Republicans – American-Rattlesnake Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Fri, 03 Nov 2017 13:22:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Patriots and the Confused Left Both March in New York. Sat, 08 Apr 2017 12:00:29 +0000 March 25, 2017 – 1 PM – Patriots marched in support of TRUMP and #MAGA in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, across from the U.N.

In NYC the actual march didn’t seem to happen, though about 40 Trumpers gathered first at Trump Tower – at 11 am- and then walked to the gathering in the UN Park. So, you could say there was a mini-march.  A peaceful gathering. DIVERSE (as always).

Once at the rally, I saw a nice solid assemblage of patriots. Not huge, but not tiny either. Maybe 100 or even a bit more.

With lots of signs…

And lots of banners….

Heard a few speeches of support for Trump’s America. The main speaker was immigration enforcement expert, Michael Cutler. Cutler has 30 years of experience as an Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) agent.

He was followed briefly by Jimmy McMillan, founder of The Rent Is Too Damn High Party.

Found a few anti-Trump protestors across the street with impeachment issues.

No matter the conflicting Chinese factions …

…. the mood stayed uplifted amongst the MAGA crowd.

There was, also, a disturbing faction that attached itself to this Trump Rally: the Larouchies. [see Lyndon LaRouche Party – Wiki] Way too many La Rouch signs and clip boards in-hand as they worked to recruit New Larouchies.

These weird groupies, will they become a trend at the NY Republican rallies? Hope not.

Then there was Gary Phaneuf – a ‘professional” heckler – and Chairman Mao’s faithful disciple. Gary walked through the Republican crowd with his Trump cap, Trump-Putin sign and his Communist China Daily rag. What happened? Why are the Trump rallies attracting these bizarre creatures?

Whatever, the many group of patriots were on message with the National Anthem. The Pledge-of-Allegiance as well as plenty of smiles and good-will.

…  Slide show of #MAGA Rally…


Two marches in one day with the Patriots vs the Socialists. On  my way to the #MAGA rally, I stopped by the “People” March for a Free Press protest/rally

It was Noon in Bryant Park (42nd and Sixth ave) just a couple of avenues from the NY Times.(another mini-march) It’s the gesture that matters, ’cause they are ‘marching”.

Their aim was to show SUPPORT for a Free Press while resisting Trump’s “Fascist” America.

Trying to LOOK Patriotic – after all,  resistance is patriotic – they spoke of the Constitution, the American Revolution and claimed their protest was a living example of what our Founding Fathers fought for. The TRUTH will keep us FREE.

So, now all those racist, dead WHITE males are okay?

Holding large and small American flags while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance the speakers’ focused on, Trump and his minions who they claim oppose a Free Press. And Fox news. Of course.

TRUMP is a threat to PATRIOTIC Americans, like themselves; a danger to the NY Slimes and … a Free Press

(People for a Free Press & Tax The Rich) Couple this display with their signs, masquerading as patriotic Americans, resulted in a confused message (for some).

Passers-by wondered, “For or against the NY Times?”

The NEW Socialist Left, inquiring minds want to know,  are they the real patriots? Exposing those fools who support President Trump and Fox News. The fight is on for WHO represents a patriotic, FREE Press America.

… Slide show of the “Peoples Protest “…


Even the NY Times seemed to ignore this rally. Saw lots of photographers, but found no reports. (Too peaceful, I guess).

I did read that nationwide, things were not as peaceful in the Peoples Republic of California and Omaha, of all places. Were the aggressors plants? Were they really Trump supporters?

“Violence erupted at a “Make America Great Again” rally in California. (and) more than 1,500 miles away, counter-protesters also caused chaos at a Trump rally in Omaha. The ruckus did not disrupt the rally, but it saddened some of the Trump supporters. “Today was a perfect example of how divided we have all gotten,” said Shayla McShannon, 36.”

Still, NYC was TAME in comparison. But, whether a fight with fists or a battle for a FREE Press. A battle for the TRUTH vs propaganda is a seriously important pursuit. I left the Peoples Protest. Heading to the U.N Trump supporters with this thought,

Holding a large American flag, saying the pledge of allegiance. These are not hallmark of a hanging-on-the-Left crowd. Yet they do manage to deliver the photo-ops the media enjoys. Winning? In some circles. With the help of that Free Press, can they sucker the public in to thinking this is the NEW America?

[Pictures and Videos property of Pamela Hall]

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Clash Of Cultures Fri, 24 Mar 2017 21:47:01 +0000 MARCH 4, 2017 was a busy, busy day.  March 4 Trump Rally at Trump Tower vs Standing Rock Anti Trump leftists at NYPL – 42nd st.

March4Trump Patriots gathered to Support Our President.

This is a Pro-America rally in support of our President and to show our American pride.
Wear your USA and Trump gear. Bring your American flags, signs and pride. This will be a peaceful rally
Standing Rock Climate Leftist Loons and their Comrades-in-arms

This was a National Uprising anti-Trump March

Six days before the national Rise with Standing Rock mobilization in Washington, DC, march on Trump Tower (on 5th avenue) to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline and its threat to the Standing Rock Sioux, their sacred lands and clean water. We will rally at 1:00 pm, then march at 2:00. The march will begin in front of the New York Public Library and go to Trump Tower and beyond.

Back to NYC. For me, it all began at 1 pm. 42nd St. N.Y. Public Library  at Fifth Ave. March 4th for Standing Rock.  It was COLD. Windy and very cold. But, no matter, there were many dedicated malcontents hanging around and waiting for the protest march to Trump Tower.

The march to Trump Tower was set to start at about 2 pm. While waiting, there was lots of music. In spite of the cold, the musicians seemed to manage.

Including a familiar pro-Trump patriot.

Never dull, visually. Donald Puppets, expected.

And disenchanted, brain-washed millennials like this mother and her dutiful spawn.

Always disappointed to see such sweet children sent down this path of global anti-Americanism.

The themes and complaints from the Leftists were many, as the slide show reveals:


Couldn’t walk with them – still dealing with my plantar churl – so bussed it to 56th street where I caught up with the March4Trump Rally.

Surprised to locate them at 57th street, a block from Trump Tower. The police had moved them further from the tower (and these are the GOOD guys!)

Scheduled from Noon to 3 pm, it was about 2:30, and they had a great group assembled. Diverse as always, NOT a group of WHITE supremacists, never.

Considering the COLD, and CONTRARY to the odd media count of only 125, this late in the rally I saw a healthy turnout. The March4Trumpers still filled the block.

They were in the midst of  a SPIRITED exchange with some anti-Trump stragglers (who obviously had not gone to the library).

The police kindly reminded the anti-Trumpers (who politely resisted) that they must go to their assigned location at 55th and Fifth. Slowly, they agreed to go back to 56th st., puppets and all.

From the NYPL on 42nd street, to 57th and Fifth, we found a LOUD show of support or resistance (depending on whose side they were on) with signs, shouting and cheering.

It was a civilized exit except for the rude finger-jabbing from this well-dressed “lady”. She very much enjoyed flipping-off the pro-Trumpers.

Becoming a bit shy once she saw my camera.

See Flickr side show of both sides  at Trump Tower


Typical of the left, their strolling musicians brought a bit of NOLA Mardi Gras to the scene. I must admit it was pleasing to the ear.

In conclusion, as I looked for media recaps, I found this report from the NY Post. It mentions the separation of the opposing factions before I arrived .

Pro and anti-Trump rallies collide at Trump Tower – NY Post

Pro-Trump picketers and anti-Trump protesters collided in Midtown Saturday, but there was no clashing beyond competing chants.

About 125 President Trump fans, many wearing Trump masks, flocked to Trump Tower, where they chanted “Build that wall!” and “USA.” Some carried signs that read “If you don’t like him, leave,” and “Jail Obama & Soros.”

A faction of 50 protesters met the Trump supporters at noon at the Fifth Avenue intersection. To the tune of “Frosty the Snowman,” they sang, “Donnie the con man.” They held signs with pictures of Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin that read “Investigate the Bromance.”

Cops separated and dispersed both groups after an hour.

Also, I found a video dealing with that relocation of the March4Trumpers

Pro-Trump Rally at Trump Tower

Happening Now: We're live from a pro-Trump rally at Trump Tower in NYC where people are supporting the "America First Agenda.”

Posted by BuzzFeed News on Saturday, March 4, 2017

Another day on the streets of Manhattan. The left never rests. Neither should we.
March on. March on.

++Pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall++ [except where designated]

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In Unity There Is Strength Wed, 14 Sep 2011 09:05:45 +0000 That is the motto of the city of Brooklyn, and it can be applied to the results of yesterday’s special election. The people of the 9th Congressional District united around a positive, hopeful candidate espousing conservative values, and that candidate emerged victorious after a bitterly fought political campaign

American Rattlesnake would like to extend its most heartfelt congratulations to the new Congressman-elect from the 9th District, Bob Turner! After decades of rule by preening, career politicians like Chuck Schumer and Anthony Weiner, voters in Brooklyn and Queens decided to take a chance on a man who has spent most of his adult life immersed in the private sector. As he heads down to Washington D.C., we wish him the best in his battle to impart some common sense to an often irrational legislative process. Kudos to the Brooklyn Young Republican Club, which did yeoman’s work in helping to turn out the vote in Kings County. A drive that resulted in a crushing defeat for  David Weprin in my home borough. Along with my former assemblyman, Democrat Dov Hikind, as well as the good people of Queens, these political activists were responsible for sending an unmistakable message to the current administration.

I’d also like to extend my congratulations to the president of the Brooklyn YRs, Glenn Nocera, and his sister Donna Nocera, who both emerged victorious in races for County Committee slots. Along with Republican District Leader for the 49th Assembly District, Lucretia Regina-Potter, they’ll hopefully make some much-needed changes to the stultified political dynamic in their part of Brooklyn.

Yesterday New Yorkers proved once again that you can take on the system, and that if you’re dedicated enough you can even change it every once in a while. Let’s hope that the political revolution that has swept over neighborhoods from Howard Beach to Gerritsen Beach will envelop the rest of the country very soon.

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Bob Turner For Congress Mon, 12 Sep 2011 15:00:42 +0000 Tomorrow, September 13th, New York will hold a special election to elect a replacement for Anthony Weiner, the disgraced former Congressman.

American Rattlesnake urges you to vote for Bob Turner, the Republican candidate.  While immigration has not been a key issue in this race, Mr. Turner has vocalized his opposition to both the DREAM Act and broader amnesty legislation during an interview with Brian Lehrer of WNYC. He has also spoken out vigorously against the Ground Zero Mosque.  He will caucus with the Republicans, who have generally been on the right side of the issue when it comes to illegal immigration.

His opponent, David Weprin, doesn’t even live in the district he wants to represent.  He was picked by the local Democratic Party boss, Joe Crowley, in a cynical attempt to cater to the Jewish vote.  David Weprin is a party hack who can be depended upon to toe the line whenever his liberal masters order him to.  Any Democrat dismayed by the ineffectual and corrupt leadership of their party can send no stronger message than to vote against a toady like Weprin.

Bob Turner is a successful television executive, born and raised in the 9th district, with a practical sense of right and wrong.

Please send a message to Congress and the Democratic Party that business as usual is not acceptable.  Vote for Bob Turner.

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Showdown in Ames Fri, 12 Aug 2011 07:37:22 +0000

A few observations about last night’s Republican presidential debate, at least as it pertains to the subjects of immigration and border control:

-Newt Gingrich, despite his previous record of supporting amnesty, acquitted himself quite well. At least, rhetorically. His suggestion that American citizens be able to review prospective immigrants, although impractical in theory, does put the emphasis of immigration in the right place. Namely, in the hands of Americans who are seeking the best and the brightest, rather than simply empowering those who want to settle in this country. Millions, perhaps billions, of individuals would immigrate to the United States if afforded the opportunity, but I think it’s our responsibility to consider the opinions of all Americans, naturalized and native-born citizens alike, rather than simply assume that every single person seeking to come here is doing so in good faith. 

-Herman Cain nicely defused the accusation that he’s a xenophobic vigilante, vis-a-vis the issue of border control, by explaining that he favored the construction of fences as well as welcoming new, legal immigrants who sought to contribute to American society. He noted that you can be both generous and firm on this issue, and that the two aren’t mutually exclusive. I also thought he tackled the amnesty question with aplomb, noting that there does exist a “path to citizenship,” which entails immigrating to this country legally. It would have been nice if he had coupled this with pragmatic suggestions about how to eliminate much of the byzantine federal bureaucracy that currently impedes the process for highly talented, law-abiding foreign nationals.

-Ron Paul continued to attempt a precarious balancing act which entails pandering to the liberal, open borders faction among libertarians, while retaining some of the pro-enforcement, hawkish paleocons who have supported past campaigns. Personally, I don’t think he succeeded. Yes, the welfare state is an attractive nuisance to people from across the globe, and is a huge part of any discussion, but to merely focus on that aspect to the neglect of every other problem unfettered immigration poses-particularly the allocation of scarce resources-is misguided. And although I agree with Rep. Paul that employers are put in an unenviable position-punished for employing illegals yet also prohibited from inquiring into their legal status in many instances-I do believe that a sovereign government has a right to determine who is and is not admitted to its country. And as long as states can Constitutionally establish labor laws, I think it’s hard to proclaim that they don’t also have the ability to proscribe the employment of people who are living in this country illegally.

-Jon Huntsman attempted to run away from his uniformly dreadful record on immigration and immigration enforcement issues to no avail. I suppose he should be credited for at least rhetorically stepping away from the default Bush/McCain stance, although I doubt his sincerity.

Other than that, there’s not much to be said about last night’s Republican presidential primary debate as far as immigration is concerned. We didn’t hear many new proposals, and despite some good answers regarding illegal immigration, there was not enough focus on proactive approaches to reducing immigration levels to a sustainable level in the near future. For a brief recap on what was said at the debate, check out the Twitter stream of Numbers USA, the nation’s premiere, grassroots organization lobbying on behalf of immigration enforcement and reform.

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Back to the Drawing Board Mon, 20 Jun 2011 05:39:39 +0000

We were reminded by The Politico this weekend of why it is always a bad idea to elect an immigration attorney to Congress. Aside from the inherent conflict of interest present in electing an individual who will be able to craft laws that directly benefit his bottom line, there are broader issues at stake.

The Politico article sketches out Representative Labrador’s philosophy on immigration reform, which seems to be “a pox on both their houses.” He draws a false equivalence between those that want to see immigration laws already on the books enforced rigorously, and those who want to grant citizenship to nearly 20 million people living in this country illegally.

While the golden mean is a desirable objective in many cases, the idea that you should seek to  compromise the essential principles of this country is misguided in the extreme. Labrador’s support for a guest-worker program is simply another form of corporate welfare that will weaken American laborers and entrepreneurs who are trying to abide by the law and compete in what should be a free market. It establishes a permanent class of non-citizens who are perpetually behind their American peers in both salary and benefits, and who will act as a source of unfettered chain migration in the future. Professor Borjas has delineated all of the problems inherent in guest worker programs for many years, but an argument even more relevant to this discussion is the opposition this proposed program would generate among Republican lawmakers.

The entire premise of the Politico piece, i.e. that Rep. Labrador is in a perfect position to forge a consensus on immigration reform, is flawed because it doesn’t take into account growing Republican reservations over such a bill. Just a few days ago the Utah State Republican Convention supported a resolution that called on its state legislature to repeal HB 116, a law establishing a statewide guest worker program with the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon. The notion that this proposal will be adopted by Congress, or supported by Democrats once it’s decoupled from a broader amnesty plan-as Raul Labrador has promised-is absurd.

The only people interested in perpetuating this fiction are media outlets such as Politico, which refuse to accept the concept that Americans fundamentally disagree with their ideas about what constitutes a functional immigration system in this country. If Representative Labrador is attempting to win the media primary, he’s well on his way to achieving that goal. However, the notion that his “compromise” is a workable solution to the problem of illegal immigration is foolhardy, at best.

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Change of Course? Fri, 14 Jan 2011 05:08:15 +0000

In spite of previous media reports, it turns out that Rep. Steve King will not be appointed the chairman of the Immigration Subcomittee of the House Judiciary Committee. Instead, long-time immigration hawk Elton Gallegly will be given the chairmanship, a development King ascribes to Speaker John Boehner’s lack of leadership on this issue.

The ostensible reason for Rep. Lamar Smith’s decision to snub King, which is at least implied, is that he would be too controversial and detract from the new GOP majority’s attempt to start more widespread immigration enforcement efforts at the federal level. As much as I respect Rep. King, I can’t say that this is a bad decision. Gallegly has been an exemplary representative for years, and as a congressman from California-a state that is ground zero in this nation’s fallout from mass immigration-he’ll bring a unique perspective to these matters.

Let’s hope that he and Rep. Smith can start the ball rolling on more forceful oversight of a derelict administration and intensified efforts at holding ICE’s feet to the fire.

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Dream Act Post Mortem Wed, 29 Dec 2010 05:43:22 +0000

There is a very incisive analysis of the potential political repercussions of the Dream Act’s recent legislative defeat published by the Pundit League, which I suggest you check out for yourselves. The author is the Vice President of a political consultancy firm in the nation’s capital, and he gives a very plausible explanation for why President Obama continues to highlight his support for DREAM, in spite of the receding chances of victory on this legislative priority of the administration’s.

He makes some very good points, which Republicans should keep in mind if they want to win the public relations and electoral battle that has been joined by the pro-amnesty, Democrat-led side of the aisle.

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