Comments on: Holding Their Feet To The Fire Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Tue, 02 Jul 2013 12:47:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: george george Thu, 18 Apr 2013 23:44:50 +0000 To begin with these ( 8 ) wannabe senators wouldn,t make one good pimple on a good republican senators ass, not a one of them could find his ass with both hands. I had high hopes for rubio, but its evident that though a good speaker, he is as simple as one gets, any a-hole stupid enough to pony up with the likes of schumer, or durben, and mccain has his head so far up his ass, it would take a mack truck to pull it out. And my fellow patriots, wasn,t mccain, while in a pow camp interrogated by the russians, being a vet from the nam era, I remember a cloud that fellowed him, menendez, we all know what menendez wants, the other two, ones attached at the hip with mccain, and the other is still wet behind the ears, and is lost. These anul treasonist sob,s need to find the nearest tree, but what can you say puppets to the daddy barry, old day treason trail for all involved. God bless america, and my fellow patriots, We the people have spoken. NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD MEN AND WOMEN TO COME TO THE AID OF ARE COUNTRY. True american, lock and load, its time to saddle up my friends.
