SyeTenAtheist – American-Rattlesnake Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Mon, 09 Oct 2017 06:44:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing Mon, 20 Feb 2017 05:11:37 +0000

MRC points out, once again, that one of feminism’s leading lights is a complete and utter fraud. Just like the faux eco-warriors who drop their green facade when confronted with the reality of open borders environmental degradation, the contemporary feminist movement couldn’t care less about upholding the rights of women and girls. For more on the connection between anti-Isreal Jewish Marxists and their sharia-loving Islamist comrades, check out this post from The Silent Majority No More.

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The War On Christmas (And Christians) Wed, 21 Dec 2016 05:57:18 +0000

It seems like the Truck of Peace has struck yet again, adding to the nearly 21,000 lives extinguished by this most quiescent, moderate of religions. The ISIS-inspired murderer is on the loose, naturally, although the BBC will be relieved to know that the offending lorry has been taken into custody. As the Alternative for Democracy has stated, these dead can be laid at the feet of Angela Merkel, a woman responsible for more European deaths than the Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Ayman al-Zawahiri combined.  She celebrates the cultural enrichment brought by migrants-presumably including the over 100,000 crimes they’ve committed-even as German police buckle under the relentless pressure of Arab-Muslim street gangs.

She has the gall to lament the impact this Muslim-committed atrocity might have on refugees, i.e. potential jihadists, even as Berlin is still soaked in the blood of those who’ve been killed by one of her wayward children. Yet this stupidity hasn’t prevented the same host of global opinion-makers from tut-tutting the potential blowback from the German public. It’s infuriating to those of us who’ve been watching the War on Christmas unfold across Europe and North America over the past 2 decades. We’re being asked to sacrifice our lives-and the lives of our children, grandchildren, sisters, and brothers-upon the alter of multiculturalism and our culture’s demented fealty to political correctness.

Merkel needs to pay the ultimate political price for her actions, which actually are treasonous, i.e. a profound betrayal of her country. She is her nation’s Cromwell-times a hundred-and is accomplishing something even Adolf Hitler couldn’t, i.e. the destruction of Germany. Forgive me if it seems like I’m invoking Godwin’s Law with that comparison, but there’s no more appropriate analogy at this point. We are dealing with a woman who is consciously leading her nation along the path of destruction and eagerly embracing the extermination of her people.

Merkel is finished. She must be, because if she is not, then Germany certainly is. There are limits to ethno-masochism, even in Europe. Merkelism is collective suicide, and it’s time that Germans stood up and said they’re not willing to forfeit their lives on behalf of wretched specimens like Angela Merkel.






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Today In Multiculturalism Wed, 07 Sep 2016 14:36:02 +0000 High altar of Notre Dame de Paris. Descent from the Cross, sculpture by Nicolas Coustou with a relief by François Girardon, surrounded by the kneeling statues of Louis XIII on the right (by Guillaume Coustou) and of Louis XIV on the left (Antoine Coysevox). Author: Myrabella  February 14, 2013

It would appear that  a car packed with explosives was just found outside of Notre Dame cathedral. Hasn’t someone told the owner of this vehicle that attempting to perpetrate a mass atrocity is not in keeping with the tenets of true Islam? Where do people get these crazy notions that trying to murder hundreds of innocent people with explosives is somehow sanctioned by the Koran, or that Islam is not a religion of peace?

You don’t get to be the fastest growing religion through violent coercion and terror plots, after all. Someone needs to send this poor, deluded individual a copy of Reza Aslan’s latest work before the rest of us begin to get the wrong impression of our new Muslim neighbors.

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Youtube Politics Sun, 29 May 2016 08:02:36 +0000 Screenshot at 3:07 of video of U.S President Obama with YouTube video content creators

If a picture is worth a thousand words, the value of a moving image is incalculable. That’s why the impact of a website like Youtube should never be underestimated. Although often marginalized as an endless repository for cat videos and dwindling supply of unlicensed songs and films, the truth is that Youtube, especially since its takeover by the Internet hydra known as Google, exercises a profound influence upon how we view the world. It’s why the people behind that website devote enormous resources to sponsor presidential debates, interview the President, and generally influence the tenor of political debate within this country. Which makes its record of discrimination against unfashionable points of view all the more troubling to those of us among the non-leftist untermenschen.

Although the nature of its reporting system lends itself to abuse, especially by adherents to the Religion of Grievance, it can no longer be denied that Youtube has gone out of its way to make itself inhospitable to heterodoxy. The temporary ban of a channel documenting ISIS atrocities can be explained away as an overzealous reaction to graphic images, but it’s harder to intellectually justify the removal of a video which satirizes jihadists. Or, for that matter, videos which use fragments of news footage in order to illustrate the gravity of the refugee crisis engulfing Europe.

It’s certainly true that many right wing Youtube channels, even those critical of mass immigration, multiculturalism and Islam, still exist. That said, many others, whose foci range from the right to bear arms to Christian ministry,  have been temporarily or permanently banned. If you really want to incur the wrath of YT though, you should probably explore the less than positive aspects of open borders-particularly as it relates to the hijra which Europe is currently undergoing. An inventory of my own favorited videos exploring these subjects revealed that nearly 70% of them had been removed. Gee, I wonder how that happened.

Pat Condell, whose video critiquing Saudi Arabia-otherwise known as ISIS 1.0-was removed for unspecified reasons is a perfect illustration of the selective censorship exercised by Youtube. However, he is far from alone. While a cursory search would reveal hundreds of pro-Islamist and even explicitly jihadist videos, the mere existence of channels critical of this planet’s most destructive ideology is too jarring for those in charge. It cannot stand. Just ask MEMRI TV, or Palestinian Media Watch, or many, many others who have run afoul of that website’s peculiar interpretation of its own terms and conditions. I marvel at the continued existence of SyeTenAtheist, even as I delight in his channel, although perhaps I should temper my enthusiasm, given the history of both Youtube and its parent company.

Even if you could shrug off all of the aforementioned incidents as unpersuasive anecdotal evidence, how do you explain the fact that in any given year none of the official Youtube channels represent conservative points of view, even as a vociferous denier of the Armenian genocide has earned the company’s seal of approval? Is that merely coincidence, or is it perhaps part of a pattern? Don’t expect an answer from Youtube HQ, or anyone working for Youtube or Google for that matter, because that’s just not what they do.

It’s their world, we just live in it.





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Strange Bedfellows Fri, 08 Apr 2016 04:47:18 +0000

As usual, Pat Condell unloads the truth from both barrels. You can find links to the stories (implicitly) referenced in the video on his Youtube channel. For an explanation of the Twitter speech police, check out this interview of Paul Joseph Watson by Rebel Media.

For the most succinct, not to mention entertaining, encapsulation of this issue, check out this brilliant creation by the incomparable SyeTenAtheist. A seemingly harmless ditty which got Richard Dawkins into hot water but which is still viewable, despite the best efforts of intersectional feminists and their Islamist brethren.

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