Russia – American-Rattlesnake Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Thu, 21 Sep 2017 20:49:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Daily Rattle (International Edition) Wed, 15 Feb 2017 15:07:22 +0000  Author: Honza Groh 2008

While it seems like every major story on the planet involves the Trump administration, things have actually been rather interesting in the rest of the world. Under the leadership of former ski bum Justin Trudeau, our neighbor to the north seems to be embracing some of the values that have made Europe so inhospitable to its indigenous population.

As Barbara Kay has explained both in print and other media, the proposed law by a Muslim MP targeting Islamophobia is simply a pretext to police inconvenient thought which happens to offend the political class. Keep in mind, the country was no bastion of free speech before discussion of this non-binding resolution discussed in the House of Commons of Canada. The long prosecution of Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant for dissident speech, as well as the demise of Free Dominion at the hands of inquisitor Richard Warman, attest to that.

The idea that this is simply a noble effort to protect Canada’s ruthlessly persecuted Muslim minority is belied by the robust effort that community has made to make acceptance of Islam by Canadian natives mandatory. Contrary to popular belief among the ruling class and its eager supplicants, Islamophobia is not a real issue. The terms itself is an ad hominem meant to distract from the disturbing frequency with which the adherents to Islam murder/intimidate those who are not.

If you want to experience what real fear looks like, I suggest you take a trip to Europe, where the paragons of virtue that run that continent have turned a glorious civilization into what increasingly looks like a garrison state. From the bullet-proof glass wall built around the base of the Eiffel Tower, announced in the wake of a respectful Egyptian’s jihadist machete attack at the Louvre and several thwarted Islamic terror attacks, to the fence being constructed between Latvia and Russia, to the Catholic pensioners being murdered by Saudi migrants, there are signs everywhere that Europe is under siege.

The fact that European governments are persecuting those who speak the truth about the wave of migrant crime merely serves to illustrate how warped the values which animate Europe’s ruling class are. That they continue to entrust with power, however ceremonial it may be, the same people who brought their continent to the brink of the abyss demonstrates how disconnected they are from the anger and discontent animating Europeans in France, Denmark, the Netherlands and throughout a continent being ravaged by undiluted multiculturalism, moral relativism, and perpetual open borders.

The fact that the vast majority of Europeans vehemently oppose further Muslim immigration is deemed irrelevant by those who want to transform the continent of Europe. Those who rule have made the replacement of Western peoples with Islamic settlers a priority, despite the intense suffering of the Middle East’s persecuted Christian minority, and woe to anyone who opposes this grand project. 2016 was not the end of the fight against this mentality-which has governed the West for over half a century-it was just the beginning.








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Russian Ambassador Gunned Down Mon, 19 Dec 2016 17:58:24 +0000 Flag_of_Turkey.svg

Update: I’m not saying it’s an inside job, but…

Erdogan reaches out

The assassin was a member of the riot police, according to Turkey’s interior minister. 

Syrian opposition celebrates the assassination. 

The assailant-now deceased-appears to have been a Turkish policeman. Heckuva job, Erdogan

Footage of what appears to be the assassination

As if we needed another reason to halt our country’s disastrous involvement in Syria, the Russian ambassador to Turkey was just shot and killed in that nation’s capital. Syria, like Lebanon from 1975-1990, is an irresolvable tinderbox with too many warring factions to enumerate, all of whom-even the Kurds-are committing atrocities. Instead of sending more troops to this charnel house, we should be withdrawing every soldier on the ground and cutting off all military supplies to the jihadist rebels. Instead of following this sensible policy, the lunatics serving in Congress have decided that it would be a swell idea to arm these same Sunni terrorists with weaponry capable of downing civilian aircraft.

Just like in Star Wars, there are no good guys in this conflict. Whether it’s the Russian air force indiscriminately bombing Syrian cities and towns, Iranian proxy Hezbollah attempting to ethnically cleanse Sunni villages, American-backed moderate rebels beheading children, or Syrian Christians facing complete extinction at the hands of emboldened Sunnis, there are no parties to this conflict with clean hands. This country has no strategic interests in Syria, other than thwarting the spread of ISIS-which humanitarian, liberal interventionists have facilitated-and preventing jihadist sleeper cells from establishing roots in American soil through refugee resettlement.

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Libertarian Swingers Fri, 04 Nov 2016 05:53:20 +0000

Spoiler Alert: Walter Block won this debate, i.e. convinced a larger percentage of the audience to vote in his favor than Nick Gillespie. For what it’s worth, I found it to be an interesting parallel to the Hillary Clinton-Donald Trump debates. Gillespie did his best Hillary impersonation-radiating contempt for his audience and reveling in his own smugness/anemic stabs at humor-while Block resembled a more sophisticated Trump, i.e. meandering, combative, at times losing the plot, but nonetheless making a number of persuasive arguments.

You can sign up for future Soho Forum events here.

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The Clinton Crime Syndicate Thu, 28 Jul 2016 18:38:42 +0000

Rather than sit through the inevitable anticlimax which is Sir Hillary’s acceptance speech, why not watch the documentary which crystallizes just how nakedly corrupt the would-be First Family is? BTW, isn’t it funny how none of the critics of this ground-breaking documentary and book have taken up its author’s challenge to debate the merits of his well-documented dissection of Clinton family corruption? I wonder why that is.

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Islam On Parade (Update On Lahore Terror Attack) Sun, 27 Mar 2016 21:36:26 +0000 Flag_of_Tehrik-i-Taliban.svg Author: Arnold Platon

Update: A message of peace, hope, and determination from one of the leaders of the global anti-jihadist community, Pamela Geller

It turns out that the Religion of Peace isn’t through culling apostates and infidels this Easter Weekend. A breakaway faction of the Pakistani, i.e. the good, Taliban have claimed responsibility for the bombing of a park which has resulted in the deaths of over 60 people, most of them women and children.

The city of Lahore has a long, illustrious history of jihadist-inspired pogroms, including a massacre which took place at an Ahmadi mosque, much like the one the departed Shah Assad probably attended, nearly six years ago. There have been more than 30 major terror attacks of this kind in the city since 2004, to put into context how dangerous it is to a be a religious minority in that city, although the rest of Punjab is not exactly a pleasure trip.

To get an idea of how warped the garden variety views of most Pakistanis are, you should read the op-ed written by the son of Salmaan Taseer, the former governor of Punjab province who was murdered by his personal bodyguard for holding heretical views, i.e. believing that non-Muslims should be treated like human beings. What an incendiary concept!

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of the latest brutal, yet sadly typical, assault by the ideology whose name we dare not speak. May their deaths not have been in vain.





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Diversity’s Collateral Damage Sat, 11 Apr 2015 15:44:40 +0000 16 April 2013, 02:52 Boston Marathon Explosions. Taken from Wikipedia. Uploaded by Russia

This week’s guilty verdict returned in the trial of Chechen Islamic terrorist Dzhokhar Tsarnaev gives us the perfect opportunity to reflect upon the dysfunctional nature of our government’s immigration system. Not simply its implicit endorsement of specific individuals who are confirmed terrorists in other parts of the globe, but its mass importation of refugees whose intrinsic beliefs are inimical to the values and deleterious to the lives of American citizens.

Steve Sailer’s trenchant observation at the time of the Boston Marathon bombing-and subsequent revelations about the atrocity’s perpetrators-that if there truly are only 100 Chechen immigrants living in this country-which is undoubtedly an underestimate if we’re including those here illegally, but we’ll concede the point-then over 2 percent of them are spectacular international terrorists, is worth pondering. The fact that the Tsarnaev’s crone-like mother has emerged as a champion of her malignant issue, in spite of the fact that we gave her family an opportunity to live in a country that isn’t a bomb-cratered, third world colony of the former Soviet Union, shouldn’t come as a surprise.

Asra Nomani’s review of Masha Gessen’s biography of the two Boston Marathon murderers gives you an insight into how the warped views of the Tsarnaev matriarch make perfect sense within an hermitically sealed community whose frustrations and hatreds are nurtured by a state-sanctioned course of multiculturalism. Hundreds of Americans’ lives have been marred so that diversity can be preserved, and that is one of the enduring lessons of the Tsarnaev trial, unfortunately. A lesson that we’ll have ample opportunity to digest in the months and years ahead.



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Live Coverage Of The Pakistani School Massacre Tue, 16 Dec 2014 14:30:26 +0000 via The Guardian

One teacher was allegedly immolated in front of his students. Sadly, this is not the largest loss of a life in a jihadist assault against schoolchildren. I can’t say that I disagree with those who feel Islamed out at the moment.

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Border Security Thu, 27 Mar 2014 05:29:06 +0000 To put things into perspective, there have been repeated incursions by ostensible members of the Mexican military since 2006, many of which have been linked to powerful drug cartels. Which begs the question, what’s being done  by the Mexican state to curb the aggression of Mexico’s uniformed officers? The answer, sadly, is not much.



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The Grapes of Wrath Fri, 13 Sep 2013 20:48:47 +0000 In spite of stumbling into a resolution which should prevent an immediate war with Syria-the Mid-east  satellite of a nation with over three thousand nuclear warheads and numerous land and sea-based delivery systems-this administration continues to persist in its  ahistorical, staggeringly reckless foreign policy.  After supporting the Muslim Brotherhood  in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and elsewhere throughout the Middle East and North Africa, this White House seems intent on arming-both philosophically and militarily-the loose confederation of Sunni jihadists who-along with Bashar Assad and his patrons-have turned Syria into a charnel house.

In order to illustrate what havoc our government’s encouragement of bad actors like Wahabbist theocracies like Qatar and Saudi Arabia-not to say nothing of Turkey’s latest sultan-we’re going to share video footage that is beyond disturbing. We should preface this with a strong warning that the video you’re about to watch is gruesome, but an example, nevertheless, of why we need to stop interfering in conflicts where there is no exigent United States foreign policy or national security interest.

With that said, here is the latest abomination to occur within Syria.


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Al Qaeda’s Air Force Tue, 03 Sep 2013 20:23:57 +0000 By “force,” C-Span means war, of course. Still, it’s worth listening to the arguments in favor of waging war on behalf of Sunni jihadists against Shia jihadists. You can watch the pro-Saudi Arabia/Zawahiri argument here.

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