Europe, many years before Angela Merkel decided to turn her country into a hostel for Muslim rapists from the developing world. The fact that those in power both in Europe and the United States have chosen to level the full force of the state against critics of this insane policy, which amounts to cultural suicide, rather than confront the virus overwhelming Western civilization, speaks volumes about their priorities.

Even as countries which gave us the Enlightenment are besieged by those dedicated to its eradication, and purportedly free people become hostages within their own countries because of their leaders’ malfeasance and hatred of their people, those individuals brave enough to tell the truth becomes targets, both literally and figuratively. The ruling class and its rabid pets are seeking to silence truth-tellers, which makes sites like American Rattlesnake all the more necessary. As the marriage between online media monopolies and the leviathan state solidifies, and the denial of reality proceeds apace, the importance of independent, honest voices will only increase.

There are so few people willing to risk the consequences attendant upon telling the truth in a world where political discourse is shaped by lies. That’s why this website, however small its impact on the wider world, needs to be. It’s why me and Mr. Evanchik are extraordinarily grateful to our audience, which has been with us and grown over these past 6 years. I hope you’ll stick around for the battles ahead.

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Hillary’s Folly Sat, 02 Jul 2016 21:00:00 +0000 Hillary_Clinton_official_Secretary_of_State_portrait_crop

The Benghazi Report has finally been published, you can read it in its entirety here, which means we’ve been treated to some predictable political reactions, including this illuminating headline from the New York Times. Leaving aside the predictable spin from Hillary boosters in the fourth estate, one of my main problems with the national debate over Benghazi is its tunnel vision, especially as it relates to the former First Lady’s shortcomings as a political leader and decision-maker.

The intentionally deceptive narrative crafted by this administration in the aftermath of the Benghazi assault is simply one of many outrages to stem from this unprecedented attack upon one of our country’s diplomatic outposts. Leaving aside the despicable treatment of the survivors by then Secretary of State Clinton, the private and public treatment of this disaster by the Obama administration demonstrates their policy preferences clearly. Namely, to exculpate Islam from blame for any and all atrocities it’s responsible for, even if the link between the two is undeniable to any rational observer.

Beyond the Orwellian whitewashing of the world’s most violent ideology, the baleful consequences of the invasion which preceded the 2012 sack of America’s Libyan compound continue to be downplayed by its unintended authors. Both by this administration and its supporters, as well as neoconservative intellectuals and politicians who would have us believe that a foreign policy disaster was a brilliant geopolitical move. The fact that a global Sunni jihadist network was given yet another base of operations from which to operate, however attenuated, seems to have made no impression upon the people who charted this catastrophic path. The fact that the invasion of Libya led directly to ISIS atrocities within the heart of Europe, as well as permanently altering the very nature of European civilization, seems to have had no discernible impact on the very people who are responsible for these horrific outcomes.

To the contrary, Hillary Clinton has made the importation of tens of thousands of Muslim refugees from the Middle East-the same sort of refugees responsible for the rape pandemic enveloping Europe-a cornerstone of her campaign. Even as she seeks to displace blame for the fiascos in Syria and Libya onto her former boss, she continues to fully embrace the idiotic policies which have wrought havoc across the Middle East and threaten to devour the continent of Europe-to say nothing of the threat posed to American citizens. The grand policy of invade the world, invite the world will be continued under another Clinton administration, which threatens to make the horrific events currently unfolding around us pale by comparison.

The victims of the Benghazi stretch beyond Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty-and even their bereaved families-all the way across the globe. Anointing Hillary Clinton as the next Commander-in-Chief will not only be an insult to the memories of those victims, it will be an invitation for more chaos, bloodshed, and disasters which we cannot even envision at this point in time. Pandora’s box cannot be closed, but that doesn’t mean we should go searching for new demons and inviting them into our homes.





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Stand And Deliver (Confronting Leftist Banditry) Sun, 05 Jun 2016 04:17:48 +0000 Gavin McInnes Author: The Real Deal

To paraphrase the late Joe Sobran, hate speech is any speech liberals hate. Now that leading Web giants and the EU superstate have cemented a pact to target this pernicious threat to civilization, we’ll all have a better understanding of what exactly the egalitarian left considers to be hateful. The question remains, what do we to in order to make our voices heard in the face of an open conspiracy to silence them? The first step is refusing to be cowed into submission. A perfect response, which utilizes Twitter’s platform in order to expose the cowardice and hypocrisy of this campaign, is the I Stand With Hate Speech hashtag.

Aside from leveraging media attention to highlight our perspective, it also rejects the central premise of our ideological opponents. Namely, that we can be shamed into not expressing opinions which dissent from the culturally Marxist weltanschauung. One of the most powerful tools in the regressive left’s arsenal is its willingness to declare widely held, factually based beliefs off-limits. To delegitimize perfectly acceptable thoughts through a campaign of intellectual intimidation-a campaign aided by the cowardice and lack of will displayed by its opponents. We can’t defeat the left without disarming social progressives of one of their chief weapons, and the only way to do that is by refusing to be shamed.

Per Gavin McInnes, these people feed upon admissions of guilt from their enemies. They refuse to debate the actual issues because their arguments are meritless, which is why they focus upon extracting confessions from those who hold heretical opinions, a la the medieval Roman Catholic Church. Truckling to their demands does not make them more conciliatory or open to dialogue. To the contrary, it only emboldens them, as liberal college professors and presidents throughout the country have discovered through their encounters with the Black Lives Matter mob. These people do not want to entertain a rational discussion, they want a pound-or several pounds-of flesh from their enemies.

The only proper response to this jihad against free thought and expression is…fuck you. We won’t apologize for or minimize our beliefs because they are correct-and held by one of the most enlightened human beings on the planet, BTW. Imbecilic buzzwords like “xenophobe” and “racist” should have no impact on someone who realizes their intent, which is simply to bully you into submission. We all need to shed our fear of ostracism, like Pax Dickinson, which is paralyzing and inimical to the preservation of Western civilization. Regardless of one’s feelings about Donald Trump, and I’m the first to concede that he’s a deeply flawed candidate, he must be praised for being the first national conservative to confront the social justice warriors and their media enablers on their own terms.

The specter of a man who simply refuses to be shamed into obeisance, who rejects the cultural shibboleths of the institutional left, has sent the media into a tailspin and forced social progressives to reexamine their entire political strategy. After all, what do you do when the only weapon in your rhetorical arsenal, i.e. condemning your opponents for their non-bien pensant views, is a dud?

There are a number of strategies the right can and should implement as its ability to broadcast its political philosophy becomes increasingly circumscribed. Leveraging new media against one another is one such possibility. Creating our own platforms, professional and compelling ones, to disseminate our views is essential. But so is using existing platforms which are committed to the free exchange of ideas, even those ideas which challenge the prevailing kultursmog. One of the most heartening recent developments is the proliferation of Bitcoin, which gives ordinary individuals a decentralized alternative to the existing government-created and administered fiscal institutions.

Even so, I think what we need to keep in mind while pursuing all of these paths is the need to internalize a rejection of the left in its entirety. Not simply the principles of the left, but its primary mode of discourse, which includes a refusal to accede to any of its premises-including their demand that you apologize or modify what you believe because it’s “racist,” “sexist,” or “xenophobic.” We need to follow the lead of the late Andrew Breitbart, as well as men like Mark Steyn, Gavin McInnes, and Ezra Levant, and tell our enemies that they don’t get to dictate the terms of debate. They don’t get to force us to voluntarily give them our scalps as a sign of contrition for having transgressed leftist norms.

Our enemies need to be crushed, and the first step to doing so is refusing to bend the knee to their soul-enervating, culturally destructive, idiotic beliefs. Just as the soldiers of Allah gain strength through the cowardice of their enemies, the left is likewise empowered by any sign of weakness or contrition. The only solution to this problem is to be bold and proudly declare your beliefs, regardless of the consequences. It’s not only a risk dispersal strategy but a sound philosophy of life. Don’t allow your enemies to choose the field of battle, it’s a sure-fire way to be defeated, which is something we cannot afford as a civilization. It’s time we stopped being penitents and started being aggressors.


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Political Correctness and the Death of the West Thu, 17 Mar 2016 17:30:47 +0000

Paul Weston’s speech, unfortunately, has been removed from Youtube. However, watching this question and answer session-while you still can-will be an illuminating experience, rest assured. The lecture he had originally planned to deliver was quashed, naturally, by brutal, anti-Western thugs who happen to make their habitation in Canada. Illustrating, once again, the obstacles we face in spreading the truth about the greatest threat to Western civilization in the contemporary era.

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The Trojan Horse Thu, 04 Feb 2016 21:01:15 +0000

  Paris Shootings-The Day After The Attack Author: Maya-Anaïs Yataghène

Even as Germany’s Dr. Kevorkian  refuses to do anything in her power to stem the tide of invasion that has enveloped her country, the fallout from European leaders’ indulgent attitudes continues. A case in point being the recent revelations by a woman who spared France from suffering more carnage in the wake of the Paris and Saint-Denis massacres. Instead of protecting her life-and figuring out ways to identify and detain the Islamists seeking her death-French leaders are exploiting the atrocities of November in order to deprive citizens of their civil liberties and devise new ways of thwarting the dreaded Marine Le Pen. 

You must read the entire article to grasp how perverse the priorities of EU are, but this excerpt should give you an inkling of how imperiled individual Europeans are due to the skewed political priorities of their statesmen:

She said the Islamic State group commander told her he had entered France without documents, among a group of 90 people that had scattered around the Paris region…She asked him whether he had come in with Syrian refugees and he told her he came in a group without any documents. “There are Syrians, Iraqis, French, Germans, British. We came in a group of 90 and we’re a little bit everywhere around Paris.”

Whether there are 90 or 19 more jihadists wandering the French countryside is irrelevant to a certain degree. We’ve already witnessed-on repeated occasions-what havoc a few dedicated Islamic terrorists can wreak once they’ve set their minds to it. However, the fact that none of them have been apprehended, while this courageous woman lives in fear, is indicative of Europe’s present-and perhaps a portent of our future-in a very chilling way.

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