France – American-Rattlesnake Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Wed, 22 Mar 2017 22:15:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The New Normal Sun, 19 Mar 2017 13:39:05 +0000

For those of you under the misimpression that this weekend’s thwarted terror attack in France is an anomaly, Breitbart London has some sobering news. In a single 18 month span, over 230 people were murdered in jihadist attacks upon that country. And while most of us are aware of the horrors perpetrated in the Bataclan and the offices of Charlie Hebdo, few recall the many acts of terrorism which were prevented by well-trained security forces.

Perhaps, like Londoners, residents of cities like Toulouse, Marseilles, and Paris will just have to adapt to the new normal…if you can call it that.

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All Politics Is Local (The Daily Rattle) Wed, 08 Mar 2017 17:34:53 +0000

-We begin today’s rattle with an interesting story about an Indian-or Muslim, depending upon PR needs of the open borders squad-athlete who was ushered into this country by our very own Senator Chuck Schumer. Unfortunately, this gifted sportsman is also a sex offender. Perhaps this isn’t quite as bad as having an alien interning for your office who is also a registered sex offender, but it does make you question the collective wisdom of our Democratic friends in Congress. Maybe we shouldn’t be taking their advice, vis-a-vis, controversial immigration decisions made by the Executive branch.

-In a reminder that there are actually rational people living in The People’s Republic of Vermont, the voters of Rutland have just turned out their incumbent mayor, Chris Louras, after he attempted to deluge their town with Muslim refugees from Syria and Iraq. While ignoring the public’s deep discontent with our government’s refugee resettlement programs-when not imputing racism and bigotry to Americans who express reservations about these schemes-is the norm, even the alternative weekly was forced to concede the enormous political consequences of this decision.

-For those of you who were wondering whatever happened to the thousands of unaccompanied minors who were allowed to enter into this country, wonder no more. According to an in-depth backgrounder from the Center for Immigration Studies, our government has absolutely no clue what it’s doing. While over 80 percent of their sponsors are illegal aliens, 44 percent of the UACs in question were ordered deported. Have the vast majority of these children been deported? Of course not, silly!

-You may ask yourself, “Why is this important?” It’s a good question. After all, it’s not as if these individuals will bring brutal Central American inter-gang warfare to the placidity of our nation’s suburbs, right? Well, I have some bad news for you on that score. It turns out that Latin American gangs, including MS-13, one of the most prolific and ruthless criminal networks in the Western Hemisphere, has actually established a pretty firm beachhead in our own backyard. Naturally, almost all of these gangbangers are criminal aliens. In an ironic twist, the moniker of the man who made an abortive attempt to unify the Mara Salvatrucha within the United States is, you guessed it, Dreamer.

-For those of you who think Europe’s approach to immigration is any less self-defeating and preposterous than the United States, I give you France. A nation where municipal authorities in Calais are attempting to prevent thousands of migrants from recreating the notorious refugee camp known as The Jungle. The biggest proponents of turning The Camp of the Saints into reality are, of course, other Europeans who believe Western civilization is uniquely evil. The ostensible plight of migrants from the third world is simply a cudgel with which the Gramscian left-with the help of corporate bean counters-can beat native Europeans into submission.

-After all, what are a few dozen, or a few hundred, honor killings in the grand scheme of things? Is the systemic dehumanization and murder of girls in nations which were responsible for the idea of religious toleration and freedom of conscience too high a price to pay for erecting the beautiful mosaic? When bad whites are saying intemperate, obnoxious things about people who are off-white, doesn’t that negate their entire philosophical worldview?  Even if that perspective is confirmed multiple times every single day?

-Everyone knows that the real reason millions of Muslims across the world support ISIS, Al Qaeda, and similar jihadist networks is because there isn’t enough inclusion in Hollywood casting decisions. See, the real villain isn’t Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. It’s those bastards who refused to green light an all-Muslim reboot of Star Trek!

-The cognitive dissonance at work in the mind of an an open borders leftist must be overpowering. They want to live in a high-trust, quasi-collectivist techno-utopia-along the lines of something created by Gene Roddenberry-yet simultaneously support policies which make this already far-fetched goal virtually impossible. The mentality of a social justice warrior in high dudgeon can be found in this VICE piece, which laments the role homeless shelters have been playing in the deportation of migrants. The traditional liberal concern for the working class and the poor is discarded when it conflicts with the categorical imperative, i.e. preserving diversity. The spiritual hollowness and intellectual vapidity of this type of leftist ‘thinking’ was brilliantly and caustically skewered by George Orwell nearly a century ago. It’s good to know that some things haven’t changed all that much.

-I’d like to leave you on a good note, so here’s some refreshing news to come out of Austria. 8 Iraqi men have been convicted of the gang rape of a tourist. Unlike the Middle Eastern cab driver in Halifax who was, to all intents and purposes, high-fived by a Nova Scotia judge for raping an unconscious passenger, these rapists were actually given (relatively) stiff prison sentences. What’s more, we’ve discovered that these horrific incidents actually constitute an anomaly within the Islamic immigrant community.

Migrants and refugees from other countries expressed concern that the crime will make Austrians hostile toward all newcomers.

“Eight people raping a woman — that’s honor-less! Such a thing doesn’t exist in our religion,” Burhan Akbas, a migrant from Turkey, said.

“When such people come here and screw up like that, then everybody will think that Chechens, Afghans, all refugees from war areas are all the same,” Mansur Salamou, an asylum-seeker from Chechnya, said. “But it’s not like that. For example, the majority of us — we also cause problems, commit crimes. But no rape! Only criminal assaults and robberies.”

See, Europeans?! You only have to worry about being assaulted and robbed by the millions of North African and Middle Eastern refugees and migrants making their way towards Europe. What a relief.



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Trump Is Right About Gay Paree Sat, 25 Feb 2017 16:15:32 +0000  

Author: Mikael Marguerie. Anti-Sarkozy Protest. Place de la Bastille, Paris, France. May 6, 2007

Of European cities which have been irrevocably transformed by mass migration from the Muslim world, Paris does not rank at the top of the list. A quarter of its population isn’t Muslim, like the gang-infested, crime-ridden former port city of Marseille, nor a fifth, like the jihadist hotbed of Roubaix. However, the outraged reaction of Francois Hollande, the lame duck prime minister of France, to President Trump’s remarks at CPAC is laughable when you consider the fact that officials in Paris have had to erect an 8 ft. wall of reinforced glass in order to protect that city’s most recognizable symbol. Leaving aside the fact that Parisiens have to endure a police state that has no parallels in post-war France, a situation prompted by the threat posed by the 6 million Muslims who reside in that country-as well as the millions more who live in neighboring nations like Belgium and Germany-there is the inescapable difference between the Paris of today and the Paris of only a few decades ago.

Why would an ordinary American want to visit a city, however beautiful certain parts may be, where hundreds of Muslims are able to shut down entire blocks of pedestrian traffic-as well as local businesses-while they publicly pray? As gauche as this may be to say in the current year, people visit European capitals to discover the roots of Western civilization, not witness inter-tribal warfare or the Islamic conquest of a once great civilization. The fact that over three-quarters of the victims of terrorist attacks in France have fallen in the 21st century should give astute observers a clue as to the trajectory of that country’s future. Whatever you may think of President Trump, or the reliability of unsourced anecdotes, the notion that the Paris of today is the jewel of Europe, that the decades of unstinting Muslim migration from the third world haven’t permanently transformed France from the nation it once was, beggars belief. Perhaps undiluted multiculturalism, open borders in perpetuity, and the gradual erosion of natural rights in the name of accommodating the world’s “fastest-growing religion” is something that you favor, but don’t try to pretend that this is not what we’re witnessing.

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Passing Through Sun, 29 Jan 2017 17:22:21 +0000  Aerial image of John F. Kennedy International Airport in Queens, New York, United States. April 8, 1994 Author: United States Geological Survey

As most of you probably know, a federal judge has blocked portions of President Trump’s executive order pertaining to refugees from 7 Muslim majority nations. Josh Blackman has published a good summary of what this injunction accomplishes, as well as a copy of the temporary restraining order itself. According to reports, it applies to a few hundred foreigners who were either on American soil or on their way to the United States before the EO was issued. Although these individuals have temporary avoided the fate of the character portrayed by Tom Hanks in The Terminal, it’s worth noting that there are much bigger issues at stake in this debate.

The open borders know nothings have deftly exploited the ignorance of large swathes of the American public to score a public relations victory against a man whom they’ve impotently warred against for over a year. Ironically, one of the refugees Democratic partisans claimed to be rescuing was able to succinctly explain why our new President’s immigration policies were in fact pretty reasonable. Beyond the simple observation that this executive order is not a ban on Muslim refugees, we have to confront the truly bizarre notion that our current refugee resettlement policy is somehow beneficial to American citizens. While some armchair analysts on social media have made the assertion that this is not the point of refugee resettlement-a point on which we agree-others have claimed that not importing tens of thousands of Muslim refugees from abroad poses a risk of future terrorism. By this token, Japan-which has a de facto ban on Muslim immigration-should be as unlivable as Afghanistan or Pakistan. Or, at the very least, have as many terrorist attacks as Turkey.

It’s a patently absurd suggestion, yet one which is repeated without shame by open borders apologists who have no rational justification for our country’s bizarre refugee resettlement program. Just as the beliefs of Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande-two European leaders who have presided over an unprecedented spree of Muslim terror within their countries-is a laughable excuse to invite in potential security risks, so to is the misguided notion that we’re creating terrorists by not letting potential terrorists onto American soil. Nearly half of the refugees admitted to the United States, and over 30% of those admitted since the 9/11 attacks, are Muslim. To comprehend why this is such a problem you need only scroll through a week’s worth of posts on Refugee Resettlement Watch.

Leaving aside the potential for terrorism-both domestically and abroad-exploitation of the welfare system, and crime, there’s the fundamental incompatibility of cultures. As the economist Nassim Taleb has pointed out, Americans expect foreigners who come here to accept American values and customs-and at a bare minimum, not to impose their values upon us. Whether or not this is a realistic expectation is another matter, but the idea that every person coming here does so because they want to become part of American society-a notion regurgitated endlessly by open borders advocates-is simply preposterous.

Even those who don’t pose a direct threat to the health and safety of American citizens-who don’t engage in honor killings, as dozens of Muslims families in the United States do each year-hold beliefs that are fundamentally at odds with those which shaped this nation. While those views are normal in Iraq, Somalia, or Syria, they are not in the United States, and we should not attempt to normalize them-to borrow a phrase from the unhinged left. President Trump’s order, however crudely executed, was the right thing to do. Hopefully, it’s just the beginning of a completely new approach to this vital issue.





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Just Say No (The European Invasion) Fri, 25 Nov 2016 20:43:08 +0000

Pat Condell is back with a new video, and not a moment too soon! Even as the French presidential election heats up, the reasons why Marine Le Pen and the National Front exist have been thrown into sharp relief. As the BBC reports, 5 Islamic jihadists currently in custody were planning a major terror attack in Paris before they were apprehended. While the executive branch continues to enjoy extraordinary powers, and French citizens continue to live in fear, the continental experiment in coercive multiculturalism and open borders proceeds apace.

The monsters at the European Commission continue to devise new, insidious ways of thwarting the will of the European people, the ruling class continues its efforts to imprison courageous individuals whose only crime is telling the truth, and the woman who welcomed the latest Islamic invasion of Europe continues to rule with an iron fist.

Just as the UK and America have awoken from their deep slumber, so too must Europeans arise and acknowledge the existential threat posed by the globalists currently in charge of their continent’s future. Europeans need to assert their birthright and put an end to the tyranny exercised by those who would seek the destruction of their way of life.


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Europe’s Rightward March Mon, 21 Nov 2016 19:21:52 +0000 Prime Minister François Fillon at the 6th World Water Forum Author: Rama

Update: A thoughtful leftist analyzes the 1st round of France’s election. 

The first round of primary voting for Les Républicains is complete and it looks like Nicolas Sarkozy’s bid to return to the Élysée Palace is over. For those of you who are Marine Le Pen fans, this might appear to be bad news, although the coronation of her presumptive opponent by European media seems a bit premature. The truth is that this result makes her path to victory more difficult, since it eliminates a scenario which diversity-enamored, Islam-friendly socialists would have found untenable. Namely, allow someone who promises to take a sledgehammer to their multiculturalist paradise to become president of France, or vote for a man whom the left has spent the past decade demonizing, despite his French-like qualities.

The prospect of facing a socially conservative, economically liberal opponent with none of the political baggage of the former president, nor the anchor of paternalistic Europhile liberalism, is a daunting prospect for Le Pen. Whether or not she’ll be able to overcome the obstacles in her path-should she face Fillon later this year, remains to be seen. What is beyond dispute, however, is that France-like much of Europe and North America-has grown tired of the left’s solutions to problems that it had a hand in creating.

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The Utility Of Nations Sun, 06 Nov 2016 15:56:55 +0000 Sir_Henry_Raeburn_-_Portrait_of_Sir_Walter_Scott

Breathes there a man with soul so dead, 

Who never to himself has said,

This is my own, my native land!

-Sir Walter Scott

Unfortunately for the rest of us, these men-or women, in the case of Angela Merkel-are the ones effectively controlling Western civilization, or what remains of it at any rate. From Scotland to Sweden, which is now the rape capital of the West, the people entrusted with protecting the borders of their nations view the very concept of national sovereignty with derision. Although the political class deserves the lion’s share of the blame for this state of affairs, we can’t exonerate government bankrolled religious profiteering and cultural conditioning.

On the bright side, there is a growing awareness among the public at large that this is not working. What’s more, the people in Europe, North America, and Australia are increasingly willing to voice their dissent from the multicultural, open borders consensus that’s dominated the politics of their countries for the past half-century. Even though the current crop of patriotic candidates might not succeed, they’ve laid the groundwork for future resistance to the dangerous, multi-decade experiment which has led the West to the brink of disaster. And for that, they deserve our gratitude.







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Taste The Rainbow Sun, 25 Sep 2016 15:54:51 +0000  Skittles Louisiana-2003 Author: PiccoloNamek from en. Wikipedia

Although overshadowed by your regularly scheduled terror attacks, as well as pre-debate effluvia, the media’s attempt to turn Donald Trump Jr.’s recent tweet into a cause célèbre for smug leftists is worth examining in detail.  While some right wing pundits pointed out the similarity between his Skittles metaphor and a feminist-inspired meme involving a different chewy candy, the actual root of this analogy is the precautionary principle, a deeply flawed approach to risk management. The idea being that the introduction of a new  product or process whose impact is unknown or disputed should be resisted.

The problem is that the United States-and the West in general-has  served as a treatment group for the effects of Islam for well over half a century. We already have an extensive body of data points which demonstrate that randomly dispersing skittles across the non-candy fruited plain is a terrible idea in practice. And even if you subscribe to the bizarre notion that experiencing a major terrorist attack every 4-6 months is an acceptable risk to ensure vibrant diversity, somehow forgetting that this is a deliberate, unnecessary risk introduced by our government, you’re making the assumption that this potential danger will remain static in perpetuity.

The people who want to flood our communities with Skittles fail to appreciate the fact that these risks will only increase the more this country is filled with Skittles-and there is never the hint of a suggestion that we decrease either the quantity or the percentage of increase in the future. I’m sure the French once believed that welcoming emigres from their former colonies in Africa was a swell idea. Several decades later, more than half the prison population of that country is comprised of Muslims and their jails have become small scale replicas of ISIS training camps. The same holds true for the UK, as well as every other Western European nation with a significant Muslim population.

If you want to get a picture of how this translates to the United States, take a look at Oregon, where there are now over 70 active terrorism investigations according to the FBI. There are over a thousand probes into individuals with possible links to the Islamic State, a single global terror network. Is it any wonder that jihadists are winning the intelligence war when we’ve armed them with the most precious weapon of all, i.e. access to our shores and our people?

Yet we have to endure the censorious lectures of bloated UN leeches who believe that the problem isn’t the gross ingratitude of the West’s guests, but the handful of public figures willing to point out this unpleasant reality. The problem we’re facing is not a handful of cyanide-laced skittles. It’s a civilization having skittles, which they were never allowed to refuse, forced down its throat year after year. Forget about theoretical poisons. What if we simply don’t like skittles? What if we find skittles sickening, and get nauseous when we eat them? What if eating an endless supply of skittles ruins your dental health?

Shouldn’t we be allowed to decline junk food?




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Today In Multiculturalism Wed, 07 Sep 2016 14:36:02 +0000 High altar of Notre Dame de Paris. Descent from the Cross, sculpture by Nicolas Coustou with a relief by François Girardon, surrounded by the kneeling statues of Louis XIII on the right (by Guillaume Coustou) and of Louis XIV on the left (Antoine Coysevox). Author: Myrabella  February 14, 2013

It would appear that  a car packed with explosives was just found outside of Notre Dame cathedral. Hasn’t someone told the owner of this vehicle that attempting to perpetrate a mass atrocity is not in keeping with the tenets of true Islam? Where do people get these crazy notions that trying to murder hundreds of innocent people with explosives is somehow sanctioned by the Koran, or that Islam is not a religion of peace?

You don’t get to be the fastest growing religion through violent coercion and terror plots, after all. Someone needs to send this poor, deluded individual a copy of Reza Aslan’s latest work before the rest of us begin to get the wrong impression of our new Muslim neighbors.

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Sudden Jihadi Syndrome Strikes again Sat, 20 Aug 2016 14:40:26 +0000 218px-Blason_Strasbourg.svg

Update: Stop carping about your subjugation, you nasty Islamophobe

This time in France, a nation where 200 people have been murdered-some after undergoing indescribable torture-and over 800 people maimed in the past year alone. Just as previous generations pondered important questions, e.g. is it live, or is it Memorex? So too we have to repeatedly ask ourselves, is it Islam or insanity? Does it really matter to the past or future victims of Islamic rage? We shouldn’t be asking why they hate us, we should be asking why they are still here. Also, what sort of collective psychosis produces pictures such as the one accompanying this article? The fact that there are soldiers and policemen protecting mosques while the men who worship within them systematically murder helpless Europeans symbolizes how besieged Western civilization is at the moment.

The fact that the vast majority of citizens in countries like Germany now recognize that Islam does not belong in their country might be reassuring if their rulers cared about their lives and concerns, but there is absolutely no indication that they do. In fact, quite the opposite. Europe is now led by men and women whose chief response to this ongoing terror is to deny reality. Don’t expect these people to acknowledge the dreadful mistake they’ve made, a mistake which condemns hundreds of millions of Europeans to a bleak future dominated by fear and despair. The invasion will proceed until the people of Europe decide to stand up to this new form of multiculturalist despotism and stand against the sort of vibrant diversity which asks them to surrender their fundamental values.





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