Mexico – American-Rattlesnake Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Wed, 22 Nov 2017 19:42:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Justice Delayed (Brian Terry’s Killer Nabbed) Fri, 14 Apr 2017 04:18:18 +0000

The killer of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry has been apprehended in Mexico. Most of you will recall that his murder at the hands of a Mexican rip-crew was the event which unraveled Fast and Furious to the American public. The fact that no one in the Department of Justice was held to account for this abuse of power-or the obstruction of information related to it-illustrates the impunity with which the federal bureaucracy routinely operates.

Too many have lost their lives to our willfully negligent government. Hopefully, all of those responsible for Agent Terry’s death, as well as the deaths of hundreds of innocent Mexican citizens, will eventually be brought to justice.

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President Trump’s Press Conference Wed, 25 Jan 2017 19:59:00 +0000

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Public Diplomacy Thu, 01 Sep 2016 04:34:25 +0000

A remarkable event took place yesterday afternoon, which every voter should have the opportunity to watch. The English translation begins approximately 7:40 minutes into the video. You can read the full transcript of Donald Trump’s immigration speech as well, courtesy of The Los Angeles Times.

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The World According To Hillary Sun, 28 Aug 2016 04:17:25 +0000 384px-Hillary_Clinton_official_Secretary_of_State_portrait_crop

One of the more fascinating aspects of California’s transformation into the politically uniform, post-caucasian, multicultural utopia so many open borders Democrats-and their unwitting Republican allies-have worked so hard to achieve is the response of the ruling class. Most impartial observers might ask whether the hundreds of billions of dollars in unfunded liabilities and public debt assumed by that state have some connection to the flight of the middle class and its wholesale replacement by the underclass exported by Mexico’s political and economic elite. However, elected officials have never been plagued by intellectual curiosity, particularly those whose careers are built upon ignoring or denying self-evident truths.

So instead of considering the possibility that the rampant corruption found throughout municipalities like Bell might be a foreign import, that some of the monumental problems facing California might have been exacerbated by its laissez faire immigration policies, the wise men of that state have decided to strike out in search of demons. Whether it’s crafting a law to protect the rights of less than 0.1 percent of the population-which are not imperiled-or contemplating bills which seek to suppress the speech of individuals who disagree with noted climatologist Al Gore, the sages in Sacramento have decided the best use of their resources is combating the vast, chimerical right wing conspiracy.

Based upon the substance of her widely mocked alt-right speech, Hillary Clinton has come to the conclusion that this strategy is the key to her political success. Like the genocidal despot whom she’s modeled her campaign aesthetics and fashion choices after, Hillary will spend the remainder of her campaign-and presidency, should she be elected-persecuting people who exercise no concrete political power in the country she seeks to lead. The fact that her party, her collectivist, politically correct President, has achieved every single professed domestic policy goal-including those which are proscribed by the Constitution-and yet three-quarters of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of this country, must have some rational explanation. The unparalleled stagnancy of the nation’s economy, the erasure of the middle class due to the implementation of Barack Obama’s signature issue, and the explosion of domestic, Islamic terror attacks under his administration couldn’t possibly be the result of deliberate actions taken by the Democratic Party’s standard bearer and his underlings-including Mrs. Clinton. Therefore, another culprit must be found.

The best scapegoat, naturally, is one that’s unable to derail her political ambitions but which serves as the perfect foil in her quest for attaining power. In this case, a random assortment of Internet villains whose mere existence validates the paranoid fantasies of the social justice brigades and Hillary’s more deranged feminist supporters. So rather than focus upon the enormous money laundering operation known as the Clinton Foundation-which might very well continue into the Clinton presidency-or her mass deletion of potentially incriminating evidence, outlets like the ever-objective New York Times and Washington Post can spend the next few months dissecting tweets from obscure MRA bloggers and followers of Mencius Moldbug.

This, in addition to disclosures which have been strategically obstructed throughout the campaign, is what we have to look forward to over the next four years. An unrelenting, lavishly funded witch-hunt against witches that do not exist and who are not responsible for the monumental problems we are facing as a country. For an overview of how we arrived at this point, I would recommend this Mark Steyn piece from 2005 published right before the Trump ascendancy. It clearly delineates why the power brokers within the GOP were so unprepared to deal with Donald Trump and the challenge his supporters presented to the entrenched Republican apparatus. It also describes why the glorious future of multiculturalist uniformity will not be so glorious in reality. Elites look out for their interests, to the detriment of the public, and this election is a concrete illustration of that principle.

The peasants are angry, and for very good reason. Perhaps Mrs. Clinton’s stenographers in the press corps should start paying attention.



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Muy Triste Sun, 19 Jun 2016 06:39:06 +0000 Copa America Trophy, May 16, 2016 Author: Delta Airlines

Update: A great account of the evening on Yahoo Sports.

Those were not jubilant  Texans waving their state flag last night at the Copa America, but ecstatic Chileans celebrating their nation’s victory over El Tri. Their team’s 7-0 ass-kicking of Mexico’s hapless squad of sulking incompetents, to be precise. We don’t often discuss soccer tournaments at American Rattlesnake, but anytime the most loathsome fan base in the Western Hemisphere is forced to bathe in its own tears-on American soil, no less-we feel compelled to report the news.  

Just remember, Mexico fans, the beautiful trophy whose image you see above will not be visiting your nation’s capital anytime in the near future. It couldn’t happen to a classier bunch.

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The Orlando Massacre Sun, 12 Jun 2016 16:09:17 +0000 Mateen-NYPD

Update: The State Department has no records of a meeting with the father of the shahid. 

The killer’s slightly less insane father visited Congress and the State Department. So perhaps they are assimilating after all. 

A horror for one woman, via text

Despite her SIOA Facebook page being restored, Pamela Geller has been banned from Facebook for a month. Reddit also seems to be under the impression that if you don’t mention Islamic terrorism, its victims are still alive. 

An exceptional essay by Bruce Bawar on the hard truths our leaders categorically reject. 

John Schindler examines our country’s most pressing epidemic, Jihad Denial Syndrome.

Today it’s worth remembering those who were the first to expose the deep connections  Islamic immigrants living in central and southern Florida had to international jihadism. Adnan Shukrijumah was not the first, and unfortunately, Omar Mateen will probably not be the last.

A co-worker complained that the guy who just murdered 50 people had threatened to kill people. Sound familiar? It should

Obama’s America, isn’t it grand? 

As a bonus, Mateen’s firm provided security to federal buildings

The first victims have been identified. 

What’s Facebook’s response to a Muslim jihadist murdering 40 innocent people in a gay night club? Banning a page critical of Islam, natch! Looks like the Merkelization of the Internet has begun. 

Proud Afghan immigrant and Taliban supporter Seddique Mateen.

Watch the live press conference held by local officials. 

A word of caution from Rita Katz of the SITE Intelligence Group

Through the looking glass.

Heckuva job, FBI!

Mateen was a licensed security officer who claimed ties to international jihadist groups. Unsurprisingly, his wife was the victim of spousal abuse. 

Some of the mosques surrounding Pulse Orlando. I wonder how many vigils they’re going to hold in the week ahead? 

The official news wire of ISIS has taken credit for today’s jihadist attack. 

The perpetrator allegedly recited Islamic prayers during the attack. 

The Daily Beast has published an exclusive on  Omar Mateen, the son of Afghan immigrants-previously investigated by the FBI-who was responsible for the Orlando massacre earlier today. Read it in full.

Father Mir Mateen told NBC News that the sight of two men kissing angered his son.

“We are saying we are apologizing for the whole incident,” the father added. “We weren’t aware of any action he is taking. We are in shock like the whole country.”

The attack, he said, “has nothing to do with religion.”

A Twitter user raises an interesting point about how gay-friendly Orlando truly is, at least within its Islamic precincts.

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Feel The Bern Sat, 04 Jun 2016 19:28:43 +0000

If you wanted to view a cross-section of the individuals whom Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are trying to enlist in their cause, you could do worse than visit a Donald Trump rally, where the hatred and viciousness of revanchist Mexicans and Hispanic gang members-or Dreamers, as Hillary calls them-is on full display. The Gateway Pundit has a post about a non-Hispanic Muslim thug who decided to join in on the action.

All of this begs the question, where is the safe space for Americans?




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Newt Gingrich Takes Your Questions Fri, 03 Jun 2016 18:16:35 +0000  

Newt Gingrich at the Hilton. Author: Gerard Perry

Yesterday saw yet another series of attacks upon peaceful Donald Trump supporters by violent, open borders Marxists. Predominately, although not exclusively Mexican. Naturally, this prompted the news media-with a few notable exceptions-to castigate the people who were peaceably assembling and/or dissemble about who was responsible for this violence. Hats off to the cretinous lackwits at Vox though, for actually endorsing Robespierrean political terror. Remind me again why building a wall is a bad thing?

Hopefully, Newt will address this subject, among others, in his periodic Facebook live chat. You can watch Newt Live here.

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The New American Way Wed, 25 May 2016 04:41:56 +0000 1919 U.S. newspaper cartoon: The American Legion prepares to hit a ball labeled "Bolshevism" with a rifle butt labeled "100 per cent Americanism." He stands above a quote from Theodore Roosevelt Jr.: "Don't argue with the reds; go to bat with them and go to the bat strong!" 29 November 1919 Published in the Portland Telegram. Author: McCall
Although American should probably be enclosed in quotation marks in this context. There are a lot of Latinos, i.e. anti-American Chicano supremacists-you can see how they choose to self-identify in this screenshot-rioting outside of Donald Trump’s rally in New Mexico as we speak. I can’t wait to see how the mouldering representatives of Conservative Inc. continue to spin the presumptive Republican nominee as the biggest threat to our country, rather than the people who want to dismember it. BTW, the wise elders of San Francisco have just reaffirmed their commitment to the sanctuary city policy which is responsible for the death of Kate Steinle, among many, many others.

Sleep tight, America.

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The End Of The Road? Fri, 20 May 2016 19:12:14 +0000 Juaquin_Guzman-Loera2 PD-USGOV-STATE

In the Breaking News Department, it appears that Mexico’s Foreign Ministry has signed off on the extradition of Sinaloa boss Chapo Guzman. Perhaps the end of the beginning in a long-running saga.

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