Steinbeck Country

August 31, 2011

The dividing line demarcating illegal aliens from American citizens is almost non-existent. Laws proscribing would-be residents from coming to this country without permission are merely arbitrarily drawn distinctions that have no substantive basis, other than racial animus on the part of “Anglos” who control the political process.  You can’t criminalize human beings, even human beings who’ve broken our laws, which are manifestly immoral in any case. That’s the standard  line of reasoning-if it can be described as such-used by open borders dogmatists whenever confronted by the inherent illogic of their arguments.

That’s why this piece published by the Associated Press is such a necessary corrective to the usual ad hominem attacks and faulty logic employed by mass immigration enthusiasts. It focuses on a growing conflict between individuals who came to California from Mexico many years ago-or whose parents settled here-and what the article refers to as indigenous people from the Mexican state of  Oaxaca.

They speak their own languages, not Spanish, they keep their own customs, such as arranged marriages, and, despite a longstanding tradition of sanctuary and tolerance in Greenfield, they remain separate.

This  sentence encapsulates the problem perfectly. We take people from a completely alien culture, do not attempt to assimilate them to American norms and values, then attempt to codify this dysfunctional situation by discriminating against American citizens. The fact that the only aspect of contemporary American culture they’ve adopted is fatuous charges of racism and bigotry shouldn’t come as a surprise. Nor should the cavalier attitude of Greenfield’s police chief, who blithely declares that he’s “an anglo with a Mexican heart.” How about having the heart of an officer of the law? I suppose enforcing the law without prejudice is too much to ask for in 21st century California.

When residents asked him why he didn’t arrest the “illegals,” Grebmeier countered that hounding immigrants was not his job. And for the most part, federal immigration agents rarely conducted large sweeps in communities like Greenfield, populated by large numbers of undocumented farmworkers.

This the other side of the equation. When renegade localities decide which laws are worth enforcing-almost all of them aimed at forcing compliance by American citizens, especially in states like California-their defiance is rewarded by a federal government that is completely AWOL. The only time the feds seem interested in intervening in these matters at all is when states attempt to secure the borders the White House and Congress have left undefended.

A possible solution to this seemingly intractable situation can be found in the fact that a group of Californians of Mexican descent have begun to organize their community around this issue. The fact that the men and woman of Beautify Greenfield have taken concerted action to rescue their rapidly eroding community testifies to the deep and abiding concern ordinary Americans-even those who may be immigrants themselves-share about our government’s malignant endorsement of unfettered, unpoliced migration from our Mexico. They are doing what everyone in America should be doing when they see miles of parking lots filled with illegal day laborers, the remnants of car wrecks caused by unlicensed, illegal alien drivers, and the aftermath of governmental indifference to an existential national security threat.

Speak up, defend your beliefs, and punish elected officials and alleged law enforcement officers who refuse to take your concerns about illegal immigration seriously. If they can do this in Monterey County, California, just imagine what we can accomplish.

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