Charles Schumer – American-Rattlesnake Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Sat, 21 Oct 2017 13:54:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 All Politics Is Local (The Daily Rattle) Wed, 08 Mar 2017 17:34:53 +0000

-We begin today’s rattle with an interesting story about an Indian-or Muslim, depending upon PR needs of the open borders squad-athlete who was ushered into this country by our very own Senator Chuck Schumer. Unfortunately, this gifted sportsman is also a sex offender. Perhaps this isn’t quite as bad as having an alien interning for your office who is also a registered sex offender, but it does make you question the collective wisdom of our Democratic friends in Congress. Maybe we shouldn’t be taking their advice, vis-a-vis, controversial immigration decisions made by the Executive branch.

-In a reminder that there are actually rational people living in The People’s Republic of Vermont, the voters of Rutland have just turned out their incumbent mayor, Chris Louras, after he attempted to deluge their town with Muslim refugees from Syria and Iraq. While ignoring the public’s deep discontent with our government’s refugee resettlement programs-when not imputing racism and bigotry to Americans who express reservations about these schemes-is the norm, even the alternative weekly was forced to concede the enormous political consequences of this decision.

-For those of you who were wondering whatever happened to the thousands of unaccompanied minors who were allowed to enter into this country, wonder no more. According to an in-depth backgrounder from the Center for Immigration Studies, our government has absolutely no clue what it’s doing. While over 80 percent of their sponsors are illegal aliens, 44 percent of the UACs in question were ordered deported. Have the vast majority of these children been deported? Of course not, silly!

-You may ask yourself, “Why is this important?” It’s a good question. After all, it’s not as if these individuals will bring brutal Central American inter-gang warfare to the placidity of our nation’s suburbs, right? Well, I have some bad news for you on that score. It turns out that Latin American gangs, including MS-13, one of the most prolific and ruthless criminal networks in the Western Hemisphere, has actually established a pretty firm beachhead in our own backyard. Naturally, almost all of these gangbangers are criminal aliens. In an ironic twist, the moniker of the man who made an abortive attempt to unify the Mara Salvatrucha within the United States is, you guessed it, Dreamer.

-For those of you who think Europe’s approach to immigration is any less self-defeating and preposterous than the United States, I give you France. A nation where municipal authorities in Calais are attempting to prevent thousands of migrants from recreating the notorious refugee camp known as The Jungle. The biggest proponents of turning The Camp of the Saints into reality are, of course, other Europeans who believe Western civilization is uniquely evil. The ostensible plight of migrants from the third world is simply a cudgel with which the Gramscian left-with the help of corporate bean counters-can beat native Europeans into submission.

-After all, what are a few dozen, or a few hundred, honor killings in the grand scheme of things? Is the systemic dehumanization and murder of girls in nations which were responsible for the idea of religious toleration and freedom of conscience too high a price to pay for erecting the beautiful mosaic? When bad whites are saying intemperate, obnoxious things about people who are off-white, doesn’t that negate their entire philosophical worldview?  Even if that perspective is confirmed multiple times every single day?

-Everyone knows that the real reason millions of Muslims across the world support ISIS, Al Qaeda, and similar jihadist networks is because there isn’t enough inclusion in Hollywood casting decisions. See, the real villain isn’t Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. It’s those bastards who refused to green light an all-Muslim reboot of Star Trek!

-The cognitive dissonance at work in the mind of an an open borders leftist must be overpowering. They want to live in a high-trust, quasi-collectivist techno-utopia-along the lines of something created by Gene Roddenberry-yet simultaneously support policies which make this already far-fetched goal virtually impossible. The mentality of a social justice warrior in high dudgeon can be found in this VICE piece, which laments the role homeless shelters have been playing in the deportation of migrants. The traditional liberal concern for the working class and the poor is discarded when it conflicts with the categorical imperative, i.e. preserving diversity. The spiritual hollowness and intellectual vapidity of this type of leftist ‘thinking’ was brilliantly and caustically skewered by George Orwell nearly a century ago. It’s good to know that some things haven’t changed all that much.

-I’d like to leave you on a good note, so here’s some refreshing news to come out of Austria. 8 Iraqi men have been convicted of the gang rape of a tourist. Unlike the Middle Eastern cab driver in Halifax who was, to all intents and purposes, high-fived by a Nova Scotia judge for raping an unconscious passenger, these rapists were actually given (relatively) stiff prison sentences. What’s more, we’ve discovered that these horrific incidents actually constitute an anomaly within the Islamic immigrant community.

Migrants and refugees from other countries expressed concern that the crime will make Austrians hostile toward all newcomers.

“Eight people raping a woman — that’s honor-less! Such a thing doesn’t exist in our religion,” Burhan Akbas, a migrant from Turkey, said.

“When such people come here and screw up like that, then everybody will think that Chechens, Afghans, all refugees from war areas are all the same,” Mansur Salamou, an asylum-seeker from Chechnya, said. “But it’s not like that. For example, the majority of us — we also cause problems, commit crimes. But no rape! Only criminal assaults and robberies.”

See, Europeans?! You only have to worry about being assaulted and robbed by the millions of North African and Middle Eastern refugees and migrants making their way towards Europe. What a relief.



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Live Free or Die Tue, 09 Feb 2016 22:53:11 +0000 258px-Seal_of_New_Hampshire.svg


Update: According to CNN projections Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have emerged victorious from tonight’s primary. Notch one for the notoriously inaccurate polling industry! 

We’ll see whether New Hampshire lives up to its state motto later tonight, although the pickings are rather slim in this regard. You can follow the undoubtedly dubious exit polling data from ABC News here. Until the final results come in, we recommend reading Mark Krikorian’s excellent anti-Rubio polemic published by National Review Online earlier today.

Although generally regarded as more conservative than others vying furiously for the establishment vote, i.e. the cheap labor and cheap votes coalition, Rubio is actually a rather dismal echo of his equally open borders primary competitors. If you need proof of this, look no further than his corporate benefactors. That being said, expect media shills-of both the corporatist Republican and bien pensant liberal variety-to continue extolling the virtues of Univision’s favorite GOPer.

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Day 1 Of The Loretta Lynch Hearings Wed, 28 Jan 2015 16:31:52 +0000 Loretta_Lynch


Update: Power Line has a great recap of the Sessions-Lynch exchange, which demonstrates why this nominee is so unsuited for the position she aspires to hold. 

Senator Jeff Sessions displaying why he should be in charge of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Watch them live.

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Republican Voters vs. Republican Politicians Sat, 22 Mar 2014 14:48:24 +0000 Rep._Renee_Ellmers

As the White House contemplates an expansion of its constitutionally dubious administrative amnesty, it’s worth taking a look at how the treason lobby’s Republican accomplices are dealing with the public’s repudiation of their most cherished legislative priority, i.e. opening the spigot to an endless stream of cheap, imported labor. A particularly revealing exchange happened a week or so ago on the Laura Ingraham Show during an interview with faux conservative Rep. Renee Ellmers, a woman who ran for Congress under the banner of the Tea Party.

Instead of listening to the concerns expressed by her constituents on the subject of immigration reform, i.e. amnesty,  however, she has decided to throw in her lot with the one of the most lavishly-funded, dense Capitol Hill lobbying networks. Which might explain why Tamar Jacoby and her allies are rallying around the embattled congresswoman even as conservative North Carolinians seek viable alternatives to the complacent incumbent.

While the Republican Party leadership doesn’t get it, Republican voters understand the necessity of preventing the implementation of another amnesty for which the GOP will (rightly) be held culpable. An amnesty that will make the election of candidates like Renee Ellmers an impossibility in the near future, something that open borders Republicans like her don’t seem to grasp.




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The Plot Thickens Tue, 21 Jan 2014 05:17:42 +0000 U.S. President Barack Obama is greeted by Speaker of the House John Boehner before delivering the 2011 State of the Union Address.  Author: Pete Souza

This is one of the few times, unfortunately, when I believe the President.

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Shut Out Of The Job Market Thu, 08 Aug 2013 16:26:03 +0000

The forces behind the worst piece of immigration legislation since the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act are hard at work. It’s time that patriotic citizens began to resist the elites’ drive to immiserate the American public and burden future generations with incalculable debts. Start asking questions, and  start demanding that your congressman explain why he or she is supporting the Ryan-Rubio-Schumer fiasco.  Bipartisan isn’t a synonym for good.

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The End Of Equality Fri, 02 Aug 2013 19:12:20 +0000 Picture of Mickey Kaus, a Democratic candidate for the U.S. senate in California. Author: Stephen Kaus.

One of the most incisive, astute observers of the growing income inequality and stratification that characterizes large portions of this nation’s economy is writer Mickey Kaus. Unique among his colleagues for being a prominent voice within the mainstream media and yellow dog Democrat who opposes the mass, unskilled immigration which the institutional left and its press organs glorify, he now writes a regular column for the conservative Washington D.C. online news magazine The Daily Caller.

Kaus’s voice is essential, because it represents the last concrete manifestation of New Deal liberalism untethered to the Democratic Party’s post-1965 infatuation with empowering “new” minorities, even at the expense of the working class Americans who were once the indelible anchor of that party’s base. The historical transformation of the Democratic Party from an ostensible ally-if not tribune-of blue collar and impoverished Americans into a political force comprised primarily of servitors to corporate interests and ethnic lobbyists is no more apparent than in the current “debate” over enacting yet another sweeping legislative amnesty.

An unintentionally hilarious illustration of this change can be found in a column written by New York Times Editor-in-Chief Bill Keller which attempts to persuade skeptical liberals that embracing the Gang of Eight scheme is in their best interests. You can pinpoint the exact moment when elite liberal opinion keelhauled its followers when he touts the benefits of this bill by approvingly citing the open borders libertarians at the Cato Institute.

This is why watching the interview of Mickey Kaus by the Center for Immigration Studies is absolutely necessary for those of us who want to know why and how the ostensible political successor to Jefferson and Jackson came to embody the most unpalatable values of aristocratic, east coast elitism while at the same time becoming the  implacable foe of ordinary, working class Americans-even those who are critical to its electoral success.

I urge you all to watch this conversation closely and use it to pose some tough questions that Democrats have been dodging about this momentous plan to fundamentally transform America. The open borders caucus-which includes virtually every single elected Democratic in the nation’s capital-needs to be held to account for its decision to abandon its constituents.

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House Republican Conference (Kill The Bill!) Tue, 09 Jul 2013 17:46:10 +0000 The House Republicans have scheduled a special conference to discuss immigration reform tomorrow afternoon. This is the perfect opportunity to let your sentiments regarding the Gang of Eight monstrosity lumbering through Congress be known. Even Bill Kristol, hardly a Buchananite on this subject, is aware of the inherent danger of letting the House act upon this issue during the current session of Congress.

That is why you need to make your opposition to this process known. FAIR has given you all the tools necessary to do just that. I urge you all to take advantage of the opportunity and tell John Boehner and his lackluster deputies that their careers are contingent upon their actions in the next two months. Specifically, whether or not they allow this disaster to be enacted into law.  It is time to kill this bill!

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The Cost of Amnesty Fri, 05 Jul 2013 20:05:21 +0000 Sean Hannity at King of Prussia Mall, PA.Modified by CrazyLegsKC, original taken by Hello32020 Released into the Public Domain.

The shortcomings of Sean Hannity as a cable news host and interviewer are widely known, yet he deserves some credit for interviewing Dennis Michael Lynch, despite his network’s seeming embargo of any information critical of its CEO’s dogmatic open borders agenda, on the day America celebrated its independence from its colonial master, Great Britain. You can view part of this interview, and read a rush transcript, on the FNC website.

I urge you to pay particular attention to the discussion of the well-organized campaign by Soros-bankrolled, La Raza affiliates like Casa de Maryland to impute racism to the dissent expressed by patriotic American citizens. This tactic will be employed with increasing frequency as the cheap labor lobby and its allies redouble their efforts to push the Gang of Eight monstrosity over the finish line in the House of Representatives. Kudos to Sean Hannity for bringing this issue to the attention of a national audience, however belatedly.

Let’s hope this is the beginning of  a trend.


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Secure The Border (Oppose S.744) Thu, 20 Jun 2013 15:09:06 +0000  

Breitbart News had fantastic live coverage of both Representative Steve King’s press conference and the Tea Party-led Audit the IRS rally yesterday. Despite encountering resistance from the Capitol police, hundreds of patriotic conservatives were able to listen to Rep. King’s message of securing the border  period, not first, or in addition to. Kudos to Steve King and the departing Michele Bachmann for speaking up in defense of the American people, not special interest lobbies, the ethnic grievance industry, corporate welfare hogs, or Big Labor apparatchiks.

We urge all of our readers to follow their advice, and call their senators immediately! Tell them to oppose the kabuki theater Schumer and Rubio are scripting in order to win over malleable Republicans. We have less than six weeks to kill this bill, and without the voices of ordinary Americans being heard in Washington D.C., we very well might lose this battle. That’s a chance we can’t take.


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