Marxists – American-Rattlesnake Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Fri, 03 Nov 2017 13:22:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 NYC Italian-Americans:Save Columbus Circle Statue! Sat, 02 Sep 2017 21:50:37 +0000 August 24, 2017 — New York City — City Hall

Mayor Bill de Blasio and Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito want to tear down New York City’s great monuments. Patriotic politicians held a press conference in support of  the Columbus Circle statue, an 1892 gift to the City of New York by Italian immigrants.

Read more of Americans standing up to historical vandalism.

pamela hall 2012

They honored Columbus with pride, as Americans proud of their Italian heritage.

Opening remarks came from Councilman Joseph Borelli. With Columbus next on the chopping block, he warned de Blasio and Mark-Viverito against revising history:

Your actions are more divisive than uniting. The iconoclasm we are seeing […] will look foolish 200 years from now. How will our actions today be judged. This an unfortunate chapter in NYC’s history. We are concerned about preserving his (Columbus’) legacy. We are asking […] he be judged through the lens of the era in which he lived.

Congressman Borelli was followed by comedian Joe Piscopo:

This is about my grandparents. They came from Italy. They came in steerage. On the boat to Ellis island, passed the Statue of Liberty. With no respect they came to this country. You know what they did? They learned the law. They learned the language. They were proud to become Americans. I wasn’t allowed to speak Italian in the house. They became Americans. The one iconic symbol for Italian-Americans was Christopher Columbus. He’s flawed. We’re all flawed. Hey, I’m flawed. We’re all flawed. You know what gets me frustrated … Italians have no respect. We never complain … when we were prejudiced against. When they hung Sicilians in New Orleans (**lynched March 14, 1891 **) Teddy Roosevelt said, “They got what they deserved.” FDR interned Italians during WW2. We didn’t complain because WE WERE AMERICANS. Leave our statues alone. (cheers). Stop the political correctness. It’s killing us. Keep the greatness, keep the texture, the character of the United States of America.

Political candidates were introduced, such as “Bo” Dietl, Michel Faulkner, Steve Saperstein, and Lucretia Potter.

5 speakers (in order):  Sen. Diane Savino (D-North Shore/Brooklyn), Council Minority Leader Steven Matteo (R-Mid-Island), Assemblyman Ronald Castorina Jr., Brooklyn Councilman Vincent Gentile, and Councilman Mark Mark Treyger,

These proud Americans put the mayor on notice that no one is going to accept his offensive proposals.

[Part 2 –Staten Island artist Scott LoBaido is introduced followed by 5 speakers (in order) Queens Councilman, Eric Ulrich, Joe Guagliardo, National Council Of Columbia Associations, Joe Sciame, former president Sons of Italy in America, John (?), and last, the attorney representing 10,000 members in the NYPD Association and Manny Rothstein.

It was a moving and informative presentation. The large contingent of the mainstream press attended and you can hear the disdain in the reporters’ questions.

This is war. Americans vs the Marxist cabal. Game on.

This is a partial list of names mentioned in video: Councilman Joseph Borelli (R-South Shore), Sen. Diane Savino (D-North Shore/Brooklyn), Assemblyman Ronald Castorina Jr., Council Minority Leader Steven Matteo (R-Mid-Island), Assemblyman Matthew Titone (D-North Shore),  Staten Island artist Scott LoBaido, comedian Joe Piscopo, Brooklyn Councilman Vincent Gentile, Joseph Guagliardo of the National Council Of Columbia Associations, Joseph Sciame, the former president of the Sons of Italy in America.


pamela hall 2012

Americans are. fightimg the outrageous possibility of removing the statue all together and RENAMING the place LENAPE CIRCLE.

What’s next? Renaming the continents? No more Amerigo Vespuci allowed.  No more “America”.

Links: Gothamist, Patch

[Where indicated, pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall]

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Bill De Blasio: Mayor Of All New York? Mon, 03 Apr 2017 10:00:39 +0000 March 15, 2017 – 7 PM – First rule of politics (that Repubs seem to have neglected) Never attend a town hall meeting you can’t control. That’s what Comrade de Blasio did with great aplomb.

The NYPD, NYC Councilmen, the local progs, who remain loyal to the mayor, packed the meeting with loyalists who understood they were there to make nice with the mayor, or else.

Even the so-called “hard questions” were asked with respectful voices. No shouting. No screaming. No chanting. No signs (nothing like that was permitted). No way, no how.

Not possible since entry to the school was security intensive. Everything was scanned, purses dumped (my wallet – DUMPED); back packs and camera gear groped, dumped, and prodded. No signs would be snuck in-if they even tried-not gonna get past that security. (For a few more pictures, see slide show.)

DSC_9172 copy

I listened to the town hall meeting for about 90 minutes of a three hour marathon, with nary a spark of discontent.  The Mayor and Councilman Johnson offered the usual FRIENDLY soc/commie/prog responses to a very receptive crowd.

Stuck on stupid for almost every question or complaint, the most recycled solution was, “We need MORE Progressive Democrats in Albany to get rid of Trump.”

Manhattan, New York. A hotbed of soc/commie/progressive politicians who stay in office ’til they die. New York has no brain. No heart. Just empty tills to be refilled with higher and higher taxes. Yep. That’s the ticket to a workers party paradise. (The playlist below has excerpts from many of the talking points and answers)

Three hours of platitudes. Get rid of Trump promises. “We feel your pain. November 8th was a nightmare. We can fix it if we try. We are HERE FOR YOU!”

See two more videos of the mayor on describing how Muslim school holidays and sanctuary cities make us MORE safe.


So, where were the disenchanted heavy hitters? Those fellow-travelers who often demand that Comrade Mayor de Blasio step-down. I’ve heard them. Seen them. Guess inquiring minds were checked at the door.

Next day, March 16, 2017, FOUND the DUMP Blaz Commies outside City Hall; ready to excoriate all things de Blasio.

The malcontents were baaack! And not just from Chinatown and the LES (Lower East Side)

This was a CITYWIDE Alliance to Dump de Blasio NOW!

Their press release said a people-of-color consortium lead this protest. They gathered (AGAIN) with the same complaints heard on Jan 16, followed by “Mayor de Blasio must STEP DOWN!”

Blaz, the racist, is as BAD AS TRUMP!

Mayor de Blasio, “gentrifier-in-chief,” has designated NYC a “sanctuary city” in an effort to protect immigrants from racist and xenophobic Trump Executive Orders. For many NYC immigrants, however, our communities are under siege as we live in the instability and crisis as a result of the Mayor’s own rezoning policy that is displacing us from the very places that we seek refuge.

A list of  speakers outside City Hall:

Heard three of the speakers before I had to leave:

What a difference a day makes. These soc/commie/progs are not the friendlies from the night before.

While Trump pushes people out of the country, de Blasio pushes people out of their homes and neighborhoods, all to benefit his political aspirations and ultra-rich developers. They are two sides of the same coin: both destroy immigrant families and communities of color.

We say no more to racism and displacement! Join us to demand Mayor de Blasio step down!

There was a list of demands:

1) End racism in city planning. Pass community-based “People First” plans like the Chinatown Working Group rezoning plan.

2) End public funding for luxury development, such as 421-a. Instead; use public resources to preserve and build more permanent low-income housing.

3) Stop privatization of public land and assets.

4) Mayor de Blasio and those in City Council who also collude with developers, step down.

Displacement. Selling blocks of real estate apartments – in lower economic communities – to build higher and higher 65 story replacements. They want the displacement to stop. The graft and payments to stop.

Seems ol’ Red Bill is a bit soiled and his fellow soc/commie/progs are not happy that this “Progressive” mayor remains in office.

Step Down de Blasio. The real estate developers are displacing NYC residents. (with the mayor’s blessing.) Racist rezoning is destroying immigrant families. That is why “Bill de Blasio must go!”  Now.

They do eat their own….Don’t they…

++ slide show from the rally++


++ pictures and videos are property of Pamela Hall ++

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Clash Of Cultures Fri, 24 Mar 2017 21:47:01 +0000 MARCH 4, 2017 was a busy, busy day.  March 4 Trump Rally at Trump Tower vs Standing Rock Anti Trump leftists at NYPL – 42nd st.

March4Trump Patriots gathered to Support Our President.

This is a Pro-America rally in support of our President and to show our American pride.
Wear your USA and Trump gear. Bring your American flags, signs and pride. This will be a peaceful rally
Standing Rock Climate Leftist Loons and their Comrades-in-arms

This was a National Uprising anti-Trump March

Six days before the national Rise with Standing Rock mobilization in Washington, DC, march on Trump Tower (on 5th avenue) to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline and its threat to the Standing Rock Sioux, their sacred lands and clean water. We will rally at 1:00 pm, then march at 2:00. The march will begin in front of the New York Public Library and go to Trump Tower and beyond.

Back to NYC. For me, it all began at 1 pm. 42nd St. N.Y. Public Library  at Fifth Ave. March 4th for Standing Rock.  It was COLD. Windy and very cold. But, no matter, there were many dedicated malcontents hanging around and waiting for the protest march to Trump Tower.

The march to Trump Tower was set to start at about 2 pm. While waiting, there was lots of music. In spite of the cold, the musicians seemed to manage.

Including a familiar pro-Trump patriot.

Never dull, visually. Donald Puppets, expected.

And disenchanted, brain-washed millennials like this mother and her dutiful spawn.

Always disappointed to see such sweet children sent down this path of global anti-Americanism.

The themes and complaints from the Leftists were many, as the slide show reveals:


Couldn’t walk with them – still dealing with my plantar churl – so bussed it to 56th street where I caught up with the March4Trump Rally.

Surprised to locate them at 57th street, a block from Trump Tower. The police had moved them further from the tower (and these are the GOOD guys!)

Scheduled from Noon to 3 pm, it was about 2:30, and they had a great group assembled. Diverse as always, NOT a group of WHITE supremacists, never.

Considering the COLD, and CONTRARY to the odd media count of only 125, this late in the rally I saw a healthy turnout. The March4Trumpers still filled the block.

They were in the midst of  a SPIRITED exchange with some anti-Trump stragglers (who obviously had not gone to the library).

The police kindly reminded the anti-Trumpers (who politely resisted) that they must go to their assigned location at 55th and Fifth. Slowly, they agreed to go back to 56th st., puppets and all.

From the NYPL on 42nd street, to 57th and Fifth, we found a LOUD show of support or resistance (depending on whose side they were on) with signs, shouting and cheering.

It was a civilized exit except for the rude finger-jabbing from this well-dressed “lady”. She very much enjoyed flipping-off the pro-Trumpers.

Becoming a bit shy once she saw my camera.

See Flickr side show of both sides  at Trump Tower


Typical of the left, their strolling musicians brought a bit of NOLA Mardi Gras to the scene. I must admit it was pleasing to the ear.

In conclusion, as I looked for media recaps, I found this report from the NY Post. It mentions the separation of the opposing factions before I arrived .

Pro and anti-Trump rallies collide at Trump Tower – NY Post

Pro-Trump picketers and anti-Trump protesters collided in Midtown Saturday, but there was no clashing beyond competing chants.

About 125 President Trump fans, many wearing Trump masks, flocked to Trump Tower, where they chanted “Build that wall!” and “USA.” Some carried signs that read “If you don’t like him, leave,” and “Jail Obama & Soros.”

A faction of 50 protesters met the Trump supporters at noon at the Fifth Avenue intersection. To the tune of “Frosty the Snowman,” they sang, “Donnie the con man.” They held signs with pictures of Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin that read “Investigate the Bromance.”

Cops separated and dispersed both groups after an hour.

Also, I found a video dealing with that relocation of the March4Trumpers

Pro-Trump Rally at Trump Tower

Happening Now: We're live from a pro-Trump rally at Trump Tower in NYC where people are supporting the "America First Agenda.”

Posted by BuzzFeed News on Saturday, March 4, 2017

Another day on the streets of Manhattan. The left never rests. Neither should we.
March on. March on.

++Pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall++ [except where designated]

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A Day With Sharia (Feminists Love Islamists) Tue, 14 Mar 2017 04:11:30 +0000 Part 2. March 8, 2017. Noon. 59th St. and 5th avenue. Read Part 1 >>here>>

The crowd was jammed around the stage, from all sides – no elbow room, sight-lines poor. A Day Without a Woman. Obscenely popular.
Amidst a sea of red and pink, a lot of foolish women worshiping at the altar of sharia-loving feminazis like Linda Sarsour. SAD. Cameras on all sides struggling to get a shot of Sarsour, whose pursuit of public office, Brooklyn Borough President or even Mayor NYC, looks more and more probable. They worship her. The Anti-Trump Women’s Movement Teams Up With Islamist Terrorist , Linda Sarsour, Islamist apologist and activist, a supporter of sharia law. Catching her speech and recording it was high on my bucket list. Sarsour always needs to be heard, not just seen. I had a difficult time filming Sarsour, with photographers crowded so tightly at the front of the stage, but what matters is that you hear every bloody word.

The gist is, Republicans=Bad. Some men=always bad, like melanin challenged Repubs, which makes, of course, America Bad.

After a couple of other speakers, I moved on. Forgetting there was a ‘march’ on the books, I focused on the crowd. By now it had swelled from 59th to 58th and across the avenue into Grand Army Plaza.
I wound up missing phase two: THE MARCH. Around 1:30 PM the sharia compliant feminazis marched arm-in-arm to Trump International Tower. Blocking the streets were Sarsour and approximately 12 of her minions [see Womens March Team Bios ].

They staged an arrest – see womens’ march twitter feed coming from INSIDE the paddy wagon.  Hard times? Really? I think not.

(Links below to more arrest coverage)

Huff Po :  Organizers Tamika Mallory, Carmen Perez and Linda Sarsour, co-chairs of January’s Women’s March on Washington, emerged from a police precinct exhausted but optimistic, greeted by a couple dozen activists who had waited to give them food and support. Police said 13 people were arrested. Also, Women’s March co-chair “Bob” Bland.

Free Beacon

The Fader

The Daily Wire

Back to the speakers portion of the protest/rally. I heard not a critical word from Sarsour or her comrade sisters-in-arms ( like Faiza Ali ,who spoke as well) about the horrors of sharia Law.


No one mentioned the abuses within ISLAMIC countries; heaped upon women, children, homosexuals (lesbians) and trans- genders.




PLAYLIST 3 Short Videos

Excerpted transcription from one video:

Hey, New York, what’s up? […. ] I stand before you as a girl from Brooklyn and Staten Island, NY. (cheers) […] Trump does not have respect for women but he also doesn’t know the POWER of women. Despite ATTEMPTS by Trump and Republicans to diminish women, we know our value and we know that America does not function without us. (cheers) We know that this GLOBE doesn’t function without us.

Two years ago when I visited Palestine, I had a woman tell me that women will be the leaders of the revolution because we’ve (sic) half the population and we ARE half the population. (cheers)

Today I strike for every woman, who like me, couldn’t pull together enough money to afford college and had to work a 9 to 5 job and a retail job. Or went in to massive debt because they had to pay to go to college.

I strike for every incarcerated (women) out there, because women are the fastest growing population behind bars and “enough is enough”.

I strike for every woman and every family torn apart by deportation. And for every (women) [sic] that we are less than men.

I strike for trans-women who keep on being murdered on our streets and I. Have Said. ENOUGH! There is a massive resistance movement that is growing. We are a part of it. But, we need to put our bodies on…

We need to stand, to stand-up for black women. We need to stand-up for Palestinian women. We need to stand-up for Southeast Asian women. We need to stand for ALL women. (CHEERS) Because equal pay is not just equal pay for white women (I love ya’ll) But, equal pay should be equal pay for ALL of us. And we should not go to sleep knowing that we can go home and…

So I leave you with this song. [Sarsour joins singing] “Ain’t gonna let know body turn us around. Turn us around. Turn us around. Ain’t gonna let nobody turn us around. We gonna keep on a-walkin’, keep on ta-alkin’, marchin’ on to Freedom Land.” Thank you, New York.

Nope. It’s all about this country. America: Bad. America, where individualism rules. (for now) Even obscenity is OKAY. (for now) America, a country where these privileged educated women can rant, without FEAR, about their imagined enemies. Spewing their fantastical version of abuse, while ignoring the real enemy of women, children AND men- of the free world: Global Islamic Terror . The  CRICKETS were very LOUD

If only they understood and cherished the country they live in. Where their privileged daughters will have the same good life as their privileged mothers. (As long as there is no sharia law.)
The next Generation will suffer? WHY?









Fools and Tools, are free to be you and me. No HUMAN RIGHTS denied, compliments of U.S. More signs to see in Flickr Slide Show


++Pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall++

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D-Day. May Day Photos and Coverage: Part I Wed, 04 May 2011 06:57:57 +0000

My apologies for beginning this entry with such a startlingly vulgar image, but I thought it appropriate to visually demonstrate the level of debate I encountered from open borders anarchists during the May Day rally held at Foley Square. These two characters-who obviously eschew fasting as a form of political protest-are from the very violent, yet strangely ineffectual, organization known as Antifa. They oppose what they describe as “fascism” by replicating the methods and tactics of brownshirts. More on them later.

I will begin our journey into the depths of Marxist inadequacy, however, chronologically. I, Joanna Marzullo, in addition to several members of her organization, New York Ice-as well as the inestimable Marinka Peschmann-began our counter-protest by situating ourselves across from Union Square, an historic gathering place for political demonstrations of all stripes from the time of the Civil War to our own confused political era.

As you might also notice, the message the organizers of this rally intended to send to the general public was incoherent, to say the least. In addition to those hailing the recent legal victory of notorious cop-killer Wesley Cook, as well as the rich political legacy of Fidel Castro’s favorite executioner, there were anti-war critics of President Obama-a consistent theme of this year’s events:

The union representing CUNY teachers:

Clinically obese supporters of one of Mexico’s most resonant fashion icons:

A curiously anachronistic, but nonetheless enthusiastic, group commemorating the service of America’s finest Stalinist mercenaries-probably veterans of the Spanish Civil War, now that I think of it.

And one man who held aloft a sign that I would have immediately classified as racist, had he not assured me he was no longer a member of the Tea Party.

There were also those generic Marxist-Leninists and anarcho-Communists whom we’ve all come to love and admire. Or at the very least, smirk at knowingly as they enter Starbucks to buy their Triple Mocha Latte.

Although by this point in my photo-essay you could be forgiven for assuming that the May Day rally in support of “immigration reform” and “labor” was actually an incoherent grab-bag of left wing fetishes, there were actually some indications-however nebulous-that at least a handful of people were actually aware of the purpose of the May 1st rally. This photograph, for instance, tries to evoke compassion for those poor anchor babies whose families are the victims of deportation raids. What makes the tableaux all the more unsettling is the fact that this young girl is obviously going to contribute greatly to American society through her peace activism, which hopefully will be more focused than that of the people who conceived of this event.

I also met perhaps the two most polite and civil protesters of the day, who also happen to be an inter-ethnic couple:

I don’t know whether that man’s Mexican husband is undocumented, but there is no denying that he has a distinctive fashion sense that Americans, at least those Americans at this particular May Day rally,  are sorely lacking. Interestingly enough, I met another man by the name of Scott Sanchez who is also married to an immigrant. In his case, a Scottish woman, which would explain the royal Scottish flag he was holding when I spoke with him for this website.

He was also extraordinarily civil. Unfortunately, he was the singular exception at the main protest rally held in Foley Square, which I shall explore in greater depth in tomorrow’s post. Keep watching for my thoughts on the Antifa theater of the absurd, as well as some pictures of respectable American citizens who want everyone to be equal under the law.

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