Department of Homeland Security – American-Rattlesnake Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Wed, 22 Nov 2017 19:42:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 President Trump’s Press Conference Wed, 25 Jan 2017 19:59:00 +0000

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Dropping The Ball Tue, 24 Jan 2017 05:16:05 +0000 Donald Trump speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on February 10, 2011. Author: Gage Skidmore

Update: Why DACA must end

For those of you on the Trump Train, I have some disappointing news. It seems that the President, at least, if we’re to believe his chief mouthpieces, has accepted DACA as a fait accompli. Although Mark Krikorian’s post in NRO frames this as an open question, the truth is that we’ve been given no indication that Donald Trump plans to do away with his predecessor’s unconstitutional administrative amnesty. The fact that he didn’t terminate this program on his first day in office means he has already broken one of his main campaign promises on the subject of immigration.

In terms of draining the swamp, we’re off to a rough start.



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The Daily Rattle (Presidential Edition) Tue, 04 Oct 2016 17:19:25 +0000 Photo taken and uploaded to Wikipedia by Bubba73. 19:40, 7 March 2010 (UTC) GNU Free Documentation License

A couple of news items before tonight’s VP debate:

-The Department of Homeland Security has scotched an investigation into the Clinton family’s bagman, Governor Terry McAuliffe, as well as Hillary’s younger brother, ex repo man/current parasite Tony Rodham. Both men were involved in a scheme to fast-track visa applications under the E-5 investor visa program, which is riddled with corruption and fraud. Of course, when the man accused of facilitating these potentially illegal acts is now the Deputy Secretary of DHS, what more can one expect?

-There were no blockbuster revelations of DNC chicanery or HRC contempt for Bernie supporters at the press conference held by Julian Assange earlier today. However, there was a promise of more disclosures to come, including information bearing on the current presidential race and the machinations of Google, a new media monopoly which continues to use AI as means of manipulating what information is available to the public. In case you were wondering which candidate Google is supporting this election cycle, take a peek at what its former CEO is up to these days.

-Finally, in a bit of good news, the Supreme Court has rejected the Obama administration’s request to rehear a case that put a halt to its unconstitutional administrative amnesty. The 4-4 decision merely serves to reinforce how important the upcoming presidential election is, because the  winner will be able to decide how far he or she is able to abuse the office of the presidency. It’s something else to keep in mind as you watch tonight’s debate.


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From The Head Down Sun, 07 Aug 2016 18:12:52 +0000 bosch-fawstin

As if we needed a reminder that the Augean Stables of our federal government need to be cleansed from top to bottom, this week brought news of an FBI agent encouraging a would-be Muslim assassin in the days leading up to the jihadist assault on Garland, Texas. I’m not one prone to conspiracy theories, but combined with the acknowledgement that Pamela Geller, the primary target of this assassination attempt, has not been contacted by law enforcement authorities in the wake of this latest development, you have to wonder what exactly is going on in Quantico.

We have a Justice Department which refuses to indict a woman who’s probably committed grievous crimes simply because she is the wife of a former President and the current nominee of the Democratic Party. An individual whose negligence-or malfeasance, if we’re being less frank-not only compromised national security, but may have led to the execution of an Iranian nuclear scientist. We have an FBI which believes it did its job by closing the file on Omar Mateen after concluding that his contacts with a suicide bomber had been minimal.  We all remember what that brilliant casework led to, don’t we?

Of course, we also have an Attorney General who believes that the solution to domestic jihadist networks and terrorists-which we have in every single state, for those of you who are keeping track-is to prosecute those who have the audacity to hurt Muslim feelz. We have a Department of Homeland Security which views right wingers, i.e. anyone to the right of Andrea Mitchell, as a greater domestic threat than ISIS, even as our government welcomes scores of refugees who might turn out to be actual terrorists.  Now it turns out that there are FBI agents who believe it’s within their purview to incite those whose sole job is plotting the deaths of critics of Islam.

I have some unpleasant news for the people reading this. Barring a monumental change, this is not going to get any better. In fact, contra The Weekly Standard’s stable of pro-Hillary shills, it will likely get much, much worse. The rancid corruption you’ve seen from the Obama administration and the Hillary Clinton campaign is merely a foretaste of what’s to come if the American public doesn’t wake up very soon. The Democratic Party nominee embraces the imposition of blasphemy laws-protecting only one religion, naturally-upon free men and women in the United States. She blatantly and persistently lied about who was responsible for the attacks on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and endangered the life of the filmmaker who committed the crime of not genuflecting before the most intolerant religion on the planet.

If you thought the Obama administration was corrupt, hostile to free speech, and unable to come to grips with the threat posed to our civilization by Islamic ideology, then you’re not going to like what the next 4 years have in store for this nation. America needs to wake up and realize that there are bigger threats to our future than a candidate who makes uncharitable comments about sleazy Muslim immigration lawyers with whom the media is enamored. Otherwise, we have some unpleasant years ahead of us.




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Homeland Security Tue, 14 Jun 2016 14:44:12 +0000 Seal of the White House Office of Homeland Security, which was formed by executive order on October 8, 2001, and later grew into the United States Department of Homeland Security. Extracted from archived version of White House State and Local actions for Homeland Security report. Author: U.S. Government

Coverage in the Washington Times.

The full hearing is now online. Skip ahead to the 38 minute mark in order to watch the opening statements.

Watch today’s hearing about the threat posed by visa overstays. Jessica Vaughan, of the Center for Immigration Studies, will be live-tweeting the hearing.

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Get Out Of Jail Free Sat, 26 Dec 2015 21:03:54 +0000 500px-US_Department_of_Homeland_Security_Seal.svg

The impending year brings with it the possibility of change. However, don’t expect much to change in the policy priorities of this administration, which continues to find new ways to nullify what remains of this country’s immigration laws. New deportation figures released by the inaptly named Department of Homeland Security demonstrate that the odds of an illegal alien being forcibly removed from this country remain virtually nil. You can read the story for yourself, but it merely gives concrete, statistical proof  to something we’ve known for many years. This White House has contempt for the security and aspirations of American citizens.

As the invaluable Mark Krikorian described in a prescient book published 5 years ago, Barack Obama views immigration through the lens of the fundamental and irrevocable transformation of the United States. The law and the Constitution are mere impediments to be overcome when you have an ideological crusade to achieve. In this case, the erasure of any borders that separate this country from the rest of the teeming planet. Look for more of the same, alas, in the year ahead.

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The New Tower Of Babel Wed, 07 Oct 2015 04:02:36 +0000 Mark Levin speaking at CPAC 2015 in Washington, DC. Author: Gage Skidmore

Mark Levin’s blistering take on the latest report demonstrating the baleful consequences of the 1965 Immigration Act is a must-listen! You can view the Center for Immigration Studies backgrounder here and the full report here. It makes for grim, but necessary, reading during a week when the gatekeepers of open borders, see NPR,  are spending hours trumpeting the virtues of what is incontestably the worst piece of domestic legislation enacted during the last half-century. 



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Kate’s Law (Call To Action) Sun, 19 Jul 2015 18:24:34 +0000 kate_header

Grassfire has initiated a petition drive to mobilize Congress to defang local officials that insist upon endangering American citizens. You can sign the petition here, as well as learn more about the proposed law and its sponsor, Congressman Matt Salmon, here. Even as feckless Obama cronies in the Department of Homeland Security disclaim responsibility for the lawless immigration system they’ve fostered, there are some members of Congress, however few in number, wiling to stand up in defense of American lives. They deserve our support, as does the family of the late Kathryn Steinle.

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The Dark Side Of The Dream Mon, 02 Mar 2015 14:30:39 +0000

The father of Jamiel Shaw asks some pointed, very disturbing questions which this administration and Congress have yet to answer.

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We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Shadows Thu, 05 Feb 2015 06:18:47 +0000 U.S. President Barack Obama is greeted by Speaker of the House John Boehner before delivering the 2011 State of the Union Address.  Author: Pete Souza

The President, as usual, has made his contempt for the law plain in the most ostentatious of ways. And, as usual, the Republican leadership in Congress has demonstrated why investing hope in the GOP apparatus is a misguided effort, at best. So someone who has defied the Constitution and imperiled the lives of countless Americans demands that immigration patriots sign off on his traducement of the law so as not to put American homeland security at risk. Politics is the theater of the absurd.

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