American-Rattlesnake » Al Qaeda Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Mon, 19 Oct 2015 19:30:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Children of the Corn Sun, 11 Oct 2015 05:06:36 +0000 G. Perry  439px-Angela_Merkel_Security_Conference_February_2015_(cropped)

It seems that Mama Merkel should have reconsidered before deciding to invite an army of Islamic males from the Middle East to nest in the middle of Central Europe. Piers Akerman explores the fallout from what will surely go down as one of the most egregiously stupid decisions to be made by a German government since the downfall of the Third Reich.

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The Thursday Afternoon Massacre Fri, 09 Oct 2015 06:02:23 +0000 G. Perry Kevin_McCarthy

After much speculation, and devastating comments from his colleagues, the heir apparent is heir no longer. In what will henceforth be known as the briefest Speakership to be since the ignominious resignation of Congressman Bob Livingston, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy has decided to forgo his candidacy. Naturally, this means that the race will be postponed until Barack Obama’s Mini-Me has found a suitable shill to thwart the goals of conservatives, i.e. the people who are responsible for the current Republican leadership being enthroned.

Of course, the people who brought you Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush are never short of terrible ideas, so keep your eyes on this space for future developments.


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Ted Kennedy’s Shameful Legacy Mon, 05 Oct 2015 08:02:24 +0000 G. Perry 320px-EdwardKennedyUSSTheodoreRooseveltFeb1987

Although the law which fundamentally transformed this nation does not bear his name, the late Senator Edward Kennedy was one of the chief architects of legislation which unleashed the tsunami of unfettered immigration, the effects of which we will be dealing with for many generations to come. Like almost every bill or momentous policy supported by a member of the Kennedy clan, this drastic alteration of America’s traditional system of immigration was predicated upon lies. 

First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same … Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset … Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia … In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.

A cursory examination of reports and press releases from the Census Bureau or Bureau of Labor Statistics, or simply a stroll through Little Mogadishu , demonstrates the sophistry used so skillfully by the supporters of the ’65 Immigration and Nationality Act. Journalist Julia Hahn has dissected some of the most baleful effects of this law over at Breitbart, which has distinguished itself for its insightful, unvarnished and fact-based analysis of this subject in recent years. If only the rest of the Fourth Estate acted as responsibly, perhaps we’d have a much different country.

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Stand With Pam (And Against Totalitarianism) Fri, 15 May 2015 04:13:00 +0000 G. Perry je-suis-geller-496x337

One of the tools the global jihad attempts to use against the West is the imposition of economic and fiscal costs-to the point of bankruptcy-upon its targets. Al Qaeda and the Islamic State, as well as their affiliates throughout the world, have made it clear that they seek to not only impose psychological terror but financial privation upon their intended victims. For those who want to get an idea of just how costly it is to protect yourself and your family from the rampaging armies of Allah, I suggest reading Joseph Anton, the beautiful memoir written by Salman Rushdie which explores the years he was forced to live in hiding for unknowingly offending the tender sensibilities of the Caliphate.

There is no question that Pamela Geller and her colleagues in the anti-jihadist movement face similar economic burdens as they stand up to the most grave threat Western civilization has faced since the fall of the Third Reich. Read Pamela’s defiant response to those savages who would not only threaten her life but deprive her of her livelihood simply because she refuses to embrace dhimmitude. Then, if you have the means and the inclination, help defray some of the enormous expenses that are being incurred defending the life of this patriotic woman, who has more courage in one of her pinky fingers than exists in that glass monstrosity located on 8th Avenue.

Send your tax-deductible donation via Paypal to — go here. 

Or send to:

1040 1st Ave. #121
New York, NY 10022


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Je Suis Geller Sat, 09 May 2015 06:20:31 +0000 G. Perry Pamela Geller

Update: The incomparable Mark Steyn has returned with a brilliant column laying out the stakes. 

At the risk of self-plagiarism, I’ll repeat a status update I posted the other day to my Facebook profile in relation to the attempted massacre of innocent Americans taking part in a Constitutionally protected assembly earlier this week in Garland, Texas. I think it encapsulates the feelings of many towards the Fourth Estate as it’s currently constituted.

I really can’t think of a more undeservedly self-satisfied, useless collection of human beings than contemporary journalists. If this were Golgrafrincham, they would be sent out into the void of space on the B ark, along with parking enforcement agents and professional landscapers.

If anything, I think I’m underestimating the cravenness and solipsism of a class of people who have bastardized their vocation to the point where it not only refuses to perform its assumed role-namely, provide an accurate and reliable account of news events-but has actually mutated into a vehicle for the mass diffusion of blatant lies. Incapable of actually reporting the news, these ostensible reporters have now decided to craft narratives that exonerate themselves from their failures of duty and nerve. The apogee of cowardice, naturally, took the form of an editorial in the New York Times, a publication whose pusillanimity and rigid devotion to multiculturalist dogma has evolved beyond parody by this point.

To get a broader, if not comprehensive, look at how this country’s intrepid journalists treated a domestic terror assault against our nation’s first freedom, I would recommend reading James Taranto’s brilliant fisking of the news media’s treatment of the abortive Garland massacre in his Best of the Web column. These moral and intellectual eunuchs expose themselves with each public word, but we still need to call them to account and point out just how despicable their actions are. How inimical they are to their chosen profession, and how at odds their warped world view is with this nation’s legal and political cornerstones. For that, Mr. Taranto deserves our gratitude.



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Deep Water Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:57:43 +0000 G. Perry BainbridgeTribute

Even as the usual suspects beat their compassionate breasts in the wake of the latest drowning of migrants in the Mediterranean Sea, there are some political figures who are willing to speak the unvarnished truth. One of them is UKIP leader Nigel Farage, who has correctly pointed out that it was the Franco-Anglo-American attack upon Libya which spawned  these “tragedies.” Although not entirely responsible for these disasters at sea, it should be noted that bribing the late despot Moammar Gadhafi was a more effective deterrent to these catastrophes than providing Al Qaeda in North Africa with its own reliable air force. 

Personally, I think a much more effective policy than paying the Dane geld to kleptocratic African or Middle Eastern feeder states, or reestablishing the rescue operations that encourage further invasion of the European continent, would be taking a cue from our Founding Fathers. After all, notwithstanding the beatific description of these individuals used by every media organization of note, they are not migrants, they are pirates, and  the destruction of the vessels these ostensible refugees are using before they imperil their own lives and the lives of others would be the prudent course of action. At least, from a rational point of view, which doesn’t seem to prevail among the global brain trust tasked with finding a solution to this problem.

Perhaps we need more ritualistic massacres of Christians by these down trodden migrants before the matter of preemption is raised. I would recommend that Prime Minister Renzi, the head of the Holy See, and others so eager to extend the hospitality of Europe to these uninvited guests read a certain book before proceeding to endorse policies that will undoubtedly worsen an already untenable situation.



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To See And Speak The Truth Thu, 15 Jan 2015 18:39:56 +0000 G. Perry
mohammed dendermonde Taken from Brussels Journal

The latest issue of Charlie Hebdo has finally hit the streets of France, no doubt displeasing genocidal Islamic sociopaths and their culturally Marxist, Islamophilic SJW sympathizers alike. The depth of fear of the poisonous, warped ideology which has paralyzed the gatekeepers of power is on full display, as the contemptible reaction of this Sky News anchor demonstrates. As James Kirkpatrick so succinctly puts it, this comes down to either identity or extinction.

It’s readily apparent which side the Kultursmog has chosen in this debate. One need look no further than a pathetic, cringing New York Times article praising the foresight of the overseers of the Appellate Division Courthouse, who removed a statue of Mohammed at the behest of a group of third world, Islamic backwaters during renovations in 1955. Reading that piece reminded me of nothing so much as the craven nature of the townsfolk in the classic episode of The Twilight Zone It’s A Good Life, who are cowered into submission to the will of a deranged, sadistic child with supernatural powers. 

Thankfully, the people who are bombarded by these messages have retained both their dignity and their hostility to an ideology responsible for a host of outrages both past and present. The most welcome development in this respect being the grassroots, spontaneous East German civic movement known as Pegida, which has drawn character assassinations from even the current chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. Just like their slightly  more earthy counterparts in the anti-Islamization movement, these men and women are revolting against the totalitarian mindset which animates both Islam and the state-worshipping EUrocracy which has colonized public life on the European continent.

As exasperating and predictable as the reaction by the Mesozoic news media has been, we can’t ignore the organic, courageous response of individuals like those who comprise the membership of Pegida, or the steely determination of the writers and artists who continue to publish Charlie Hebdo, even as lickspittles and cowards who pose as journalists try to silence them. My faith in humanity dictates that these truth-tellers are the ones who are writing the first draft of history.




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Cowardice, Not Compassion Fri, 09 Jan 2015 05:44:25 +0000 G. Perry

Update: As promised by Brit Hume, Fox News has republished the offending cartoons. If you’re waiting expectantly for other drive-by media to follow suit, don’t hold your breath. There’s only one religion in contemporary society whose mockery is verboten

Mark Steyn, as usual, cuts to the heart of the matter. The refusal by almost every North American media outlet of consequence-with one glaring exception-to republish the cartoons of Charlie Hebdo-like their choice to ban the Jyllands-Posten Mohammed caricatures, is an example of cowardice. This is a decision motivated by base, craven fear, masquerading as a sop to Muslim sensibilities. That said, the decision by most European newspapers to republish those same satirical cartoons shouldn’t be seen as an indication that the continental media have any firmer grasp of what’s at stake, as the  groupthink denunciation of grassroots anti-Islamization campaigns, as well as of those political figures who’ve criticized the multicultural ideology that contributed to Wednesday’s massacre, makes clear. The consistent obfuscation of who is responsible for the series of horrific anti-Semitic violence being but one example of how muddled the Fourth Estate’s evaluation of Islam’s relationship to the West is.

Unfortunately, I think that Steyn has hit upon a difficult truth to digest. The journalists who were assassinated by jihadists in Paris were not simply irreplaceable in terms of their unique talent for clarifying the relationship described above. They were irreplaceable in a much more immediate, practical sense. There are only so many people willing to place themselves in the crosshairs of the perpetually aggrieved religion before our reserve of martyrs is exhausted. And then, notwithstanding the faux solidarity of people who posture as journalists, the terrorists really will have won.
h/t Gates of Vienna.


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Live Coverage Of The Pakistani School Massacre Tue, 16 Dec 2014 14:30:26 +0000 G. Perry via The Guardian

One teacher was allegedly immolated in front of his students. Sadly, this is not the largest loss of a life in a jihadist assault against schoolchildren. I can’t say that I disagree with those who feel Islamed out at the moment.

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Texas Insider: Lamar Smith Discusses Fast and Furious, Amnesty, and Obamacare Fri, 10 Oct 2014 04:38:30 +0000 G. Perry  

A great interview of someone charged with oversight of Barack Obama’s increasingly lawless presidency. Unfortunately, as the latest decision regarding Eric Holder and the Justice Department’s response to Fast and Furious makes clear, even as the White House’s defiance of the law grows, the options we have for holding it accountable are not optimal. While the President has conceded that his decision to delay expanding upon his unconstitutional administrative amnesty is merely a political expedient intended to help Democrats salvage the upcoming congressional elections, Chairman Smith’s pairing of this outrageous plan against the continuing conflict Syria is an interesting juxtaposition. 

I suggest you listen to this illuminating interview in full to get an idea of what Obama & Co. have planned for us in the upcoming months. 


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