Socialists – American-Rattlesnake Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Fri, 03 Nov 2017 13:22:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 NYC Italian-Americans:Save Columbus Circle Statue! Sat, 02 Sep 2017 21:50:37 +0000 August 24, 2017 — New York City — City Hall

Mayor Bill de Blasio and Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito want to tear down New York City’s great monuments. Patriotic politicians held a press conference in support of  the Columbus Circle statue, an 1892 gift to the City of New York by Italian immigrants.

Read more of Americans standing up to historical vandalism.

pamela hall 2012

They honored Columbus with pride, as Americans proud of their Italian heritage.

Opening remarks came from Councilman Joseph Borelli. With Columbus next on the chopping block, he warned de Blasio and Mark-Viverito against revising history:

Your actions are more divisive than uniting. The iconoclasm we are seeing […] will look foolish 200 years from now. How will our actions today be judged. This an unfortunate chapter in NYC’s history. We are concerned about preserving his (Columbus’) legacy. We are asking […] he be judged through the lens of the era in which he lived.

Congressman Borelli was followed by comedian Joe Piscopo:

This is about my grandparents. They came from Italy. They came in steerage. On the boat to Ellis island, passed the Statue of Liberty. With no respect they came to this country. You know what they did? They learned the law. They learned the language. They were proud to become Americans. I wasn’t allowed to speak Italian in the house. They became Americans. The one iconic symbol for Italian-Americans was Christopher Columbus. He’s flawed. We’re all flawed. Hey, I’m flawed. We’re all flawed. You know what gets me frustrated … Italians have no respect. We never complain … when we were prejudiced against. When they hung Sicilians in New Orleans (**lynched March 14, 1891 **) Teddy Roosevelt said, “They got what they deserved.” FDR interned Italians during WW2. We didn’t complain because WE WERE AMERICANS. Leave our statues alone. (cheers). Stop the political correctness. It’s killing us. Keep the greatness, keep the texture, the character of the United States of America.

Political candidates were introduced, such as “Bo” Dietl, Michel Faulkner, Steve Saperstein, and Lucretia Potter.

5 speakers (in order):  Sen. Diane Savino (D-North Shore/Brooklyn), Council Minority Leader Steven Matteo (R-Mid-Island), Assemblyman Ronald Castorina Jr., Brooklyn Councilman Vincent Gentile, and Councilman Mark Mark Treyger,

These proud Americans put the mayor on notice that no one is going to accept his offensive proposals.

[Part 2 –Staten Island artist Scott LoBaido is introduced followed by 5 speakers (in order) Queens Councilman, Eric Ulrich, Joe Guagliardo, National Council Of Columbia Associations, Joe Sciame, former president Sons of Italy in America, John (?), and last, the attorney representing 10,000 members in the NYPD Association and Manny Rothstein.

It was a moving and informative presentation. The large contingent of the mainstream press attended and you can hear the disdain in the reporters’ questions.

This is war. Americans vs the Marxist cabal. Game on.

This is a partial list of names mentioned in video: Councilman Joseph Borelli (R-South Shore), Sen. Diane Savino (D-North Shore/Brooklyn), Assemblyman Ronald Castorina Jr., Council Minority Leader Steven Matteo (R-Mid-Island), Assemblyman Matthew Titone (D-North Shore),  Staten Island artist Scott LoBaido, comedian Joe Piscopo, Brooklyn Councilman Vincent Gentile, Joseph Guagliardo of the National Council Of Columbia Associations, Joseph Sciame, the former president of the Sons of Italy in America.


pamela hall 2012

Americans are. fightimg the outrageous possibility of removing the statue all together and RENAMING the place LENAPE CIRCLE.

What’s next? Renaming the continents? No more Amerigo Vespuci allowed.  No more “America”.

Links: Gothamist, Patch

[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall]

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Jovial Crowds Demand US Regime Change in Second Day of NYC Protests Mon, 21 Aug 2017 20:02:49 +0000 Monday — August 14, 2017 — NYC

This was the second day of three days of protests. On the first day, a small group of Trump supporters stood their ground against all the haters.

Read more about the jammed crowd demanding death to Trump and democracy.

This day’s “Trump is Killing Us: Mourning Heather Heyer” protest started at 5 PM. (I got there at about 6 pm.)

By then the crush and resistance to clearing the streets was intense. The NYPD recorded announcement — “leave or be arrested” – played over and over to no avail.

What I noticed, as they dug in, were lots of white faces hating on America: dunderheads and anarchists refusing to disperse. There were LOTS of cement barriers.

Flickr Slide show


I was late to the party because I met up with the Jewish Defense League at Union Square, a counter-protest to the Samidoun Leftie Jews and “Palestinians” who think that the murderess Rasmea Odeh is herself a victim. The JDL’s actions were very effective. American Rattlesnake will feature great pics and videos of this counter-protest soon. Meanwhile, on to day 2 of the anti-fascism fascists.

A funereal protest was announced. Perhaps I missed it, because I was restricted to the 56th to 55th St. block on Fifth Avenue; JAMMED with bodies and signs, malcontents hating and wailing on Trump but…. jovial, considering this INSANE gathering of slumming dilettantes.

Here’s a periscope video, something new for me, but another method to use when needed. This one sheds some light on the sea of people, media and police. What a MESS!

The Facebook announcements — to rally and recruit — seemed to work. There was a ridiculous amount of people jamming the sidewalks. RECRUIT and RE-EDUCATE. I hear it. I see it. “Join us. Tell your friends.” Over and over. RESIST!!

CO-SPONSORS May 14th : Strong Economy for All, New York Communities for Change, Vocal NY, Working Families Party

Donald Trump is coming to NYC to stay at his beloved Trump Tower. But New Yorkers won’t have it.

Trump is killing us. Whether it is by killing our democracy, threatening war on North Korea, targeting our immigrant communities, or wanting to end the policies that allow black and brown people to access higher education.

That’s why we are going to welcome Trump with a funeral procession to highlight all the ways his administration is killing our country.

Dressed all in black, New Yorkers will march from 59th street and 5th Ave to Trump Tower. Feel free to bring candles, pictures, and symbols of the people, beings, and things Trump is killing.

While the Facebook memes kept changing: “Protest Trump and Ideology of Hate at Trump Tower!”, the purpose did not, “Get Trump/Pence OUT of NYC — Out of the White House.”

“Trump is Killing us: Funeral to Welcome Donald Trump to NYC”

“Our thoughts are with those killed and injured in Charlottesville standing up to hatred and racism! This is the ugly face of Trump’s America! There is no apolitical reply to what happened in Charlottesville! You pick a side. Choosing to ignore is a side! Join us at Trump tower! Stand against Trump, White Supremacy, Nazi and ideology of hatred!”

[What’s LOVE got to do with it?]

There is a gameplan to supplant democracy. The “Charlottesville organizers ask you to take these 8 actions” (5 listed below)++

These actions are requested directly from the Black Lives Matter group that is part of our resistance network. [Hate RULES]

#3. Petition the administration at the University of Virginia to publicly denounce white supremacist alumni Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler, revoke their diplomas, and commit to ejecting them from UVA grounds if they ever show their faces there again: Until UVA takes these steps, it is complicit in the violence they engender.

The next four actions are for you to organize locally, in your home communities.

[In other words SPY on your neighbors, your friends, your families. 1984 IS HERE]

#5. Do the research to identify Nazis in your community. Find out who’s doing alt-right or white supremacist agitating, find out where they work, and learn as much as you can about their connections to politicians or police in your town. Use this information to block them from gaining social and political control. Do not allow your community to be a platform for white supremacist fascism.

#6. Organize community defense networks to protect and defend each other now. The only reason why more people weren’t killed in Charlottesville on Saturday is that a wide variety of groups, particularly anarchist and antifa groups, protected each other when the police refused to do so.

#7. Take down all confederate monuments.

#8. And finally, there is a direct connection between white supremacist fascism and everyday white supremacist state policies and practices. Continue to organize to end racial oppression and make reparations, in line with the Vision for Black Lives.

We grieve for Heather. We ache with the Black communities terrorized. We mobilize in memory of the 52% of Charlottesville residents enslaved by the confederacy. We fight for the reparations yet to be made in their name.

Bring your best gifts to this struggle, and fiercely love. (Cross-posted from Daily Kos.)

Game on: Rally. Recruit. Re-Educate (rinse/repeat).

The media war helps shape the memes, dulling the senses, as the soc/commie/prog/fascisti lead the people to the slaughter. (ignorance. bliss. insanity.)  Do you know where you children are?

Day 3 of the hatefest will be published next — the finale of this RESIST Trump/Pence three day event.

Unfortunately, in no way is it The End.

[Pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall]

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The Anti-Sessions Brigade Sun, 21 May 2017 22:04:50 +0000

MAY 15 , 2017  (5 – 7 pm) “NO! to KKK Jeff Sessions’ Mandatory Sentencing!Hosted by

Jeff Sessions, the current United States Attorney General, was the object of their collective anti-fascist scorn, “Sessions has issued a completely draconian policy that will bring a New Jim Crow.


Fake, orange jump-suited prisoners (chained), holding their assigned offenses, were accosted by a fake Jeff Sessions. This was not a great moment in street theatre history.

They made another claim about the Sessions sentencing : “If you haven’t heard about mandatory sentencing, you have no idea what hell is about to come down on black and brown people.”

They continued with: “White supremacist Attorney General Jeff Session just issued a sweeping policy of mandatory sentencing for all criminal offenses. This means that people will be charged with the MOST serious penalty for all offenses. For example: If someone is arrested with one joint, mandatory sentencing is 1 year in prison. This will DESTROY THE LIVES OF millions of our people, especially Black and Latino people. This (is) racist and it is fascist.” 

 Flickr Side show


 The best laid plans for these non-stop bitch-fests don’t always come-off as planned.  I saw people. Real people. Connected. Sincere in their delusions. Sharing. Bonded. Committed. Grab an adjective. They all fit.

Yes they really were TRYING to make this piece of street theatre come-off as planned: a biting, witty  commentary on the evils of that southern Fascist Jeff Beauregard  Sessions.

However, once heir fake Jeff Sessions stepped up-to-the- plate. Bad. Just plain bad street theatre. This guy needed to go home.

This young woman was loud and clear. Thanks to her, and not the faux Jeff Sessions, we knew WHY they were protesting.

What is Jeff Sessions Mandatory Sentencing? (Facebook)

This is an re-institution of a brutal new form of Jim Crow. Every outrage by this Trump Regime must be met with greater and greater resistance. And we must act together to drive it out before its too late.

 Mandatory minimum sentences are cruel and ineffective. Sessions wants them back.

Under Sessions, prosecutors will be required almost always to charge mandatory minimums, however unjust. They will bind judges’ hands even when the facts cry out for more measured punishment. The result will be great suffering. And there is no good reason for it.

Who is Jeff Sessions (Facebook) 

Jeff Sessions led the prosecution of three Black civil rights workers for attempting to register Black people to vote in areas of Alabama where virtually no Black people had been able to vote, near the infamous town of Selma. He also called a white civil right lawyer a “disgrace to his race” for litigating voting rights cases.

Under Sessions leadership, Alabama used the torturous practice of hitching posts. This is where prisoners, were shackled for as long as 7 hours in the broiling heat of Alabama’s summer to chest high horizontal bars. They were deprived of food, water and the toilet. This along with chain gangs ( men tied together in groups of 5 with 8 feet of chain between them) and involved hard labor breaking walks. These torturous practices disproportionately affected black people and were ruled un-constitutional.

++The following facts, in defense of Jeff Sessions, are not based on Fake News hysteria nor Leftist agitprop++ : “Senator Jeff Sessions’ nomination to be the 84th attorney general of the United States is fantastic news for those who revere the rule of law. : “My advice to Democrats, regarding their demand for the head of Attorney General Jeff Sessions: turn off MSNBC and CNN, and calmly read the transcripts of the remarks that have been made. : “Senator Jeff Sessions is not a racist.  If you listen to only certain Senate Democrats and others on the left, that’s exactly what they want you to think […] (they) are labeling Senator Sessions as a racist for actually fighting for the voting rights of African Americans.”

The TRUTH, it’s a terrible thing to waste….

++Pictures and video are property of Pamela Hall++

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City of Refuge: Open Borders Activists Rained Out Mon, 10 Apr 2017 06:17:57 +0000 The original “City of Refuge : Stop the Refugee BAN 24 hour Action” planned  for March 14th had been postponed because of snow: the blizzard that didn’t.


Still, it was a lot of snow, so they rescheduled to March 28th and NOW… we had RAIN.

Cameras and rain, an even less friendly combination, but curiosity took me downtown anyway to 40 Wall St.

Day 1, March 28, 2017 (Noon-1pm) began outside a TRUMP Building at 40 Wall Street, followed by a night sleeping in a temporary “Tent City” outside historic Trinity Church.

[Trinity Church was a partner in this action]

“To bring attention to the need for more humanitarian refugee policies, Trinity is partnering with a coalition of organizations, including African Communities Together and the Interfaith Center of New York, to host a refugee action, including two marches, teach-ins, interfaith services, and an overnight “refugee tent city.” 

From The Protest’s Press Release:

We are calling for an end to the refugee ban, the preservation of asylum and TPS (temporary protected status), and truly humanitarian immigration policy. We will organize 24 hours of powerful actions in solidarity with refugees. We are invoking the spirit of the Statue of Liberty and the history of New York as a City of Refuge for immigrants and refugees from around the world.”

On Day 2, March 29, 2017,  the protestors would march to Federal Plaza, past the African Burial Ground, ending at Foley Square. But, first, March 28. Noon. I arrived outside the 40 Wall st Trump Building as the protestors were stacking their rafts. Inflatable dinghies. Very orange.

Typically, the left knows how to do street theatre photo-ops, making the trip worth the inclement weather. Lots of cameras were on-hand waiting. Ready.

As the small crowd grew, there were now a few signs carried by Koreans of MinKwon amongst the umbrellas.

Rafts laid out. Photos in rafts. A banner from African Communities Together. And a steady rain that was not abating. Still, no one was leaving. Waiting patiently.

The sound system spazzing in the rain caused a brief delay and then the speakers began.

The speakers included, Cesar Vargas , New York’s First Undocumented Lawyer

After a nearly three-year wait, a five-judge panel in New York ruled this week that César Vargas — a native of Mexico and longtime New Yorker — can be admitted to practice law in the state he’s called home since he was 5, even though he remains an undocumented immigrant.

Rabbi Rachel Grant Meyer, a refugee advocate.

 Nisha Agarwal, The Mayor’s Immigrant Affairs Commissioner.

 Amaha Kassa, African Communities Together.

Elizabeth Arjok, Sudanese model and actor.

Elizabeth fled South Sudan at seven years old and waited five years to be resettled in the U.S.

Their messages were clear: “Stop the attacks on illegal immigrants, Mr President. Stop ICE. Open Borders, Si. No to immigration laws. YES to Sanctuary Cities.” Nothing new here. Still, they managed to hold a decent rally in the rain.


After the speeches had concluded, I headed back uptown so I didn’t walk the brief jaunt to Trinity Church – a short hop away (see picture below) – as they carried their very orange rafts to the temporary Tent City they set up outside the church.

At Trinity Church the schedule would include:

1:30pm: Opening at Trinity Church (including interfaith prayer service)

2:30-3:15pm: Teach-In: Immigration Law & Know Your Rights
3:30-4:15pm: Teach-In: Sanctuary in the Workplace
4:30-5:15pm: Teach-In: Criminalization
5:30-6:15pm: Teach-In: Foreign Policy & Migration

6:30-7:30pm: Dinner /Break
7:30-9pm: Cultural Jam
9-10pm: Torchlight Vigil
10pm: Doors of Trinity Church are closed. Camp out will begin.

Preferring rain to a ‘blizzard”, the protestors spent the night in a tent city at Trinity Church as they protested the refugee ban thoughout the night.

DAY 2 – March 29 – Foley Square.

The Sun was out. Temperature pleasant, even though the wind was a bit brisk. The protesters spent the night at Trinity Church and were now, after passing the African Burial Ground, ending their action in Foley Square (across from Federal Plaza) and still had those orange dinghies and drums (lots of African Drums).

Wednesday’s schedule – Day 2- included:

8:30-9:30am: Morning activity (leafleting, story sharing, “Call your Congressman/Congresswoman”)
9:30-10am: Closing at Trinity Church
10am-noon: The March to African Burial Ground & Federal Plaza
Noon: Closing Rally at Foley Square

Other than laying out those bright orange dinghies, this was a decidedly low impact second day protest/rally EXCEPT for some unplanned street theatre. Not organized by the protestors, seen below is  “Chairman Mao’s”, Gary Pneuff.

 “Build The Wall” Gary was back and he was NOT going to leave

But now he wears a Trump hat and holds a Build the Wall sign, portable radio in hand, pacing back and forth during the speeches; chanting and singing LOUDLY (Kumbaya was his song of the day).

Crazy Gary from Staten Island
is a “professional” heckler. May Day, a.k.a Commie Day, is a favorite of Gary’s. Every year he marches through Union Square giving grief to those who support Russian/ Soviet/Lenin-style Communism. Known to hurl profanities as he aggressively promotes his love for Red Chinese Communism.

So, Gary sporting a Trump hat and carrying a Trump/Pence sign, as well as “Build the Wall“, begs the question from even the protestors on the LEFT, “WHAT is going on with Crazy Gary?”

He caused quite a bit of noise pollution for the intended speakers but the police took a tame approach to his presence. They tried to move him a few times, but he wasn’t breaking any laws, so Kumbaya droned on loudly through Foley Square. I must say, I had a bit of schadenfreude, watching the left be harassed by one of their own-Gary certainly isn’t one of ours.

As for the Refugee Action, today generated perhaps a smaller crowd. The African contingent was solid but minus the Korean faction. Rally points unchanged, the focus was still on (illegal) Immigrants. Sanctuary. Trump and Killer Cops, a.k.a. the NYPD.(Demoralizing the police being a huge campaign going on for DECADES.)

We heard a few speeches with GARY chanting and Kumbaya-ing in the background. Union shills. African immigrants. And Hawa Bah, the mother of a Muslim immigrant, Mohamed Bah. She claims he was murdered by the NYPD on September 26, 2012.

Not much if any media present. Not my problem. Nor theirs. Act like the media is there. Recruitment rather than media impact is often the goal. One day. One protest. One new recruit at a time keeps the ranks of resistance and discontent roiling. A decades-old methodology.

They. Never. Rest.

++ pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall ++

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Patriots and the Confused Left Both March in New York. Sat, 08 Apr 2017 12:00:29 +0000 March 25, 2017 – 1 PM – Patriots marched in support of TRUMP and #MAGA in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, across from the U.N.

In NYC the actual march didn’t seem to happen, though about 40 Trumpers gathered first at Trump Tower – at 11 am- and then walked to the gathering in the UN Park. So, you could say there was a mini-march.  A peaceful gathering. DIVERSE (as always).

Once at the rally, I saw a nice solid assemblage of patriots. Not huge, but not tiny either. Maybe 100 or even a bit more.

With lots of signs…

And lots of banners….

Heard a few speeches of support for Trump’s America. The main speaker was immigration enforcement expert, Michael Cutler. Cutler has 30 years of experience as an Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) agent.

He was followed briefly by Jimmy McMillan, founder of The Rent Is Too Damn High Party.

Found a few anti-Trump protestors across the street with impeachment issues.

No matter the conflicting Chinese factions …

…. the mood stayed uplifted amongst the MAGA crowd.

There was, also, a disturbing faction that attached itself to this Trump Rally: the Larouchies. [see Lyndon LaRouche Party – Wiki] Way too many La Rouch signs and clip boards in-hand as they worked to recruit New Larouchies.

These weird groupies, will they become a trend at the NY Republican rallies? Hope not.

Then there was Gary Phaneuf – a ‘professional” heckler – and Chairman Mao’s faithful disciple. Gary walked through the Republican crowd with his Trump cap, Trump-Putin sign and his Communist China Daily rag. What happened? Why are the Trump rallies attracting these bizarre creatures?

Whatever, the many group of patriots were on message with the National Anthem. The Pledge-of-Allegiance as well as plenty of smiles and good-will.

…  Slide show of #MAGA Rally…


Two marches in one day with the Patriots vs the Socialists. On  my way to the #MAGA rally, I stopped by the “People” March for a Free Press protest/rally

It was Noon in Bryant Park (42nd and Sixth ave) just a couple of avenues from the NY Times.(another mini-march) It’s the gesture that matters, ’cause they are ‘marching”.

Their aim was to show SUPPORT for a Free Press while resisting Trump’s “Fascist” America.

Trying to LOOK Patriotic – after all,  resistance is patriotic – they spoke of the Constitution, the American Revolution and claimed their protest was a living example of what our Founding Fathers fought for. The TRUTH will keep us FREE.

So, now all those racist, dead WHITE males are okay?

Holding large and small American flags while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance the speakers’ focused on, Trump and his minions who they claim oppose a Free Press. And Fox news. Of course.

TRUMP is a threat to PATRIOTIC Americans, like themselves; a danger to the NY Slimes and … a Free Press

(People for a Free Press & Tax The Rich) Couple this display with their signs, masquerading as patriotic Americans, resulted in a confused message (for some).

Passers-by wondered, “For or against the NY Times?”

The NEW Socialist Left, inquiring minds want to know,  are they the real patriots? Exposing those fools who support President Trump and Fox News. The fight is on for WHO represents a patriotic, FREE Press America.

… Slide show of the “Peoples Protest “…


Even the NY Times seemed to ignore this rally. Saw lots of photographers, but found no reports. (Too peaceful, I guess).

I did read that nationwide, things were not as peaceful in the Peoples Republic of California and Omaha, of all places. Were the aggressors plants? Were they really Trump supporters?

“Violence erupted at a “Make America Great Again” rally in California. (and) more than 1,500 miles away, counter-protesters also caused chaos at a Trump rally in Omaha. The ruckus did not disrupt the rally, but it saddened some of the Trump supporters. “Today was a perfect example of how divided we have all gotten,” said Shayla McShannon, 36.”

Still, NYC was TAME in comparison. But, whether a fight with fists or a battle for a FREE Press. A battle for the TRUTH vs propaganda is a seriously important pursuit. I left the Peoples Protest. Heading to the U.N Trump supporters with this thought,

Holding a large American flag, saying the pledge of allegiance. These are not hallmark of a hanging-on-the-Left crowd. Yet they do manage to deliver the photo-ops the media enjoys. Winning? In some circles. With the help of that Free Press, can they sucker the public in to thinking this is the NEW America?

[Pictures and Videos property of Pamela Hall]

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Bill De Blasio: Mayor Of All New York? Mon, 03 Apr 2017 10:00:39 +0000 March 15, 2017 – 7 PM – First rule of politics (that Repubs seem to have neglected) Never attend a town hall meeting you can’t control. That’s what Comrade de Blasio did with great aplomb.

The NYPD, NYC Councilmen, the local progs, who remain loyal to the mayor, packed the meeting with loyalists who understood they were there to make nice with the mayor, or else.

Even the so-called “hard questions” were asked with respectful voices. No shouting. No screaming. No chanting. No signs (nothing like that was permitted). No way, no how.

Not possible since entry to the school was security intensive. Everything was scanned, purses dumped (my wallet – DUMPED); back packs and camera gear groped, dumped, and prodded. No signs would be snuck in-if they even tried-not gonna get past that security. (For a few more pictures, see slide show.)

DSC_9172 copy

I listened to the town hall meeting for about 90 minutes of a three hour marathon, with nary a spark of discontent.  The Mayor and Councilman Johnson offered the usual FRIENDLY soc/commie/prog responses to a very receptive crowd.

Stuck on stupid for almost every question or complaint, the most recycled solution was, “We need MORE Progressive Democrats in Albany to get rid of Trump.”

Manhattan, New York. A hotbed of soc/commie/progressive politicians who stay in office ’til they die. New York has no brain. No heart. Just empty tills to be refilled with higher and higher taxes. Yep. That’s the ticket to a workers party paradise. (The playlist below has excerpts from many of the talking points and answers)

Three hours of platitudes. Get rid of Trump promises. “We feel your pain. November 8th was a nightmare. We can fix it if we try. We are HERE FOR YOU!”

See two more videos of the mayor on describing how Muslim school holidays and sanctuary cities make us MORE safe.


So, where were the disenchanted heavy hitters? Those fellow-travelers who often demand that Comrade Mayor de Blasio step-down. I’ve heard them. Seen them. Guess inquiring minds were checked at the door.

Next day, March 16, 2017, FOUND the DUMP Blaz Commies outside City Hall; ready to excoriate all things de Blasio.

The malcontents were baaack! And not just from Chinatown and the LES (Lower East Side)

This was a CITYWIDE Alliance to Dump de Blasio NOW!

Their press release said a people-of-color consortium lead this protest. They gathered (AGAIN) with the same complaints heard on Jan 16, followed by “Mayor de Blasio must STEP DOWN!”

Blaz, the racist, is as BAD AS TRUMP!

Mayor de Blasio, “gentrifier-in-chief,” has designated NYC a “sanctuary city” in an effort to protect immigrants from racist and xenophobic Trump Executive Orders. For many NYC immigrants, however, our communities are under siege as we live in the instability and crisis as a result of the Mayor’s own rezoning policy that is displacing us from the very places that we seek refuge.

A list of  speakers outside City Hall:

Heard three of the speakers before I had to leave:

What a difference a day makes. These soc/commie/progs are not the friendlies from the night before.

While Trump pushes people out of the country, de Blasio pushes people out of their homes and neighborhoods, all to benefit his political aspirations and ultra-rich developers. They are two sides of the same coin: both destroy immigrant families and communities of color.

We say no more to racism and displacement! Join us to demand Mayor de Blasio step down!

There was a list of demands:

1) End racism in city planning. Pass community-based “People First” plans like the Chinatown Working Group rezoning plan.

2) End public funding for luxury development, such as 421-a. Instead; use public resources to preserve and build more permanent low-income housing.

3) Stop privatization of public land and assets.

4) Mayor de Blasio and those in City Council who also collude with developers, step down.

Displacement. Selling blocks of real estate apartments – in lower economic communities – to build higher and higher 65 story replacements. They want the displacement to stop. The graft and payments to stop.

Seems ol’ Red Bill is a bit soiled and his fellow soc/commie/progs are not happy that this “Progressive” mayor remains in office.

Step Down de Blasio. The real estate developers are displacing NYC residents. (with the mayor’s blessing.) Racist rezoning is destroying immigrant families. That is why “Bill de Blasio must go!”  Now.

They do eat their own….Don’t they…

++ slide show from the rally++


++ pictures and videos are property of Pamela Hall ++

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Clash Of Cultures Fri, 24 Mar 2017 21:47:01 +0000 MARCH 4, 2017 was a busy, busy day.  March 4 Trump Rally at Trump Tower vs Standing Rock Anti Trump leftists at NYPL – 42nd st.

March4Trump Patriots gathered to Support Our President.

This is a Pro-America rally in support of our President and to show our American pride.
Wear your USA and Trump gear. Bring your American flags, signs and pride. This will be a peaceful rally
Standing Rock Climate Leftist Loons and their Comrades-in-arms

This was a National Uprising anti-Trump March

Six days before the national Rise with Standing Rock mobilization in Washington, DC, march on Trump Tower (on 5th avenue) to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline and its threat to the Standing Rock Sioux, their sacred lands and clean water. We will rally at 1:00 pm, then march at 2:00. The march will begin in front of the New York Public Library and go to Trump Tower and beyond.

Back to NYC. For me, it all began at 1 pm. 42nd St. N.Y. Public Library  at Fifth Ave. March 4th for Standing Rock.  It was COLD. Windy and very cold. But, no matter, there were many dedicated malcontents hanging around and waiting for the protest march to Trump Tower.

The march to Trump Tower was set to start at about 2 pm. While waiting, there was lots of music. In spite of the cold, the musicians seemed to manage.

Including a familiar pro-Trump patriot.

Never dull, visually. Donald Puppets, expected.

And disenchanted, brain-washed millennials like this mother and her dutiful spawn.

Always disappointed to see such sweet children sent down this path of global anti-Americanism.

The themes and complaints from the Leftists were many, as the slide show reveals:


Couldn’t walk with them – still dealing with my plantar churl – so bussed it to 56th street where I caught up with the March4Trump Rally.

Surprised to locate them at 57th street, a block from Trump Tower. The police had moved them further from the tower (and these are the GOOD guys!)

Scheduled from Noon to 3 pm, it was about 2:30, and they had a great group assembled. Diverse as always, NOT a group of WHITE supremacists, never.

Considering the COLD, and CONTRARY to the odd media count of only 125, this late in the rally I saw a healthy turnout. The March4Trumpers still filled the block.

They were in the midst of  a SPIRITED exchange with some anti-Trump stragglers (who obviously had not gone to the library).

The police kindly reminded the anti-Trumpers (who politely resisted) that they must go to their assigned location at 55th and Fifth. Slowly, they agreed to go back to 56th st., puppets and all.

From the NYPL on 42nd street, to 57th and Fifth, we found a LOUD show of support or resistance (depending on whose side they were on) with signs, shouting and cheering.

It was a civilized exit except for the rude finger-jabbing from this well-dressed “lady”. She very much enjoyed flipping-off the pro-Trumpers.

Becoming a bit shy once she saw my camera.

See Flickr side show of both sides  at Trump Tower


Typical of the left, their strolling musicians brought a bit of NOLA Mardi Gras to the scene. I must admit it was pleasing to the ear.

In conclusion, as I looked for media recaps, I found this report from the NY Post. It mentions the separation of the opposing factions before I arrived .

Pro and anti-Trump rallies collide at Trump Tower – NY Post

Pro-Trump picketers and anti-Trump protesters collided in Midtown Saturday, but there was no clashing beyond competing chants.

About 125 President Trump fans, many wearing Trump masks, flocked to Trump Tower, where they chanted “Build that wall!” and “USA.” Some carried signs that read “If you don’t like him, leave,” and “Jail Obama & Soros.”

A faction of 50 protesters met the Trump supporters at noon at the Fifth Avenue intersection. To the tune of “Frosty the Snowman,” they sang, “Donnie the con man.” They held signs with pictures of Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin that read “Investigate the Bromance.”

Cops separated and dispersed both groups after an hour.

Also, I found a video dealing with that relocation of the March4Trumpers

Pro-Trump Rally at Trump Tower

Happening Now: We're live from a pro-Trump rally at Trump Tower in NYC where people are supporting the "America First Agenda.”

Posted by BuzzFeed News on Saturday, March 4, 2017

Another day on the streets of Manhattan. The left never rests. Neither should we.
March on. March on.

++Pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall++ [except where designated]

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Thoughts On The Oslo Massacre Tue, 26 Jul 2011 09:14:59 +0000

Some of you might be wondering why I haven’t yet addressed the horrific Utoya shootings and bombings targeting Regjeringskvartalet which occurred this weekend. The simple answer is that I don’t think there’s much of substance that I can add to the discussion, other than deploring the unspeakable actions of the mass murderer and expressing my deepest condolences to the people of Norway, especially the loved ones of the over seventy young men and women who lost their lives on the island located on the picturesque lake seen in the photograph above.

On a deeper level, I feel that one of the chief assets of this website is its ability to move beyond a reactive, evanescent analysis of our societal problems. The fact that American Rattlesnake is not a prisoner of the moment, and does not attempt to serve as a running commentary-or blog, if you prefer-upon every single event, no matter how momentous, is one of the distinctive features of this website.

However, I would like to add a personal note about the febrile media campaign that has begun to take shape in the wake of this horrific tragedy. The attempt to ascribe blame for this atrocity to individuals other than the mad man who initiated it is bad enough, but the metanarrative publications like the New York Times are attempting to weave in order to impugn the philosophical beliefs  and integrity of their perceived enemies is absolutely galling. As someone who’s known Pamela Geller for years and considers her a dear friend, and who has met Robert Spencer on several occasions, I feel compelled to address the libelous allegations that are being leveled against them by their inquisitors in the mainstream media.

Although I believe it perfectly fair and even desirable to inquire into the motives of the killer, and to examine what-if anything-led him to take such a craven, contemptible course, I don’t believe that the concerted effort to demonize Pamela and Robert is a sincere attempt on the part of the drive-by media to uncover the “root” causes of the senseless Utoya slaughter. Rather, it is simply the latest installment in a seemingly endless campaign to delegitimize anyone and everyone who holds heterodox opinions regarding a host of issues, including multiculturalism, immigration, and the role of Islam in contemporary Western society. Lest you think that this fusillade of invective is restricted to conservative anti-Islamists, I refer you to the hatchet job undertaken by Nicholas Kristof in an attempt to bury liberal feminist, Islamic apostate, and international crusader for women’s rights Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

The attacks on Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer are not any more truthful than the assault against her. What’s more, they only serve to overshadow and obscure the horror that has unfolded in Norway, which has permanently scarred hundreds of innocent individuals who will have wounds in their hearts and souls that will never be repaired by time. The fact that their trauma and pain is being press-ganged to serve the noisome, petty agenda of the dominant media organs in this country and in Europe is something that I find absolutely abhorrent. I have faith that the reputations of both Pamela and Robert will remain intact, despite the repeated attempts to tarnish them by tying their followers to the actions of someone wholly divorced from reality. Unfortunately, the time spent vilifying them, which could have been spent commemorating the lives of the individuals who were cut down in this monstrous massacre, can never be replaced.

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D-Day. May Day Photos and Coverage: Part I Wed, 04 May 2011 06:57:57 +0000

My apologies for beginning this entry with such a startlingly vulgar image, but I thought it appropriate to visually demonstrate the level of debate I encountered from open borders anarchists during the May Day rally held at Foley Square. These two characters-who obviously eschew fasting as a form of political protest-are from the very violent, yet strangely ineffectual, organization known as Antifa. They oppose what they describe as “fascism” by replicating the methods and tactics of brownshirts. More on them later.

I will begin our journey into the depths of Marxist inadequacy, however, chronologically. I, Joanna Marzullo, in addition to several members of her organization, New York Ice-as well as the inestimable Marinka Peschmann-began our counter-protest by situating ourselves across from Union Square, an historic gathering place for political demonstrations of all stripes from the time of the Civil War to our own confused political era.

As you might also notice, the message the organizers of this rally intended to send to the general public was incoherent, to say the least. In addition to those hailing the recent legal victory of notorious cop-killer Wesley Cook, as well as the rich political legacy of Fidel Castro’s favorite executioner, there were anti-war critics of President Obama-a consistent theme of this year’s events:

The union representing CUNY teachers:

Clinically obese supporters of one of Mexico’s most resonant fashion icons:

A curiously anachronistic, but nonetheless enthusiastic, group commemorating the service of America’s finest Stalinist mercenaries-probably veterans of the Spanish Civil War, now that I think of it.

And one man who held aloft a sign that I would have immediately classified as racist, had he not assured me he was no longer a member of the Tea Party.

There were also those generic Marxist-Leninists and anarcho-Communists whom we’ve all come to love and admire. Or at the very least, smirk at knowingly as they enter Starbucks to buy their Triple Mocha Latte.

Although by this point in my photo-essay you could be forgiven for assuming that the May Day rally in support of “immigration reform” and “labor” was actually an incoherent grab-bag of left wing fetishes, there were actually some indications-however nebulous-that at least a handful of people were actually aware of the purpose of the May 1st rally. This photograph, for instance, tries to evoke compassion for those poor anchor babies whose families are the victims of deportation raids. What makes the tableaux all the more unsettling is the fact that this young girl is obviously going to contribute greatly to American society through her peace activism, which hopefully will be more focused than that of the people who conceived of this event.

I also met perhaps the two most polite and civil protesters of the day, who also happen to be an inter-ethnic couple:

I don’t know whether that man’s Mexican husband is undocumented, but there is no denying that he has a distinctive fashion sense that Americans, at least those Americans at this particular May Day rally,  are sorely lacking. Interestingly enough, I met another man by the name of Scott Sanchez who is also married to an immigrant. In his case, a Scottish woman, which would explain the royal Scottish flag he was holding when I spoke with him for this website.

He was also extraordinarily civil. Unfortunately, he was the singular exception at the main protest rally held in Foley Square, which I shall explore in greater depth in tomorrow’s post. Keep watching for my thoughts on the Antifa theater of the absurd, as well as some pictures of respectable American citizens who want everyone to be equal under the law.

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