Comments on: The Fugees Immigration News, Analysis, and Activism Thu, 11 May 2017 00:02:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sharold DeLilah Kelly Sun, 29 Jul 2012 08:19:53 +0000 One Of The Worst Burdens On EARTH!

By: Father Santiago Thu, 26 Jan 2012 13:05:32 +0000 “Refugees” is just a term and it does not mean what used to mean. The fraud in the refugee racket is unbelieveable and with the millions of dollars in Fed Govt funding, the Catholic, Jewish and Lutheran groups keep sopping up the money and dumping people in the USA who really don’t belong here.
Remember that None of the Yemeni Jews recently brought in as “refugees” really was a refugee. State Dept people are still (quietyly) very angry about it.
My sense is that the Jews in Ramapo , New York needed more votes to get their way regards school district matters against the black community in Ramapo. And the easiest way to do it was to increase the voters on their side. And that is why the Orthodox jews in Ramapo forced through getting the Yemeni jews into their town in the USA.

By: Tremley Sat, 14 Jan 2012 13:28:25 +0000 Here are some of the Somali immigrants showing their love to the USA by attacking USA citizens.
Somali Muslims Changing a Small Town (Shelbyville,TN)
Here is a article about how Tyson chicken in Shelbtville,TN got rid of the paid Holiday of Labor day and replaced it with the Muslim celebration of Eid al-Fitr.

Read more:,2933,397645,00.html#ixzz1jRG2lu47
