youtube – American-Rattlesnake Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Tue, 16 May 2017 23:19:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The New Media Mon, 12 Dec 2016 05:30:09 +0000

Want more homogeneity and lack of insight in your media diet? Well, you’re in luck.

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Stand And Deliver (Confronting Leftist Banditry) Sun, 05 Jun 2016 04:17:48 +0000 Gavin McInnes Author: The Real Deal

To paraphrase the late Joe Sobran, hate speech is any speech liberals hate. Now that leading Web giants and the EU superstate have cemented a pact to target this pernicious threat to civilization, we’ll all have a better understanding of what exactly the egalitarian left considers to be hateful. The question remains, what do we to in order to make our voices heard in the face of an open conspiracy to silence them? The first step is refusing to be cowed into submission. A perfect response, which utilizes Twitter’s platform in order to expose the cowardice and hypocrisy of this campaign, is the I Stand With Hate Speech hashtag.

Aside from leveraging media attention to highlight our perspective, it also rejects the central premise of our ideological opponents. Namely, that we can be shamed into not expressing opinions which dissent from the culturally Marxist weltanschauung. One of the most powerful tools in the regressive left’s arsenal is its willingness to declare widely held, factually based beliefs off-limits. To delegitimize perfectly acceptable thoughts through a campaign of intellectual intimidation-a campaign aided by the cowardice and lack of will displayed by its opponents. We can’t defeat the left without disarming social progressives of one of their chief weapons, and the only way to do that is by refusing to be shamed.

Per Gavin McInnes, these people feed upon admissions of guilt from their enemies. They refuse to debate the actual issues because their arguments are meritless, which is why they focus upon extracting confessions from those who hold heretical opinions, a la the medieval Roman Catholic Church. Truckling to their demands does not make them more conciliatory or open to dialogue. To the contrary, it only emboldens them, as liberal college professors and presidents throughout the country have discovered through their encounters with the Black Lives Matter mob. These people do not want to entertain a rational discussion, they want a pound-or several pounds-of flesh from their enemies.

The only proper response to this jihad against free thought and expression is…fuck you. We won’t apologize for or minimize our beliefs because they are correct-and held by one of the most enlightened human beings on the planet, BTW. Imbecilic buzzwords like “xenophobe” and “racist” should have no impact on someone who realizes their intent, which is simply to bully you into submission. We all need to shed our fear of ostracism, like Pax Dickinson, which is paralyzing and inimical to the preservation of Western civilization. Regardless of one’s feelings about Donald Trump, and I’m the first to concede that he’s a deeply flawed candidate, he must be praised for being the first national conservative to confront the social justice warriors and their media enablers on their own terms.

The specter of a man who simply refuses to be shamed into obeisance, who rejects the cultural shibboleths of the institutional left, has sent the media into a tailspin and forced social progressives to reexamine their entire political strategy. After all, what do you do when the only weapon in your rhetorical arsenal, i.e. condemning your opponents for their non-bien pensant views, is a dud?

There are a number of strategies the right can and should implement as its ability to broadcast its political philosophy becomes increasingly circumscribed. Leveraging new media against one another is one such possibility. Creating our own platforms, professional and compelling ones, to disseminate our views is essential. But so is using existing platforms which are committed to the free exchange of ideas, even those ideas which challenge the prevailing kultursmog. One of the most heartening recent developments is the proliferation of Bitcoin, which gives ordinary individuals a decentralized alternative to the existing government-created and administered fiscal institutions.

Even so, I think what we need to keep in mind while pursuing all of these paths is the need to internalize a rejection of the left in its entirety. Not simply the principles of the left, but its primary mode of discourse, which includes a refusal to accede to any of its premises-including their demand that you apologize or modify what you believe because it’s “racist,” “sexist,” or “xenophobic.” We need to follow the lead of the late Andrew Breitbart, as well as men like Mark Steyn, Gavin McInnes, and Ezra Levant, and tell our enemies that they don’t get to dictate the terms of debate. They don’t get to force us to voluntarily give them our scalps as a sign of contrition for having transgressed leftist norms.

Our enemies need to be crushed, and the first step to doing so is refusing to bend the knee to their soul-enervating, culturally destructive, idiotic beliefs. Just as the soldiers of Allah gain strength through the cowardice of their enemies, the left is likewise empowered by any sign of weakness or contrition. The only solution to this problem is to be bold and proudly declare your beliefs, regardless of the consequences. It’s not only a risk dispersal strategy but a sound philosophy of life. Don’t allow your enemies to choose the field of battle, it’s a sure-fire way to be defeated, which is something we cannot afford as a civilization. It’s time we stopped being penitents and started being aggressors.


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Youtube Politics Sun, 29 May 2016 08:02:36 +0000 Screenshot at 3:07 of video of U.S President Obama with YouTube video content creators

If a picture is worth a thousand words, the value of a moving image is incalculable. That’s why the impact of a website like Youtube should never be underestimated. Although often marginalized as an endless repository for cat videos and dwindling supply of unlicensed songs and films, the truth is that Youtube, especially since its takeover by the Internet hydra known as Google, exercises a profound influence upon how we view the world. It’s why the people behind that website devote enormous resources to sponsor presidential debates, interview the President, and generally influence the tenor of political debate within this country. Which makes its record of discrimination against unfashionable points of view all the more troubling to those of us among the non-leftist untermenschen.

Although the nature of its reporting system lends itself to abuse, especially by adherents to the Religion of Grievance, it can no longer be denied that Youtube has gone out of its way to make itself inhospitable to heterodoxy. The temporary ban of a channel documenting ISIS atrocities can be explained away as an overzealous reaction to graphic images, but it’s harder to intellectually justify the removal of a video which satirizes jihadists. Or, for that matter, videos which use fragments of news footage in order to illustrate the gravity of the refugee crisis engulfing Europe.

It’s certainly true that many right wing Youtube channels, even those critical of mass immigration, multiculturalism and Islam, still exist. That said, many others, whose foci range from the right to bear arms to Christian ministry,  have been temporarily or permanently banned. If you really want to incur the wrath of YT though, you should probably explore the less than positive aspects of open borders-particularly as it relates to the hijra which Europe is currently undergoing. An inventory of my own favorited videos exploring these subjects revealed that nearly 70% of them had been removed. Gee, I wonder how that happened.

Pat Condell, whose video critiquing Saudi Arabia-otherwise known as ISIS 1.0-was removed for unspecified reasons is a perfect illustration of the selective censorship exercised by Youtube. However, he is far from alone. While a cursory search would reveal hundreds of pro-Islamist and even explicitly jihadist videos, the mere existence of channels critical of this planet’s most destructive ideology is too jarring for those in charge. It cannot stand. Just ask MEMRI TV, or Palestinian Media Watch, or many, many others who have run afoul of that website’s peculiar interpretation of its own terms and conditions. I marvel at the continued existence of SyeTenAtheist, even as I delight in his channel, although perhaps I should temper my enthusiasm, given the history of both Youtube and its parent company.

Even if you could shrug off all of the aforementioned incidents as unpersuasive anecdotal evidence, how do you explain the fact that in any given year none of the official Youtube channels represent conservative points of view, even as a vociferous denier of the Armenian genocide has earned the company’s seal of approval? Is that merely coincidence, or is it perhaps part of a pattern? Don’t expect an answer from Youtube HQ, or anyone working for Youtube or Google for that matter, because that’s just not what they do.

It’s their world, we just live in it.





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The Spirit of the Season Thu, 24 Dec 2015 17:18:53 +0000  

Merry Christmas, readers!  Enjoy some festive music from one of my favorite musicians, Mindy Gledhill. It’s worth taking a break from the dispiriting news of the world for at least a few days.

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May Day Madness Tue, 12 May 2015 04:10:24 +0000

My apologies for tackling this over a week after it occurred, but more pressing issues commanded my attention, obviously. That said, there’s much more great coverage of the May Day convocation of Marxist lunatics and open borders brigands from our friends at New York Ice, including more footage from the event uploaded to Vimeo, as well as some stunning photos of the rabble-and the steadfast NY ICE opposition-on Flickr.

You can also scroll through a fantastic photo-essay of the event posted to The Silent Majority No More, one of this site’s  most trusted and valuable allies. We should all be grateful for their tireless work on behalf of rational, non-Marxist New Yorkers and patriotic Americans everywhere.





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NY ICE Stands Up For Americans Thu, 07 Aug 2014 20:12:12 +0000 NY ICE Counter-demonstration in Manhattan

NY ICE acquitted itself ably during the national day of protest against the President’s lawless immigration policies earlier this month. You can see the results for yourself by visiting the recent items section of NY ICE’s website. You can also view video footage from the event by visiting the Epstein Rocks channel on Youtube. Joanna Marzullo, founder and president of New York ICE, provides a summary below the fold.

August 2, 2014, New York, NY. NY ICE contributed to the National Day of Demonstrations against the recent illegal alien flood.

The YouTube Video shot by Border Patrol USA shows NY ICE being told to move by a DHS functionary, while asking, “Why aren’t you moving the illegal alien trespassers out?  Why aren’t you tell them to move out?” The current illegal alien flood abuses and misuses the 2008 immigration law, which was supposed to apply to unaccompanied minors who are trafficking victims! Not people complicit in their own smuggling. Obama is creating this crisis.Much of the mainstream media wants to construe a case of an illegal alien toddler crawling for the border with a teddy bear, which is not the case and implausible.
The history of American compassion is being used against us to try to allow for thousands of trespassers to come here on a pretext, in their effort to gain access to the U.S.’s resources.
The U.S. cannot sustain this. Obama is not operating in the best interests of the American people, which have, over and over, supported American sovereignty. He seeks to ignore us in the interest of those coming here illegally, and is assisting their Trojan horse operations to come here.

Special thanks and Credit to Pamela Hall for much of the videos and [hotos!  For the complete Flickr set, please view this photo set

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Speaking Truth To The Mob Tue, 01 Jul 2014 15:25:21 +0000

New York Ice demonstrated once again this weekend why it is the premier anti-illegal immigration activist group  in the Northeast when they confronted the usual suspects demanding that we allow our nation to be invaded. You can find more videos from the counter-protest on Youtube, and some fantastic photo sets from the incomparable Pamela Hall on Flickr. Also, be sure to check out the post-action report, which you can find under recent items on NY ICE’s website.





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Godzilla Attacks…Again! Tue, 13 May 2014 22:10:11 +0000  

The latest installment of Seavey/Perry explores Hollywood’s attempt to reinvigorate one of our favorite dystopian film franchises dealing with the societal fallout from nuclear fusion. That’s right, it’s Mothra’s arch-nemesis Godzilla!  

Tell us what you think about the latest iteration on a classic cinematic monster, including whether or not you agree with Japanese observers, who believe Godzilla needs to go on a low calorie diet, in the comments below.

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Telling It Like It Is Wed, 29 Aug 2012 15:47:25 +0000

If this President refuses to secure our borders, refuses to protect our citizens from the dangers of illegal immigration, then states have an obligation to take it on ourselves.

Governor Nikki Haley

It was refreshing to hear some speakers last night who were willing to expose the flagrant disregard for the Constitution exhibited by Barack Obama during his first term in office. Kudos to Governor Haley for using the platform of the Republican National Convention to highlight one of the most important issues of the upcoming election. You can watch  Governor Haley’s compelling speech to the RNC  here

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The New Normans Mon, 02 Apr 2012 19:47:28 +0000 Our good friend Pat Condell explains once again how the deliberate policy of ethnic cleansing pursued by the British elite throughout the 1990s has led to its domestic terror problem, which is so pervasive that it has earned England’s capital a less than flattering sobriquet. Unfortunately, the horrifying policies enacted by the government of the United Kingdom are also embraced by the United States government, which has just decided to grant de facto residency to thousands of Syrian Muslims under the auspices of the misleadingly named category of Temporary Protected Status.

If only our ostensible leaders in Washington D.C. were as wise as Mr. Condell.

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